
  • 网络Delaware;university of delaware
  1. 曾在俄亥俄州某县工作,在奥特宾学院教了4年书,又在特拉华大学任教35年。

    Was a county extension worker in Ohio , taught at Otterbein College for4 years and at University of Delaware for35 years .

  2. 阿米尔赢得了由特拉华大学的MBA学位,科学硕士学位,并在乔治亚州立大学工业工程学士学位的理学学士学位从伊朗大学。

    Amir earned an MBA from the University of Delaware , Masters of Science from Georgia State University and a Bachelors of Science Degree in Industrial Engineering from the University of Iran .

  3. 特拉华大学努力吸引更多外国学生,这是该校校长帕特里克哈克(PatrickT.Harker)推出的卓越之路计划的一部分。

    THE universitys push to attract more foreign students is part of the Path to Prominence , a plan laid out by Delawares president , Patrick T. Harker .

  4. 特拉华大学(UniversityofDelaware)教授查尔斯埃尔森(CharlesElson)表示:创始人总在谈论公司的长期利益,但你总能将错误归咎于时间不够长。

    Founders talk about the long-term interests of the company but you can always blame your errors on the long term , says Charles Elson , a professor at the University of Delaware .

  5. 在特拉华大学,校方在尝试新的策略。

    At Delaware , officials are trying new strategies .

  6. 特拉华大学的研究人员们几乎在十年前就研制出了用于制作液体装甲的剪切增稠液体。

    Researchers at the University of Delaware developed shear-thickening fluids for use in liquid armour almost ten years ago .

  7. 按她自己的评价,当初申请特拉华大学的时候,她的英语非常糟糕。

    When she applied to the University of Delaware , her English was , in her estimation , very poor .

  8. 但是,他指出,这个问题是很多大学都为之头疼的,而不仅仅是特拉华大学。

    He notes , though , that its a problem lots of universities , not just Delaware , are grappling with .

  9. 尽管中国学生要适应陌生的学习方式,但他们在特拉华大学的平均成绩却和其他本科生并无二致。

    Despite the unfamiliar learning style , the average grades of Chinese students at Delaware are nearly identical to other undergraduates .

  10. 比如,特拉华大学的中国学生人数就从2007年的8人猛增到了2011年的517人。

    Universities like Delaware , where the number of Chinese students has leapt to 517 this year , from 8 in 2007 .

  11. 在2000年,特拉华大学的乔治·马龙领导的一个团队开始着手处理这个问题。

    A team led by George Malone at the University of Delaware began dealing with the problem in the year two thousand .

  12. 新学年刚开始的时候,特拉华大学学生中心的一个大厅里涌进了几十位新同学。

    DOZENS of new students crowded into a lobby of the University of Delawares student center at the start of the school year .

  13. 特拉华大学的埃尔森认为,董事们在公司以外的关系越密切,就越让人担心。

    Elson of the University of Delaware says that the closer directors get outside of the board room , the more concerning it is .

  14. 特拉华大学可再生资源低成本合成材料项目研究员利用鸡毛研制出了一种计算机处理器。

    Researchers in the University of Delaware 's ACRES program Affordable Composites from Renewable Sources have developed a computer processor made from chicken feathers .

  15. 2003年,他放弃了美国特拉华大学的博士学位,回国开展自己的事业。

    He quit his doctorate program in University of Delaware in the US in 2003 to return to China to start his own career .

  16. 她的母亲选定了一家推荐特拉华大学的中介,他们帮她填写了申请材料,指导她完成申请程序,不然她会是一头雾水。

    Her mother chose an agency that suggested Delaware and helped Ms. Tang fill out her application , guiding her through a process that otherwise would have been bewildering .

  17. 和特拉华大学的几乎所有中国学生一样,范逸苏是被有条件录取的就是说,他得顺利念完一个英语项目,才可以开始修读大学课程。

    Like nearly all the Chinese students at Delaware , Mr. Fan was conditionally admitted that is , he can begin taking university classes once he successfully completes an English program .

  18. 在特拉华大学纽瓦克校区,2011年秋季的新生入学指导会上,该校英语语言学院主任斯考特史蒂文斯(ScottStevens)站在了济济一堂的剧院的舞台上。

    DURING this past Septembers orientation on the University of Delawares Newark campus , Scott Stevens , director of the English Language Institute , stood on stage in front of a mostly filled theater .

  19. 许多中国学生抵达特拉华大学时,以为只需要上几个月的英语课,但结果却在语言学院耗去了一年以上的时间,每期八周的课程要支付2850美元。

    Many arrive at Delaware expecting to take English classes for just a few months , but end up spending a year or more at the language institute , paying $ 2,850 per eight-week session .

  20. 如今,皮埃尔会在进行小测验时要求每个人都把课本留在教室前面,以防止作弊,这种预防措施是他之前在特拉华大学任教20年从来没有采取过的。

    During quizzes , Dr. St. Pierre now requires everyone to leave their books at the front of the classroom to prevent cheating , a precaution not taken during any of his two decades at Delaware .

  21. 特拉华大学农业与自然资源学院院长马克o里格尔认为,解决这个问题的重要一环在于教会那些需要帮助的国家如何进行自助。

    A key element in all this is helping those in need learn how to take care of themselves , said Mark Rieger , dean of the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources at the University of Delaware .