
tián jìng
  • track and field
田径 [tián jìng]
  • [track and field] 田赛和径赛运动项目的统称,包括各种跳跃、投掷、赛跑和竞走等

田径[tián jìng]
  1. stealtheshow大出风头/喧宾夺主在这次田径运动会上,这位世界头号400米跨栏运动员大出风头。

    The world 's top 400-meter hurdler stole the show at the track and field meet .

  2. 运用GM(1,h)模型规划田径训练的量化方法

    Study of GM ( 1 , h ) Model in Track and Field Training

  3. 伯明翰申办下届全国田径锦标赛。

    Birmingham has bid to stage the next national athletics championships .

  4. 田径运动员在海拔高的墨西哥城受训。

    The athletes trained at altitude in Mexico City .

  5. 那是田径比赛结束的前一天。

    It 's the last but one day in the athletics programme

  6. 你为田径运动贡献了一生。

    You 've given a lifetime of service to athletics

  7. 随着现代奥林匹克运动会声名远扬,田径运动也越来越受关注。

    As the modern Olympics grew in stature , so too did athletics .

  8. 肯尼亚的长跑运动员在田径界获得了巨大成功。

    Kenya 's long distance runners have taken the athletics world by storm .

  9. 他们都穿着田径服,似乎想掩饰他们的真实职能。

    They were decked out in tracksuits , seemingly to dissimulate their true function .

  10. 速度是所有田径运动项目的关键要素。

    Speed is the essential ingredient of all athletics

  11. 她穿了一件蓝色田径裤。

    She wore blue tracksuit bottoms .

  12. 做田径服需要用有弹性的料子。

    For tracksuits you need stretchy material / fabric .

  13. 看到我们的田径运动员与其他国家最优秀的运动员比赛真令人愉快。

    It 's good to see our runners participating with the best competitors from other countries .

  14. 田径运动的项目很多,例如跳高、跳远、百米赛跑等。

    There are many track-and-field events , such as the high jump , the long jump , the100-metre dash , etc.

  15. 我尽量兼顾越野赛和田径日程表、报社打工以及我的教堂少年班和戏剧班。

    I juggled cross - country and track schedules , newspaper staff , and my church 's youth group and drama team .

  16. 不过,田径教练还是给了我一个大学运动员成员的位置,而且我确实觉得亚特兰大市区的校园是继纽约市之后的一个像样的安慰奖。

    Still , the track coach had offered me a walk-on spot , and I actually found the urban Atlanta campus a decent consolation prize after New York City .

  17. 我在田径队时,总是跑400米

    Cuando estaba en el equipo de atletismo , siempre corr í a 400 metros .

  18. 田径一直是中国队的强项,多年来中国队共获得377枚奖牌。

    Athletics has always been China 's most successful sport , with 377 medals through the years .

  19. 中国田径协会的数据显示,2019年全国共举办1828个马拉松赛事,吸引700多万人参加。

    According to the Chinese Athletics Association , a total of 1828 marathons were staged across the country in 2019 , attracting over 7 million entries .

  20. 乒乓球项目的比赛中,中国队最年长的运动员、56岁的赵平在2016年里约奥运会夺冠后,期待着再创佳绩。羽毛球、田径等项目成中国队冲金点

    In table tennis China 's oldest athlete Zhao Ping , 56 years old , looks to follow on his gold medal win from Rio 2016 .

  21. 在田径赛场上,王春雨在女子800米决赛中以个人最好成绩1分57秒获得第五名,创造了历史。

    On the track , Wang Chunyu made history by finishing fifth with a personal best of 1 minute 57 seconds in the women 's 800m final .

  22. 基于ASP的高校田径运动会信息管理系统

    Information management system of college track and field events based on ASP

  23. GM(1,1)模型在田径成绩预测中的运用

    Application of GM ( 1,1 ) Model in Predicting Results in Track and Field Sports

  24. 心电图ST-T改变在监控业余田径运动员训练中的意义

    The Significance of Electrocardiogram ST-T Change in Guardianship of Amateur Athletes in Their Training

  25. 主要采用高速录像拍摄法,对参加2004年全国田径大奖赛暨总决赛(合肥站)的我国优秀的男子1500m运动员李炎各段落途中跑的运动学特征进行分析研究。

    By the method of video analysis , kinetic characteristics of Li Yan 's running in different segments of a 1500m competition were studied .

  26. 多媒体CAI技术在其他学科的应用已经取得了丰硕成果,而在体育学科中的应用尚处于起步阶段,尤其在田径技术课教学中的应用成果几乎空白。

    Great successes have been scored in the application of multimedia technique in many subjects , but its application in sports subjects is still at the starting line , especially there is nearly not any result of application in track & field teaching .

  27. 福建省竞技体育田径后备人才可持续发展对策研究

    Research of Sustainable Development Strategy About Athletic Supportive Talents in Fujian

  28. 乔和我打算参加田径比赛。

    Joe and I are going to run in the race .

  29. 关注终身发展,提高女子田径运动员的受教育水平;

    Paying attention to life-long development to increase their educational level ;

  30. 田径大赛中的克拉克现象

    The " Clark " Phenomenon in Major Track and Field Competitions