
  • Stanford University;Stanford, CA;Leland Stanford Junior University
  1. 他在斯坦福大学附属医院完成了自己的儿科实习。

    He completed his pediatric residency at Stanford University Hospital .

  2. 斯坦福大学科学史教授隆达·希宾格认为这段文字非常令人震惊。

    Londa Schiebinger , a professor of the history of science at Stanford University , called this passage rather astonishing .

  3. 他已被列入斯坦福大学的美式足球奖学金等候者名单。

    He 's been wait-listed for a football scholarship to Stanford .

  4. 她获得了奖学金,得以在斯坦福大学求学。

    She won a scholarship to study at Stanford .

  5. 斯坦福大学从事贫穷和教育不平等研究的教授肖恩·里尔登指出:“早期童年经历会对儿童在社会、情感和认知方面的长期发展产生很大影响。

    Early childhood experiences can be very consequential for children 's long-term social , emotional and cognitive development , said Sean Reardon , professor of poverty and inequality in education at Stanford University . "

  6. 第一颗立方体卫星诞生于21世纪初,是为了让斯坦福大学的研究生能够设计、建造、测试和操作与前苏联人造卫星能力相似的航天器

    The first CubeSat was created in the early 2000s , as a way of enabling Stanford graduate students to design , build , test and operate a spacecraft with similar capabilities to the USSR 's Sputnik .

  7. 耶鲁大学和斯坦福大学医学院目前都开设了以iPad为基础的无纸化课程。

    Medical schools at Yale and Stanford now have paperless , iPad-based curriculums .

  8. 周二,斯坦福大学宣布它将会与EDX合作开发一个联合教育系统,并将利用自动化评估技术。

    On Tuesday , Stanford announced that it would work with EdX to develop a joint educational system that will make use of the automated assessment technology .

  9. 此外,近期成立的Coursera和Udacity是斯坦福大学教职人员为创建“大型公开在线课程”(MOOCs)而成立的两家新兴机构,鉴于即时反馈的价值,它们也承诺采用自动化评估系统。

    Two start-ups , Coursera and Udacity , recently founded by Stanford faculty members to create " massive open online courses , " or MOOCs , are also committed to automated assessment systems because of the value of instant feedback .

  10. 麻省理工学院造就了128号公路,而斯坦福大学和伯克利大学造就了硅谷。

    MIT yielded Route 128.Stanford and Berkeley yielded Silicon Valley .

  11. 据说美国最好的计算机科学系在麻省理工学院、斯坦福大学、伯克利大学和卡内基梅隆大学。

    The top US Computer Science departments are said to be MIT , Stanford , Berkeley , and Carnegie-Mellon .

  12. 斯坦福大学的研究小组对这一深度以下的地下蓄水层进行了调查,发现蓄水量或许是先前所认为的三倍。

    The team at Stanford investigated the aquifersbelow this depth and found that reserves may be triple what was previously thought .

  13. 乔布斯先生在2005年斯坦福大学的毕业典礼上说过大致相同的话。

    Mr. Jobs suggested much the same thing during a commencement address to the graduating class at Stanford University in 2005 .

  14. 1952年,桑德拉•戴•奥康纳以全班第三的好成绩在斯坦福大学法学院(StanfordLawSchool)毕业,可由于她是女性,没有律师事务所愿意雇她。

    When Sandra Day O'Connor finished third in her class at Stanford Law School , in 1952 , she could not find work at a law firm because she was a woman .

  15. 加州斯坦福大学的瑞恩·卡洛说,无人驾驶汽车最终可能成为一种公共交通工具,而不是私人拥有的车辆。

    Driverless cars may end up being a form of public transport rather than vehicles you own , says Ryan Calo at Stanford University , California .

  16. 斯坦福大学的美丽景观常让游客们惊叹。

    Tourists are often surprised at the beauty of Stanford .

  17. 斯坦福大学是美国西海岸的一所世界著名大学。

    Stanford is a world famous university on the west coast of the U.S. .

  18. 斯坦福大学作为世界一流大学之一,有许多学科都是世界一流的。

    As one of the world top universities , Stanford has many subjects that stand among the top ones in the world .

  19. 尼克·布鲁姆教授�斯坦福大学经济学家

    Professor Nick Bloom , Economist5 , Stanford University

  20. 所以,来自加利福尼亚大学旧金山分校和斯坦福大学的研究团队尝试了不同的方法。

    So a team at the University of California , San Francisco and Stanford University , tried something different .

  21. 这一现象被斯坦福大学的校长比作“一场数字海啸”,称有可能将传统大学教育全部“冲走”。

    The phenomenon has been likened by the president of Stanford University to " a digital tsunami2 " , threatening to sweep aside conventional university education .

  22. 没错,斯坦福大学(Stanforduniversity)正在变成创业工厂。

    Think Stanford University is becoming a startup factory ? You may be right .

  23. 美国斯坦福大学的分子生物学家拉斯b沃特曼正利用人工智能技术来表述科学数据。

    Russ b.altman , a molecular biologist at Stanford university , is employing the techniques of artificial intelligence to represent scientific data .

  24. 布兰科曾创立过多家新创企业,目前已退休。他在斯坦福大学、加州大学伯克利分校哈斯商学院(HaasSchoolofBusiness)和哥伦比亚大学授课。

    A retired serial entrepreneur , Steve teaches at Stanford University , U.C.Berkeley 's Haas School of Business and Columbia .

  25. 2007年,斯坦福大学商学院推出了经过重新设计、高度个性化的mba课程。

    In 2007 , Stanford introduced its redesigned , highly customised MBA curriculum .

  26. 在加盟杜克企业教育学院之前,她曾是纽约大学(newyorkuniversity)的法学教授,而在此之前她在斯坦福大学(stanforduniversity)任法学教授。

    Prior to joining Duke CE she was professor of clinical law at New York University and prior to that Professor of law at Stanford .

  27. 斯坦福大学不断调整其MBA课程的内容。

    Stanford continually recasts its MBA programme content .

  28. 在斯坦福大学商学院(stanfordgraduateschoolofbusiness),女性mba学员比例也在36%左右。

    At Stanford Graduate School of business the number of women MBA students hovers at about 36 per cent , too .

  29. 斯坦福大学商学院(StanfordUniversityGraduateSchoolofBusiness)行为实验室负责人尼可拉斯•霍尔表示,引用历史事实是有效的方式。

    Citing the past is an effective way to do that , says Nicholas Hall , manager of the Stanford University Graduate School of Business behavioral lab.

  30. Facebook位于帕罗奥图斯坦福大学(StanfordUniversity)外围的园区总部,明显借鉴了惠普。

    Facebook 's debt to HP is visible at its campus headquarters in Palo Alto on the outskirts of Stanford University .