
  • 网络Princeton;princeton university;Princeton Univ;PrincetonUniversity;Princeton U
  1. 琼斯高中时参与了一项普林斯顿大学的大学入学计划。

    Jones became involved with a college-access program through Princeton University in high school .

  2. 我们从普林斯顿大学的毕业生与大学生中征求意见

    We solicited ideas from Princeton University graduates and under graduates .

  3. 她获聘为普林斯顿大学经济学教授。

    She was appointed to a professorship in Economics at Princeton .

  4. 他是受过普林斯顿大学教育的得克萨斯人。

    He 's a Princeton-educated Texan .

  5. 正如普林斯顿大学教授艾伦·布林德所说,"她聪明敏锐,逻辑性强,愿意争论,但也善于倾听。

    As Princeton Professor Alan Blinder says , " She 's smart as a whip , deeply logical , willing to argue but also a good listener .

  6. 《华盛顿邮报》报道了普林斯顿大学经济学最近的一项研究,在该研究中,将那些在十二年级申请高选择性院校的大学毕业生与那些申请选择性略低院校的大学毕业生进行了对比。

    The Washington Post reported on a recent study by Princeton economists , in which college graduates , who applied to the most selective schools in the 12th grade were compared to those who applied to slightly less selective schools .

  7. 现在,42岁的严成了普林斯顿大学的首席生物学研究员。

    Now . Yan , 42 , has become a leading biology researcher at Princeton .

  8. 今天,我们非常荣幸能够请到,。,Raboteau教授来到我们节目,,to,welcome,to,the,show:,Professor,Al。,Raboteau,他是普林斯顿大学的宗教学教授。

    Today I 'm extraordinary pleased and honored Al who is a professor of religion at Princeton University .

  9. 普林斯顿大学(PrincetonUniversity)的汉内斯•施万特博士(DrHannesSchwandt)认为,与针对儿童和老年人的研究不同,有关中年的研究明显不足。

    Dr Hannes Schwandt of Princeton University believes midlife , unlike infancy and old age , is under-researched .

  10. 普林斯顿大学的一项研究已经显示,在大学录取中,亚裔需要更高的SAT分数才行。

    Princeton University has already produced a study that shows in college admissions , Asians need higher SAT scores .

  11. 根据普林斯顿大学的研究方法,Facebook的研究人员得出结论,到2021年,普林斯顿大学将会门下无人。

    Using the University 's own method , it found Princeton would have no students by 2021 .

  12. 威廉·鲍文(WilliamG.Bowen),前普林斯顿大学(PrincetonUniversity)校长,前安德鲁·梅隆基金会(AndrewW.Mellon)总裁

    William G. Bowen , former president of Princeton University and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation

  13. 她毕业于普林斯顿大学英文专业,还拥有哈佛商学院的MBA学位。

    She graduated from Princeton with a degree in English and has an MBA from Harvard Business School .

  14. 科尔姆·托伊宾(ColmTóibín),《论伊丽莎白·毕晓普》(OnElizabethBishop,普林斯顿大学出版社[PrincetonUniversityPress])

    Colm T ó ib í n , " On Elizabeth Bishop " ( Princeton University Press )

  15. 相比之下,在普林斯顿大学(Princeton)入学的年度成本估计高达6.4万美元。

    That compares with an estimated annual cost of $ 64000 to attend Princeton .

  16. Tom于二战之前曾在普林斯顿大学主修化学,战争结束之后,他经常在海滩游荡。

    Tom was a chemistry major at Princeton before the war ; when he came back from the war , he was a beach bum .

  17. 一个较早的例子是1954年的一项研究,内容是有关人们如何看达特茅斯学院(DartmouthCollege)和普林斯顿大学(PrincetonUniversity)之间的一场大学橄榄球赛。

    One early demonstration of this was a 1954 study of the way people perceived a college-football game between Dartmouth and Princeton .

  18. 1996年,我从普林斯顿大学的英语专业毕业,2000年在哈佛大学(Harvard)获得了MBA学位。

    I graduated from Princeton in 1996 with a degree in English and earned an MBA from Harvard in 2000 .

  19. 等到2014年秋天,我在普林斯顿大学(Princeton)教书时,情况反转了过来。

    The opposite was true when I taught at Princeton in the spring of 2014 .

  20. 一位曾在普林斯顿大学(PrincetonUniversity)研究古代宗教的32岁男士,身穿一件印有其雇主(一家财经网站)名称的T恤衫;

    A 32-year-old man who had studied ancient religion at Princeton wore a T-shirt emblazoned with the name of his employer , a finance website ;

  21. 我知道你想上的大学,只需要你关注他们的Facebook就够了,但这可是普林斯顿大学。

    I know all you had to do to get in your college was like their Facebook page , but this is Princeton .

  22. 我是Matt,Connor,我是普林斯顿大学的学生。

    So I 'm Matt Connor , I 'm a student here at Princeton .

  23. 最后,在1998年,哈维-谁死于2007-给予的JAR的大学医学中心的普林斯顿大学,并且今天仍然是。

    Finally , in1998 , Harvey who died in2007 gave the jar to the University Medical Center of Princeton , where it remains today .

  24. John是个运动白痴,但他看起来似乎没那么简单,他有普林斯顿大学的法律学位,而且还是个画家。

    John looks like a dumb athlete , but there 's much more to him than that , he also has a law degree from Princeton and is a good painter .

  25. 这次研究的对象是普林斯顿大学的137名本科生。研究人员向受试者播放了一名男子的视频,该名男子名叫麦克斯(Max),会成为参与者在一次知识竞赛里的搭档。

    The subjects of the experiment 137 Princeton undergraduates were shown a video of a man who would be their partner in a trivia contest .

  26. 1995年,Norm获得了James,Madison奖,这当然也是,普林斯顿大学为毕业生颁发的最高荣誉。

    In1995 , Norm received the James Madison Medal , which of course is the highest honor that Princeton bestows on its graduate alumnus .

  27. Facebook的研究员们写道,和你们大多数人一样,我们也对普林斯顿大学最近的一项研究感到好奇。这项研究竟然预测出了Facebook即将销声匿迹的结局。

    ' Like many of you , we were intrigued by a recent article by Princeton researchers predicting the imminent demise of Facebook , ' they wrote .

  28. PaulElsen是美国新泽西州普林斯顿大学生物学家。

    Paul Elsen is an ecologist at Princeton University in New Jersey .

  29. 即使没有拿过普林斯顿大学(Princeton)博士学位,我们也都能看出来伯南克从来都没有遇到过最理想的环境。

    It does not take a Princeton Ph.D. to recognize that Bernanke has not been faced with the best of circumstances .

  30. Facebook对近期普林斯顿大学发布的一项有争议的研究进行了反击,该研究称到2015年,Facebook就会像病毒传播一样流失80%的用户。

    Facebook has hit back at a controversial Princeton study that claimed it would ' die like a virus ' and lose 80 % of its users by 2015 .