
  • 网络Northeastern University
  1. 不过,美国东北大学商学院(NortheasternUniversityGraduateSchoolofBusinessAdministration)已开始着手让宴会面试变得不那么令人畏缩。

    Northeastern University Graduate School of Business Administration , however , has set out to make the dinner interview less daunting .

  2. 今天,爷爷辈比孙子辈更易获得工作,地处波士顿的美国东北大学(NortheasternUniversity)劳动力市场研究中心的一项研究显示。

    Today , grandpa is more likely to earn a paycheck than his grandson , according to research by the center for labor market studies at Northeastern University in Boston .

  3. 该文章的责任作者,美国东北大学抗微生物药物发现中心(AntimicrobialDiscoveryCenteratNortheasternUniversity,位于波士顿)主任基姆·刘易斯(KimLewis)称,要展开人体研究大概还需要两年左右。

    Studies in people will not begin for about two years , according to Kim Lewis , the senior author of the article and director of the Antimicrobial Discovery Center at Northeastern University in Boston .

  4. 在美国东北大学2013届毕业典礼上的演讲

    Commencement Address for Northeastern Universitys Class of 2013

  5. 而美国东北大学的生物学家则是直接观察「盔珠鸡」的肌肉,测量跑步时血液在腿中流动的情形。

    Biologists at Northeastern University have peered directly at running muscles by measuring blood flow in the legs of the helmeted guinea fowl Numida meleagris .

  6. 美国东北大学犯罪学教授阿兰-福克斯对此表示,电视和网站往往会让罪犯成名。

    The proliferation of television shows and websites make it easy for criminals to earn fame , says James Alan Fox , a professor of criminology at Northeastern University .

  7. “现在许多老年人找的工作在十年前是属于20岁以下年轻人的”,美国东北大学劳动力市场研究中心主任、经济学教授安德鲁•萨姆表示。

    " A lot of the jobs older people have taken would have gone to teenagers a decade ago , " says Andrew sum , economics professor and director of the labor market studies center .

  8. 一些科学家,比如美国波士顿东北大学的亚历山德罗·维斯皮纳尼正在处理这些数据,他们将数据带进计算机模型,以观察这一疫情的发展轨道。

    Some scientists , like Alessandro Vespignani at Northeastern University in Boston , are taking numbers like that and putting them into computer models to see where this epidemic is going .

  9. 纽伯里学院是在布鲁克林,马萨诸塞州,在美国东北部的大学。

    Newbury College is a college in Brookline , Massachusetts , in the northeastern United States .