
  • 网络georgetown university;McDonough;Georgetown College
  1. StephenWayne是华盛顿乔治敦大学的总统学者。

    Stephen Wayne is a presidential scholar at Georgetown University in Washington .

  2. 詹姆斯•摩尔(JamesMoore),美国乔治敦大学(GeorgetownUniversity)麦克多诺商学院(McDonoughSchoolofBusiness)教授,商业、社会与公共政策项目执行主任

    Prof Moore , The Business , Society , and Public Policy Initiative at Georgetown University 's McDonough School of Business

  3. 奥巴马在乔治敦大学(georgetownuniversity)发表演讲时重申,他看到经济出现“希望的曙光”。

    In a speech at Georgetown University , Mr Obama reiterated that he detected " glimmers of hope " in the economy .

  4. JoseEduardoMadrid,乔治敦大学。

    Jose Eduardo Madrid , Georgetown University .

  5. 与此同时,租金继续上涨,部分原因是附近的乔治敦大学(GeorgetownUniversity)法学院在源源不断地向该地区输送学生房客。

    Rents , meanwhile , have continued to rise , partly because of a seemingly never-ending supply of student tenants from the nearby Georgetown University law school .

  6. 卢自小在纽约皇后区长大,从哈佛大学(HarvardUniversity)和乔治敦大学法学院(GeorgetownLaw)毕业后直接去了华盛顿,此后的大部分时间里都在政府圈子里供职。

    After Lew , a Queens , New York native , graduated from Harvard University and Georgetown Law , he headed straight to Washington and has mostly stuck inside the Beltway ever since .

  7. 但是乔治敦大学(GeorgetownUniversity)语言学家AlisonMackey指出,说英语的国家在外语学习方面仍然远远落后于世界其他国家。

    But linguist Alison Mackey at Georgetown University points out that English-speaking countries are still far behind the rest of the world .

  8. “可能这些结果的最快临床应用是美容整形和重新整形外科手术,”乔治敦大学医院的整形外科副教授,共同作者StephenBaker,M。

    And perhaps the most rapid clinical application of these results will be in both cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgery , said co-author Stephen Baker , M.

  9. 在乔治敦大学麦克多诺商学院(McDonoughSchoolofBusiness)研究不文明行为的克里斯蒂娜·波拉特(ChristinePorath)说,在恶劣环境中工作的员工不容易集中精力和处理信息。

    Workers in toxic environments have difficulty concentrating and processing information , says Christine Porath , who studies incivility at Georgetown 's McDonough School of Business .

  10. 位于华盛顿特区的乔治敦大学(GeorgetownUniversity)麦克多诺商学院(McDonoughbusinessschool)重新回到了定制课程排行榜的第15位,去年,该校因客户调查反馈率低而未上榜。

    McDonough School of Business at Georgetown University in Washington DC returns to the custom ranking in 15th place after dropping out last year because of a low survey response rate from clients .

  11. 他选择了位于华盛顿特区的乔治敦大学(GeorgetownUniversity)的EMBA项目。在入学第5个月时正赶上经济严重衰退,于是他在公司重组中丢掉了工作。

    Five months into his programme at Georgetown University , Washington DC , and in the depths of the recession , he lost his job in a reorganisation .

  12. “今晚,两支优秀的球队进行了一场非常激烈的比赛。不过遗憾的是,比赛由于双方的激烈交锋而结束。”在一次声明中,乔治敦大学的教练,JohnThompson三世表示。

    " Tonight , two great teams played a very competitive game that unfortunately ended after heated exchanges with both teams ," Georgetown coach John Thompson III said in a statement .

  13. 卡珀顿目前在颇具影响力的华盛顿智库美国进步中心(centerforamericanprogress)工作,在乔治敦大学mba学生中,他是少数毕业后打算继续从事公共政策工作的人之一。

    Mr Caperton , who today works for the center for American progress , an influential Washington-based think-tank , is one of a small number of Georgetown MBA students who were looking to continue in the public policy realm after graduation .

  14. 用了5年才抓住(逮捕)这个家伙,这个事实表明执法系统已失灵了,乔治敦大学(GeorgetownUniversity)教授詹姆斯•安吉尔(JamesAngel)说。

    The fact that it took five years to catch [ arrest ] this guy is a symptom of a broken enforcement system , says James Angel , a professor at Georgetown University .

  15. 根据美国乔治敦大学(GeorgetownUniversity)和雷鸟国际管理学院(ThunderbirdSchoolofGlobalManagement)对近3000名参与者进行的一项持续研究显示,大约96%的员工说他们曾遭遇过无礼的行为,98%的员工亲眼目睹过。

    Some 96 % of workers say they have experienced uncivil behavior and 98 % have witnessed it , according to a continuing study by Georgetown University and Thunderbird School of Global Management of nearly 3 , 000 participants .

  16. GiuseppeEsposito是华盛顿乔治敦大学医疗中心的核医学专家。

    Dr. Giuseppe Esposito is a nuclear medicine expert at Georgetown University Medical Center in Washington .

  17. 乔治敦大学麦克多诺商学院(GeorgetownUniversity'sMcDonoughSchoolofBusiness)的金融学教授阿加瓦尔(ReenaAggarwal)表示,她会在自己的另类投资课程上,鼓励学生讨论怎样才能提高这些市场的透明度。

    Reena Aggarwal will encourage students in her class on alternative investments at Georgetown University 's McDonough School of Business to discuss ways to make those markets more transparent .

  18. 上周,西班牙esade与美国乔治敦大学(georgetown)联合开办的emba项目的首批学员在华盛顿特区开学。

    Last week , the first students on the ESADE and Georgetown EMBA began their programme in Washington DC .

  19. 乔治敦大学(GeorgetownUniversity)副教授詹姆斯•安吉尔(JamesAngel)指出:我们在各种技术故障面前仍然十分脆弱。无论我们采取什么改革或防范措施,总会有意想不到的情形出现。

    We are still vulnerable to all kinds of glitches , no matter what changes and precautions we make , there will always be an unanticipated scenario , says James Angel , associate professor at Georgetown University .

  20. 瑞丽特·米歇里(RanitMishori)是位于华盛顿的乔治敦大学医学中心的家庭医学博士。

    Ranit Mishori is a family medicine doctor at Georgetown University Medical Center in Washington .

  21. AngelaStent是华盛顿乔治敦大学一名俄罗斯问题专家,对于总理指责美国与这次动乱有关一事,她并不感到吃惊。

    Protesters say Mr. Putin controls Russia through a heavily controlled political system and corruption . Angela Stent is a Russia expert at Georgetown University in Washington . She was not surprised that the Prime Minister has blamed the United States in connection with the

  22. 我曾在牛津大学学习,在乔治敦大学拥有博士学位。

    I studied at oxford . I have a ph.d.from georgetown .

  23. 你该做的就是上乔治敦大学。

    The logical thing is for you to go to georgetown .

  24. 这本应是“乔治敦大学快道”

    This is supposed to be the " Georgetown Express . "

  25. 乔治敦大学是一所位于华盛顿的罗马天主教学校。

    Georgetown University is a Roman Catholic college located in Washington .

  26. 克林顿毕业于乔治敦大学和牛津大学。

    Clinton graduated from Georgetown University and England 's Oxford University .

  27. 我刚从乔治敦大学转过来

    See , I just transferred from Georgetown University ,

  28. 他现在是乔治敦大学国际关系副教授。

    He is now an associate professor of international relations at Georgetown University .

  29. 我以为你在乔治敦大学读暑期班呢。

    I thought you 'd be taking the summer courses at Georgetown University .

  30. 你早就知道她申请了乔治敦大学?

    Did you even know she applied to Georgetown ?