
  • 网络The University of Georgia;uga
  1. 这位是乔治亚大学的lawson教授。

    Professor lawson , University of georgia .

  2. 这至少是乔治亚大学(UniversityofGeorgia)寄生虫病学家雷?卡普兰(RayKaplan)在他最近发表的有关这一问题的研究综述中得出的结论。

    This , at least , is the conclusion drawn by Ray Kaplan , a parasitologist at the University of Georgia who has just published a review of research on the problem .

  3. 斯福德职业生涯中的亮点包括5次乔治亚大学全国黑人公开赛的冠军以及之后他赢得第一个美巡赛(PGATour)。

    Sifford 's career highlights include winning the UGA National Negro open five times prior to winning his first PGA Tour .

  4. 咖啡因很早就被用来增加警觉和耐力,乔治亚大学PatrickO'Connor教授领衔的2003年的一项研究发现:咖啡因能减少中等强度骑车引起的大腿肌痛。

    Caffeine has long been known to increase alertness and endurance , and a2003 study led by UGA professor Patrick O'Connor found that caffeine reduces thigh pain during moderate-intensity cycling .

  5. 乔治亚大学哥斯达黎加的SanLuisdeMonteverde有一处中心,该中心是为那些想了解环境友好型农业和生活而建立的。

    UGA has a center in San Luis de Monteverde in Costa Rica . This center is for students and visitors who want to learn more about farming and living in environmentally friendly ways .

  6. 与此同时,乔治亚大学的海洋研究教授萨曼瑟·乔伊(SamanthaJoye)表示,科学家也呼吁政府要注意已经流入墨西哥湾的石油的影响,研究人员也发现了几处水下油柱,数量比此前预计的要多。

    Researchers have found more underwater plumes of oil than they can count from the well , said Samantha Joye , a professor of marine sciences at the University of Georgia .

  7. 乔治亚大学也帮助哥斯达黎加农民通过旅游创收,QuintNewcomer教授指导该项目的实施,她说,学生们帮助设计咖啡农场旅游线路。

    The University of Georgia is also helping farmers in Costa Rica increase their income through tourism . Professor Quint Newcomer directs this program . He says students help design tour routes through coffee farms .

  8. 本文分析美国乔治亚大学徐孝华教授提供的正电子湮没寿命谱多指数函数拟合程序NFIXED,详细地介绍了其使用方法。

    The multi-exponential function fitting program for analysis of the positron annihilation life spectrum / NFIXED / is introduced and discussed in detail . This program was originally provided by Prof.

  9. 其他的作者分别来自普渡大学、亚拉巴马大学、乔治亚大学医学院和纽约大学。

    Other co-authors were from Purdue University , the University of Alabama , Medical College of Georgia and New York University .

  10. 位于雅典的乔治亚大学的研究者们发现例如短途骑自行车这样的低活动量的运动能将20%精力值提高。

    A low-intensity workout like a short bike ride can boost energy levels by20 percent , researchers at the University of Georgia in Athens found .

  11. 但在1974年3月7日,诞生了一项最大裸奔团体的记录,来自乔治亚大学的1543名学生集体脱光,只戴着古怪的滑雪面罩,穿着运动短裤。

    On March 7 , 1974 , the record for the largest group streak was established when 1543 students at the University of Georgia streaked as one .

  12. 乔治亚大学不能在四月在这里比赛真实太遗憾饿了,尽管另一支队,一个真正的灰姑娘可能在这里比赛。

    It 's too bad the University of Georgia won 't be playing here in April , though another team , a true Cinderella story could be .

  13. 本文以乔治亚大学的一门网上课程为例,详细介绍了美国大学中是如何组织网上教学的。

    Using an entirely online course from University of Georgia as a case , this paper explores how the online instruction is designed and conducted in American universities .

  14. 你们大多数可能听说过乔治亚大学的斗牛狗队,但你很可能没听说过老鹰队。

    While a lot of you might have heard of the University of Georgia Bulldogs , there is a good chance that only a few have heard of the Eagles .

  15. 该位于乔治亚大学的研究中心从事一些关于全球出口管制的非官方的深入研究工作,和出版众多有用的刊物和分析报告。

    This center at the University of Georgia does some of the most in-depth non-government work on export controls anywhere in the world , and posts a large number of useful publications and analyses .

  16. 发表在《疼痛杂志》的这项研究中,雅典乔治亚大学的研究人员注意到了补充咖啡因对几个年轻女性延迟性肌肉酸痛的影响。

    In the current study , published in the Journal of Pain , researchers at the University of Georgia in Athens looked at the effects of a caffeine supplement on delayed muscle pain in nine young women .

  17. 乔治亚大学是一所受人尊敬的研究型大学,有3.5万名学生在乔治亚雅典主校区和该州其他分校区就读,其研究领域之一便是农业。

    The University of Georgia is a respected research university . Thirty-five thousand students attend the main campus in Athens , Georgia , and extended campuses around the state . And among its areas of research is agriculture .

  18. .一全文参考翻译警方正在追捕一名名为GeorgeZinkhan乔治亚州大学教授,这名教授涉嫌开枪行凶导致3人死亡。

    Police are searching for University of Georgia Professor George Zinkhan in connection with the shooting deaths of three people .

  19. 冒名顶替综合症(ImpostorSyndrome)的确存在:乔治亚州立大学(GeorgiaStateUniversity)的研究者发现,在接受他们采访的那些成功成年人中,有33%的人感觉自己的成功不是理所应得的。

    The ' Impostor Syndrome ' is real : researchers at Georgia State University found that 33 % of the high-achieving adults they interviewed did not feel they deserved their success .

  20. 正如乔治亚摄政大学(GeorgiaRegentsUniversity)的彼得&12539;巴克利(PeterBuckley)博士所说,随着你经验的增加,你的自信会越来越强。

    According to Dr. Peter Buckley of Georgia Regents University , ' As you add experiences , you 're more likely to gain confidence .

  21. 阿米尔赢得了由特拉华大学的MBA学位,科学硕士学位,并在乔治亚州立大学工业工程学士学位的理学学士学位从伊朗大学。

    Amir earned an MBA from the University of Delaware , Masters of Science from Georgia State University and a Bachelors of Science Degree in Industrial Engineering from the University of Iran .

  22. 乔治亚州立大学医学院(MCG)由Z-Tech有限公司在世界上设立的开发新技术项目的20个中心之一,也是乔治亚州唯一的研究中心。

    MCG is one of20 centers internationally and the only place in Georgia studying new technology developed by Z-Tech Inc.

  23. 正如乔治亚摄政大学(GeorgiaRegentsUniversity)的彼得・巴克利(PeterBuckley)博士所说,“随着你经验的增加,你的自信会越来越强。而自信之人将获得新的经验。”从今天开始增强你的自信吧。

    According to Dr. Peter Buckley of Georgia Regents University , ' As you add experiences , you 're more likely to gain confidence . And with confidence , you will embrace new experiences . ' Start growing your confidence today .

  24. 乔治亚州大学网站上将Zinkhan设为嫌疑犯,目前学校要求学生警惕这名在逃的教授。

    The University of Georgia website refers Zinkhan as a suspect The school urges students to use caution if they see the professor , a

  25. 该标准架构由美国乔治亚州大学项目专家组开发,内容包括11种范畴、125项评价指标。

    This framework of criteria is developed by the project group in University of Georgia , which consists of 11 categories and 125 indicators .

  26. 乔治亚州大学的科学家对468名已婚人士进行调查,了解他们的财务情况、与伴侣的沟通方式以及他们对伴侣是否怀有感恩之心。

    Scientists at Georgia University asked 468 married people questions about their finances , communication style and how grateful they felt towards their partner .

  27. 方法和材料:对所有在乔治亚医科大学耳鼻咽喉科接受甲状腺外科手术的患者均进行前瞻行评估。

    Methods and Materials : All patients who underwent thyroid surgery at the Medical College of Georgia in the Department of Otolaryngology were prospectively evaluated .

  28. 由于得到学校“第二世纪开拓计划”的部分资助,该学者的加入将进一步加强乔治亚州立大学关于中国研究的跨领域研究的能力。

    Partially funded by the University 's Second Century Initiative , this scholar will further strengthen the interdisciplinary focus on Chinese studies at Georgia State University .

  29. SeekingArrangement.com发布了“糖宝”增速最快的学校前20名,乔治亚州立大学、纽约大学和坦普尔大学位居榜首。

    SeekingArrangement.com released a list of the top 20 fastest growing " Sugar Baby " schools : Georgia State , NYU and Temple University topped the list .

  30. 乔治亚洲立大学语言研究中心的研究院研究员丽莎说:“我想我们的研究结果仅仅补充论证了语言经验导致这一区别的事实。”

    Lisa Heimbauer , a researcher at Georgia State University 's Language Research Centre , said : " I think our results just reinforce the fact that experience matters . "