
jiǎng shǎng
  • reward;prize;award;recognition;accolade;spur
奖赏 [jiǎng shǎng]
  • [spur] 用金钱或物品奖励优胜者或有功人员

奖赏[jiǎng shǎng]
  1. 陆军上士Giunta是第八个获得荣誉勋章的人。这是对在阿富汗和伊朗服役的军人的最高奖赏。

    Staff Sergeant Giunta is the eighth person to receive the Medal of Honor . It is the military 's highest award for service in Afghanistan and Iran .

  2. 顾客的满意,将是我们最高的奖赏;

    The customer 's satisfaction , will be our supreme award ;

  3. 她为公司忠诚服务了40年,因而获得奖赏。

    She was rewarded for her 40 years ' faithful service with the company .

  4. 凡能为找回丢失的钻石提供线索者可获奖赏。

    There is a reward for information leading to the recovery of the missing diamonds .

  5. 这款游戏有各种挑战、刺激和奖赏。

    This game had its challenges , excitements and rewards .

  6. 此举被视为是对在本月初一场军营叛变中表现忠心不贰的军队的奖赏。

    This is seen as a reward for the army 's loyalty during a barracks revolt earlier this month .

  7. 享受追求过程中的刺激的人们清楚,奖赏和钻石一样,是值得为之一搏的。

    People who adore the thrill of the chase know that prizes , like diamonds , are worth striving for .

  8. 他积极努力,应得到奖赏。

    He deserves a reward for his efforts .

  9. 他因学习成绩优秀而受到奖赏。

    He was awarded a prize for excellence in his studies .

  10. 这家公司得到各种展览会的奖赏。

    The company received awards from various exhibitions .

  11. 这位职员因工作勤勉而得到了奖赏。

    The clerk was rewarded for his industry .

  12. 他那感激的微笑是对我最大的奖赏。

    His thankful smile was the hugest reward for me .

  13. 人具有自由意志。否则,劝告、赞扬、命令、禁规、奖赏和惩罚都将是徒劳的

    Men has free choice . Otherwise counsels , exhortations , commands , prohibitions , rewards and punishments would be in vain .

  14. 香槟是我胜利时赢得的奖赏,失败时寻求的慰藉。——

    I drink Champagne when I win , to celebrate ; And I drink Champagne when I lose , to console myself .

  15. 一会儿,又把一石赤豆放在东门外,说谁能把它搬到西门去,将给予同样的奖赏。

    After a while , he put a dan ( an ancient Chinese unit of measurement1 ) of beans outside the east gate , and said whoever moved this to the west gate would get the same rewards .

  16. 魏国的百姓都不相信有这样的轻松事,过了很久才有一个人来扛,吴起立即兑现了奖赏。

    The people of the state of Wei did not believe that there would be such a good thing . Only after a long time did a person come to do this . Wu Qi gave him the rewards immediately .

  17. 而这里的每一个房间,也早已经留下了她得到BOSS奖赏时那天真烂漫的笑声。

    And here 's one for every room , and she had already left BOSS be rewarded when that day really brilliant laugh .

  18. 自然界中没有奖赏和惩罚,只有因果报应。&英国作家瓦谢尔HA

    In nature there are no rewards or punishments ; there are consequences . & H. A. Vachell , British writer

  19. 财务奖赏:乔伯斯在APPLE公司的报酬非常少&他的年薪只有一美元,这就足够使他的家人参加健康计划。

    Financial reward : His Apple rewards are minimal & a salary of one dollar a year so that his family is eligible for the health plan .

  20. 举例来说,如果业务上奖赏修复bug和救火的行为&人们就会因此去制造bug,四处点火。

    For example the business that rewards bug fixing and fire fighting – produces people who write bugs and start fires .

  21. 为2006个MTV电影奖赏的被提名者和种类今天被宣布。

    The nominees and categories for the2006 MTV Movie Awards were announced today .

  22. 平均奖赏MDP的在策略无模型激励学习算法

    On-Policy Modeless Reinforcement Learning Algorithms for Average - Payoff MDPs

  23. 强化学习是一种无监督的机器学习技术,能够利用不确定的环境奖赏发现最优的行为序列,实现动态环境下的在线学习,因此被广泛用于Agent的智能决策。

    Reinforcement learning is an unsupervised learning technology , by which the agent can find optimal behavior sequence and perform on-line learning . So reinforcement learning is recognized as an ideal technology to construct intelligent agent .

  24. 休斯敦市长发起的绿色办公室挑战(GreenOfficeChallenge)项目,利用该市企业的好胜心,促使它们争相减少能源使用。项目优胜者仅有的奖赏就是政府的认可,可能还有一点现金奖励。

    The mayor 's Green Office Challenge harnesses the competitive spirit of the city 's businesses to drive down their energy use , with recognition and the possibility of some small cash grants its only rewards .

  25. 这些与HR相关的观念反应了敏捷价值,一个公司在奖赏和提升它的员工时清楚地说明它所想要的赖于生成的价值是十分重要的。

    These HR-related notions reflect agile values , and it is crucial that an organization articulates the values it wants to live by in rewarding and promoting its people .

  26. 甘氨酸位点NMDA受体拮抗剂MRZ2/576对吗啡诱导小鼠的奖赏效应和运动活性影响的研究

    Effect of Glycine Site / NMDA Receptor Antagonist MRZ2 / 576 on the Rewarding Property and Locomotor Activity Induced by Morphine in Mice

  27. 《生理学与行为学》(Physiology&Behavior)期刊在2010年发表了一项关于酒精、食欲与肥胖的报告,研究者认为酒精会增进摄入食物时的“短期奖赏效应”。

    Researchers suggest that alcohol may enhance ' the short-term rewarding effects ' of consuming food , according to a 2010 report in the journal Physiology & Behavior that reviewed previous studies on alcohol , appetite and obesity .

  28. S(λ):一个基于平均奖赏MDPs的激励学习算法

    S (λ): A reinforcement learning algorithm based on average-payoff MDPs

  29. 为了降低奖赏函数对收敛速度的影响,设计了基于行为分解非均匀结构的奖赏函数;同时,为了解决探索与利用的平衡问题,采用模拟退火(SimulatedAnnealing,SA)方法进行动作选择。

    While an uneven reward function is designed to minimize the impact on the convergence rate , simulated annealing ( SA ) approach is used to select action to solve tradeoff of exploration and exploitation .

  30. 目的:本文以大鼠条件性位置偏爱(CPP)为模型,探讨咖啡因对阿片类物质奖赏效应的影响。

    Objective : To investigate the effects of caffeine on the rewarding effects of opiates using morphine conditioned place preference ( CPP ) in rats .