
  • 网络University of Arkansas
  1. 来自美国阿肯色大学的一组古生物学家在分析了骨骼和化石后说,这表明这些霸王龙曾聚集在一起捕食其它动物,至少在生存艰难、资源日益减少的日子里是这样的。

    Analysing the bones and rocks , a team of palaeontologists from the University of Arkansas say it suggests the tyrannosaurs came together to prey1 on other animals , at least when times got tougher and resources were dwindling2 .

  2. 美国阿肯色大学的人类学教授罗斯说,这处墓地中所埋的成年人有可能来自埃及其它地区。

    Rose , a professor of anthropology in the University of Arkansas in the United States , said adults buried in the cemetery were probably brought there from other parts of Egypt .

  3. 然而,来自美国阿肯色大学的一组古生物学家可能发现了有关这种可怕动物的一个新理论。霸王龙是群居动物的理论最早是在20年前提出的。

    The theory that tyrannosaurs were social animals was first suggested 20 years ago .

  4. 美国阿肯色大学小石城分校的婚姻家庭治疗师贝基·惠茨通(BeckyWhetstone)说,你不可能知道别人的感受或想法,所以,这句话还是不要说出口为好。

    There 's no way of knowing what someone is feeling or thinking , so keep the assumptions to yourself , said Becky Whetstone , a marriage and family therapist in Little Rock , Arkansas .

  5. 国外遗产研究博士生培养的特征及启示&以美国阿肯色州立大学为例

    The Characteristics of the Cultivation of Doctors Engaged in Foreign Heritage Studies and Its Enlightenment & A Case Study of Arkansas State University

  6. 沃尔玛正准备进军大学校园抢占市场,他将在美国阿肯色州大学开设沃尔玛校园店,该举措似乎是这一零售巨头建立小型卖场的系列尝试之一。

    Wal-Mart is preparing to enter the university campus to seize the market , he will open " Wal-Mart campus store " in the Arkansas University , this act appears to be one try of the retail giant to established small stores .