
  • 网络Tennessee;The University of Tennessee
  1. 位于诺克斯维尔的田纳西大学就面临着这种困境。

    The University of Tennessee in Knoxville offers one example of this dilemma .

  2. 不过,田纳西大学的透明性值得称赞。

    Still , the University of Tennessee deserves credit for being transparent .

  3. 田纳西大学和田纳西州立大学相距只有几个小时,两者值得比较。

    Located only a few hours apart , The University of Tennessee and Tennessee State are worth comparing .

  4. 田纳西大学的微生物学家詹妮弗·德布鲁恩(JenniferDeBruyn)没有参与这项研究,她说,这种蠕虫能分解聚乙烯并不奇怪。

    Jennifer DeBruyn , a microbiologist at the University of Tennessee , who was not involved in the study , says it is not surprising that such worms can break down polyethylene .

  5. 当你认为人能控制自然时,就是走上了一条危险的路,诺克斯维尔田纳西大学(UniversityofTennessee)的社会学家保罗·K·盖勒特(PaulK.Gellert)说。

    The perilous path is the notion you can control nature , said Paul K. Gellert , a sociologist at the University of Tennessee , Knoxville .

  6. 田纳西大学企业治理中心(UniversityofTennessee’sCorporateGovernanceCenter)研究员拉里o福韦发现,麦当劳董事的平均任期为12年半,而这个数字在标普500指数成分股公司中为9年半。

    Larry Fauver of the University of Tennessee 's Corporate Governance Center found that the average number of years served by a director at McDonald 's was 12.5 versus 9.5 for the broader index .

  7. 华盛顿州立大学呼吁反对“不恰当言语”的号召呼应了加利福利亚大学(theUniversityofCalifornia)和田纳西大学(theUniversityofTennessee)的决定。这两所学校鼓励学生们使用中性代词指代跨性别和同性恋学生。

    Washington State University 's call against inappropriate terms follows a decision by both the University of California and the University of Tennessee to encourage students to use gender-neutral pronouns for transgender and queer-identifying students .

  8. 有5所商校是首次上榜定制课程排行榜,其中排名最高的是排在第45位的田纳西大学诺克斯维尔分校(UniversityofTennesseeatKnoxville)。

    Five schools were ranked for the first time , with the highest new entrant , the University of Tennessee at Knoxville , entering in 45th place .

  9. 唐加拉是田纳西大学(UniversityofTennessee)的教授,也是橡树岭国家实验室的工作成员。他说,中国官员称,该系统理论上的性能峰值是每秒运算54.9千万亿次。

    Mr. Dongarra , a professor at the University of Tennessee who is also on the Oak Ridge research staff , said Chinese officials put the system 's theoretical peak performance at 54.9 quadrillion operations per second

  10. 去年,美国封锁了一些先进微处理器对中国的出口,担心中国利用它们发展核武器,田纳西大学(UniversityofTennessee)的计算机科学家杰克·唐加拉(JackDongarra)说,这些处理器极有可能用来加快中国的自主技术研发。

    And last year , the United States blocked the sale of a number of advanced microprocessors to China over concerns they were being used in nuclear weapon development , which most likely accelerated the development of China 's own technology , said Jack Dongarra ,

  11. 但进行此项研究的田纳西大学诺克斯维尔分校(UniversityofTennessee,Knoxville)助理教授哈莉·雷纳(HollieRaynor)称,一天吃六小顿的实验组报告称他们的饥饿感较弱。

    But the group eating six smaller meals reported feeling less hungry , says Hollie Raynor , associate professor at the University of Tennessee , Knoxville who conducted the research .

  12. 去年,田纳西大学查塔努加校区(UniversityofTennessee-Chattanooga)的学生科里·莫克(CoreyMock)被一个女人指控性骚扰,他无法证明自己获得了原告的口头同意,所以校方判定他进行不当性行为,将他开除。

    Last year , Corey Mock , a student at the University of Tennessee-Chattanooga , was expelled after officials there found him guilty of sexual misconduct because he could not prove he had obtained verbal consent from a woman who accused him of sexual assault .

  13. 田纳西大学(UniversityofTennessee)分子资源中心(MolecularResourceCenter)执行理事唐纳德.托马森(DonaldThomason)在蓝光英诺发表成果时表示:“虽然世界各地都在发展生物材料3D打印,但这个项目的成果……是我见过最成熟的。”

    Donald Thomason , executive director of the Molecular Resource Center at the University of Tennessee , said when Revotek presented its results : " Although the 3D printing of biological materials is developing around the world , this project 's result   .   .   .   is the most mature I 've seen .

  14. 迈克尔:所以你想让我去田纳西大学?

    Michael : So you want me to go to Tennessee ?

  15. 田纳西大学汉密尔顿眼科医学院

    Hamilton Eye Institute at The University of Tennessee

  16. 田纳西大学的研究小组对82对新婚夫妇的外表吸引力和他们的婚姻质量进行了测试。

    The Tennessee team tested 82 newly-wed couples for facial attractiveness and the quality of their marriage 。

  17. 田纳西大学侵略性物种专家丹·辛贝洛夫称。

    That 's Dan Simberloff , an expert in the invasive species at the University of Tennessee .

  18. 这位共和党议员是原教育部部长和前任田纳西大学的校长。

    The Republican senator is a former education secretary and former president of the University of Tennessee .

  19. 我非常喜欢田纳西大学,在这里我遇见了很多优秀的同学和老师。

    I absolutely love Tennessee . I have met some of the greatest people while in school here .

  20. 田纳西大学农业推广服务中心指出,栽种者们每一年收获果实后都应该做这项修剪工作。

    The Agricultural Extension Service at the University of Tennessee says growers should do this every year after harvest .

  21. 美国田纳西大学的这项研究或许还能为其他几对名人夫妇的结合提供解释,比如:凯瑟琳·泽塔·琼斯与迈克尔·道格拉斯,玛丽莲梦露与亚瑟·米勒。

    The University of Tennessee study might also explain a few other couples such as Catherine Zeta Jones and Michael Douglas and Marilyn Monroe and Arthur Miller .

  22. 他们对期末考自信满满,考前两天还跑去田纳西大学和朋友聚会。

    They were so confident going into the final that two days before , they decided to go up to the University of Tennessee and party with some friends .

  23. 田纳西大学诺克斯维尔分校的心理学教授霍华德·波利奥表示,拥有幽默的休息时间的办公室,员工也会心满意足、高效工作。

    According to Howard Pollio , professor of psychology at University of Tennessee , Knoxville , an office with humour breaks is an office with satisfied and productive employees .

  24. 田纳西大学法学教授卡拉·迈克坎德斯表示在亚利桑那州,田纳西等州的抗议认为类似的立法已经把移民问题的争议推到了美国政治的焦点。

    University of Tennessee law professor Karla McKanders says the outcry in Arizona , Tennessee and other states considering similar legislation has put the immigration debate at the center of U.S. politics .

  25. 美国田纳西大学的一项研究显示,不管是短期内还是长远来看,妻子的体质指数越低,夫妻双方对婚姻的满意度就越高。

    A study from the University of Tennessee suggests that in the short and long term , both partners are more content if the woman has a lower Body Mass Index , the Daily Mail reported .

  26. 俄克拉荷马城动物园在其3月份的时事通讯中称,田纳西大学的测试发现,非洲雌狮布丽姬特的雄烯二酮水平较高,这是一种能促进雄性特征的激素。

    The Oklahoma City Zoo says in its March newsletter that testing at the University of Tennessee found the African lioness named Bridget has an elevated level of androstenedione , a hormone that can contribute to developing male features .

  27. 西恩和我已经谈过了,迈克尔,如果你想接受那份橄榄球奖学金,我们觉得应该是到田纳西大学,而且我保证我每场比赛都会为你加油。

    Sean and I have been talking and ... Michael , if you 're gonna accept the football scholarship we think it should be to Tennessee . And I promise that I will be at every game cheering for you .

  28. 让Nijay没有意识到的是,他的学校田纳西州立大学第一代学生的毕业率仅为29%。

    What Nijay didn 't realize about his school — Tennessee State University — was its frighteningly low graduation rate a mere 29 percent for its first-generation students .

  29. 田纳西州立大学的总体毕业率只有39%,但至少第一代学生和同龄人的成绩差距较小。

    Tennessee State 's overall graduation rate is a tiny 39 percent , but at least it has a smaller gap between the outcomes for first-generation students and those of their peers .

  30. 我知道,正常情况下,像格兰布林和南方大学、杰克逊州立大学和田纳西州立大学这样的对手,每个的毕业典礼都会有令人惊喜之处。

    And I know that in normal times , rivals like Grambling and Southern , Jackson State and Tennessee State , might raise some eyebrows8 at sharing a graduation ceremony .