
jiǎng pái
  • medal
奖牌 [jiǎng pái]
  • [medal] 分为金、银、铜牌,体育比赛中按此三个等级给优胜者颁奖

奖牌[jiǎng pái]
  1. 获得这枚奖牌好比梦想成真。

    Winning the medal was like a dream come true .

  2. 美国将在奖牌榜上位列第一。

    The United States will be at the top of the medal table

  3. 所有的优胜者都被请上前来领奖牌。

    All the winners were called forward to receive the medals .

  4. 吉姆夺得了比赛中的大部分奖牌。

    Jim carried off most of the prizes at the races .

  5. 所有马术的奖牌获得者首次都是女性。

    For the first time , all the medalists in dressage were women .

  6. 我们球队和对方球队在足球赛中为赢得奖牌而搏斗。

    Our team and their opponents battle for the prize in the football match .

  7. 这个奖牌是银制的。

    The medal is in silver .

  8. 扎克最近又把一枚丢失的奖牌还给了阿拉巴马州的一个家庭。

    Zac recently returned another lost medal to a family in Alabama .

  9. 收到扎克的信之后,阿德琳才意识到奖牌不见了。

    Before hearing from Zac , Adeline hadn 't realized the medal was missing .

  10. 小时候,阿德琳不明白为什么奖牌这么重要。

    As a child , Adeline couldn 't understand why the medal was so significant .

  11. 但与大多数收藏家不同的是,扎克会去寻找奖牌的合法拥有者并把它们完璧归赵。

    But unlike most collectors , Zac tracks down the medals ' rightful owners , and returns them .

  12. 扎克说,自从他第一次重获科拉多奖牌后,他的记录现在是5战5胜。

    Since he first reunited Corrado 's medal , Zac says his record is now 5 for 5 .

  13. 事实上,我得到的奖牌和第一名的那个人一样。

    In fact , I got the same medal as the one that the guy who came in first place had .

  14. 组织者威廉姆斯先生为生长最快、最高的豆科植物颁发了奖牌。

    The organizer , Mr.Williams , handed out medals for the fastest-growing and the tallest bean plants .

  15. 拱形正中刻有“巴黎1924—第八届奥运会”字样。ANTWERP1920Medal安特卫普奥运会奖牌

    In the centre , the inscription " VIIIe OLYMPIADE PARIS 1924 " .

  16. LONDON1908Medal伦敦奥运会奖牌奖牌正面描绘的是两位女性为一名年轻的奥运冠军佩戴月桂花环的场景。正中下方刻有“1908年伦敦奥运会”字样。

    On the obverse , two female figures placing a laurel crown on the head of a young victorious athlete , with , in the bottom half , the inscription " OLYMPIC GAMES LONDON 1908 " .

  17. 在中长跑比赛中,非洲选手囊括了所有的奖牌

    African runners swept the medals in the distance events .

  18. 还有人在奖牌得主去世后很久后将奖牌拍卖。

    Others end up in the auction circuit long after the original owners are gone .

  19. 奖牌背面为英格兰守护神圣乔治像。

    On the reverse , the figure of St George , patron saint of England .

  20. 田径一直是中国队的强项,多年来中国队共获得377枚奖牌。

    Athletics has always been China 's most successful sport , with 377 medals through the years .

  21. 奖牌背面为一名奥运冠军被群众簇拥,场面欢欣鼓舞。

    On the reverse , an Olympic champion carried in triumph by the crowd , with the Olympic stadium in the background .

  22. 由于黄金和白银的价格和股票价格一样,波动非常频繁,因此奖牌的价值并不是一成不变的。

    Since gold and silver rates , like stock prices , fluctuate pretty frequently , the value of the medal isn ’ t exactly static .

  23. 中国队以32枚金牌、21枚银牌和16枚铜牌领跑奖牌榜,美国队以25枚金牌、29枚银牌和22枚铜牌位列第二。

    Team China leads the medal table with 32 golds , 21 silvers and 16 bronzes , ahead of the United States with 25 gold , 29 silver and 22 bronze medals .

  24. 奖牌背面为一架象征着奥运会文化项目的竖琴,以及各式各样的冬、夏体育运动器材拼成的拱形图。

    On the reverse , a harp4 as a symbol of the cultural programme of the Games and the different sports equipment , winter as well as summer , forming an arch .

  25. 8月29日,中国军团在东京残奥会上成绩亮眼。东京残奥会中国代表团继续夺金之旅,8月29日当天收获16枚金牌,以46枚金牌和104枚奖牌的成绩继续位列金牌榜和奖牌榜榜首。

    China 's Paralympians continued their gold rush at Tokyo 2020 , pocketing 16 more golds on Sunday and keeping the country atop the medal standings with 46 golds and 104 medals in total .

  26. 不过,主办方已经确认,新冠病毒检测呈阳性的运动员都不会被取消资格,如果他们当时有资格获奖,就仍将获得奖牌。

    However , organizers have confirmed that anyone who tests positive for Covid-19 will not be disqualified – and that they will still pick up a medal if they are entitled to one at the time .

  27. 11000名奥运健儿以及支持人员和媒体均被告知不能在公务车上与司机交谈,屡次或“恶意”违规将面临罚款、取消参赛资格、取消奖牌,甚至被驱逐出境的处罚。

    The 11000 competitors at the Games , along with support staff and media , have also been told they cannot speak to a driver in an official vehicle – and will face the threat of fines , disqualification , medals being taken away and even deportation " offences .

  28. 谈到拳击、足球等决赛分胜负的项目时,国际奥委会体育总监凯特·麦康奈尔补充说:“如果一名运动员本应参加夺牌比赛,但却不能参赛,他们将获得那场比赛能得到的最低级别奖牌。”

    Referring to events such as boxing and football where finals have a winner and a loser , the IOC 's sports director , Kit McConnell , added : " If an athlete would have taken part in a medal event but cannot , they will receive the minimum level of medal they would have received .

  29. “medal(赢得奖牌)”而不是winamedal。

    To " medal " instead of to win a medal .

  30. 据NPR新闻的索那里·克林顿报道,怀特甚至连奖牌都没有拿到。

    NPR 's Sonari Glinton says White did even medal .