
  • 网络University of Pittsburgh;University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA
  1. 美国匹兹堡大学传播学讲师EricEnglish认为,有时只需花上几秒钟时间,便能通过故事与观众联系起来。

    Sometimes all it takes is a few seconds to connect an audience member with a story , according to Eric English , a communication lecturer at the University of Pittsburgh in the US .

  2. 美国匹兹堡大学和美国疾病控制中心的科学家说,他们的疫苗让小鼠和鸡产生了相当程度的对H5N1病毒的免疫。

    The researchers , at the University of Pittsburgh and the US Centers for Disease Control , say their vaccines gave mice and chicken a reasonable degree of protection against H5N1 .

  3. 美国匹兹堡大学的AnnaBalazs说,我们知道如何将每件事设计到这个装置中。

    " We know how to make everything involved in this set up ," says Anna Balazs at Pittsburgh University in the US .

  4. 方法432例患者来源于美国匹兹堡大学医疗中心的心血管事件基因危险性评价研究组,均有收缩功能障碍性心力衰竭〔射血分数(EF)<0.45〕。

    Methods 432 subjects with heart failure due to systolic dysfunction ( EF < 0.45 ) were enrolled between April 1996 and January 2001 in the GRACE study ( Genetic Risk Assessment of Cardiac Events ), a single center study at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center .

  5. 今年6月,美国匹兹堡大学健康科学图书馆的期刊架开始腾空。

    In June the journal shelves at the Health Sciences Library of the University of Pittsburgh began showing holes .

  6. 美国匹兹堡大学的研究者以《临床异种移植:即将到来的医学革命?》为题对异种器官移植的最新进展与未来潜力作了概述。

    Recent progress and the future potential of xenotransplantation is outlined in a Review by authors from the University of Pittsburgh , USA.

  7. 美国匹兹堡大学的科学家想知道的是,为什么有些人比其他人更容易摔跤。

    Scientists at the University of Pittsburgh , US , wanted to know why some people are more likely to fall than others .

  8. 方法回顾性总结美国匹兹堡大学医学中心眼耳研究所从1992-2000年随访的40例鼓室成形术病人,其中Ⅲ型和Ⅳ型各20例。

    Study Design A retrospective review of cases followed-up between 1992-2000 . Setting The Eye & Ear Institute , University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine .

  9. 美国匹兹堡大学的一项研究发现,拥有幸福婚姻的女性患心脏病的几率远远低于那些婚姻状况不佳的女性。

    Women in happy marriages are much less likely to have a heart attack than those in high-stress relationships , research at the University of Pittsburgh , in the US , found .

  10. 李银河,1952年生于北京,中国社会科学院社会学研究所研究员、博士生导师、美国匹兹堡大学社会学博士、北京大学社会学博士后。

    Li Yinhe , China 's first female sociologist on sex issues , was born in Beijing in 1952 . She is currently the researcher and mentor of doctorates with the Institute of Sociology at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences .