
  • 网络GEORGE I;king george i;George I of Greece
  1. 在像南海泡沫这样大的事件里,诗人、主教、艾萨克•牛顿爵士(SirIsaacNewton)和英国国王乔治一世(KingGeorgeI)都陷入了狂喜不能自拔。

    In something as big as the South Sea Bubble , poets , bishops , Sir Isaac Newton and King George I were drawn into the euphoria .

  2. 1714年德国选侯成为英国的乔治一世;

    In1714 the German elector became George I of England ;

  3. 乔治一世死于公元1727年。

    George I died in A.D.1727 .

  4. 希腊国王乔治一世宣布希腊举办的首届国际奥林匹克运动会开幕。

    King George I of Greece announced the opening of the first International Olympic Games in athens .

  5. 例如,在英国乔治一世统治时期,流行将结婚戒指戴在拇指上。

    During the reign of George I of england , for example , thumb rings were the rage .

  6. (1676-1745)在乔治一世统治时期卓有成效的英国首相,辉格党政治家。

    ( 1676-1745 ) English Whig statesman who ( under George I ) was effectively the first British prime minister .

  7. 当汉诺威的选帝侯成为英国乔治一世国王时,汉德尔因为离开德国而失宠。

    When the Elector of Hanover became King George I of England , Handel was out of favor for leaving Germany .

  8. 此后里根让美国有了“乔治一世”即老布什,奥利芬特对老布什讽刺的激烈程度如同对尼克松一样。

    " Ron " gave America " George I ", i.e.George HW Bush , whom Oliphant lampooned almost as fiercely as he had Nixon .

  9. 自从出生在德国的乔治一世、第一位大不列颠汉诺威国王在1714年加冕称王开始,历史上共有六位名为乔治的英国国王。

    Six King Georges have worn the crown throughout history since the German-born George I , the first Hanoverian king of Great Britain , acceded to the throne in 1714 .

  10. 如果算上中间的名字,乔治是皇家男性后代使用最多的名字,尤其是在汉诺威皇室成立者乔治一世以后。

    George is the name that features the most amongst the male line descendants of all our sovereigns if you tot up all the middle names as well , particularly since George I , the founder of the House of Hanover . '