
  • 网络The George Washington University;GWU
  1. 华盛顿特区第21西北大街725号乔治·华盛顿大学Corcoran大楼101室

    " Room 101 , Corcoran Hall , George Washington University , 725 21st St. NW , Washington , DC . "

  2. 他曾获得美国艺术暨文学学会表彰优秀散文风格的Vursell奖。他目前在乔治·华盛顿大学担任英文教授。

    A recipient of the Vursell prize of the American Academy of Arts and Letters , for distinguished prose style , he is currently professor of English at George Washington University .

  3. 乔治·华盛顿大学政治问题专家丹尼丝·约翰逊说:

    Dennis Johnson is a political expert at George Washington University .