
  • 网络New York University;nyu
  1. 美国纽约大学(NewYorkUniversity)的鲁里埃尔鲁比尼(NourielRoubini)表示,英国数据表明二次探底或长期停滞的风险尚未永远消失。

    Nouriel Roubini of New York University said the UK data suggested the risk of a double-dip or long-term stagnation are not done forever .

  2. 美国纽约大学斯坦恩商学院(SternSchoolofBusiness)的研究表明,在正式的尽职调查期间,五分之一的对冲基金经理就自己的基金或基金业绩向投资者作出不实陈述。

    One in five hedge fund managers misrepresents their fund or its performance to investors during formal due diligence investigations , research from New York University 's Stern School of Business suggests .

  3. 本文作者是美国纽约大学斯特恩商学院(SternSchoolofBusiness,NYU)经济学教授

    The writer is professor of economics at the Stern School of Business , NYU

  4. 美国纽约大学医学院的莉萨·墨斯科尼和其同事使用正电子发射断层成像(PositronEmissionTomography,PET)技术,对53名正常的中老年人进行了脑部扫描。

    Lisa Mosconi and colleagues at the New York University School of Medicine used positron emission tomography , or PET , scans to look at the brains of53 normal elderly people .

  5. 美国纽约大学斯特恩商学院(SternSchoolofBusinessatNewYorkUniversity)教授鲁里埃尔?鲁比尼(NourielRoubini)在会上指出,为了实现这一目标,中国需要面对经济硬着陆的短期风险。

    In trying to get there , it confronts the short-term risks of a hard landing , as Nouriel Roubini of the Stern School of Business at New York University pointed out at the conference .

  6. 本论文使用美国纽约大学的虚拟心脏文件构建心脏静态模型,选用ICEMCFD作为网格划分工具,在Fluent环境中建立动态模型并进行仿真分析。

    The Virtual Heart File of New York University is adopted to build the heart static model by using ICEM CFD as meshing tool . Then , the heart dynamic model is set up in Fluent software circumstance and analysed by simulation .

  7. 其他学校前5名分别为美国纽约大学,伊利诺大学香槟分校和普渡大学。主要的研究领域是商业和管理。

    Other schools in the top five were New York University , the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Purdue University .

  8. 资深策展人林恩·甘佩特女士现任美国纽约大学格瑞美术馆艺术总监,负责统筹展览、并推动教育和收藏项目。

    Lynn Gumpert is an award-winning curator and the Director of the Grey Art Gallery at New York University where she oversees and develops exhibitions , educational activities , and collections .

  9. 美国纽约大学的拉度在1996年证明,意识皮质下有一条神经路径,连结著知觉讯息与产生恐惧反应的原始脑构造。

    In1996at New York university , LeDoux demonstrated the existence under the conscious cortex of a neuronal pathway that connects perceptual information with the primitive brain structures responsible for generating fear responses .

  10. 第二,简要评介了美国纽约大学奥尔森教授于1995年提出的一个公司价值评估的新模式,该模式最大的特点是把公司价值表示为其账面价值和未来异常盈余的折现值之和;

    In the second part , we introduce a new model which is developed by Professor Ohlson in 1995 . According to this model , a firm 's value equals its book value adjusted for the present value of anticipated abnormal earnings .

  11. 美国纽约州立大学上州医科大学(SUNYUpstateMedicalUniversity,位于锡拉丘兹市,又译雪城)的精神病学教授史蒂芬·法劳内(StephenFaraone)表示,存在注意问题的患儿的家长无需因该研究结果而感到恐慌。

    Stephen Faraone , a professor of psychiatry at SUNY Upstate Medical University in Syracuse , said the findings should not panic parents of children with attention problems .

  12. 通过问卷调查、电子邮件联系和网上MSN视频采访的形式对以个体主义和集体主义文化纬度为代表的,中国佳木斯大学和美国纽约城市大学共90名师生进行研究。

    The subjects of this study are 90 teachers and students separately from Jiamusi University and City University of New York representing respectively the collectivistic and individualistic cultures . The instruments used in the research are questionnaire , email communication and interview via video chat on MSN .

  13. 约瑟夫·勒杜在(美国)纽约大学研究记忆。

    Joseph LeDoux studies memory at New York University .

  14. 在这种背景下,长江文艺出版社引进的美国纽约城市大学研究中心创办的世界音乐图像学论文集《艺术中的音乐》(MusicinArt)在中国的出版,对于中国音乐学领域来说有着积极意义。

    Therefore , there is a positive meaning to the Chinese musicology for publishing Music in Art in China .

  15. 1981年赴美国纽约州立大学学习戏剧,不但以优异的成绩从大学毕业,而且参加了电影《大班》、《玛爱米的罪》的演出。

    In1981 , she flied to State University of New York to study theater , and graduated with excellent grades .

  16. 1987年获美国纽约州立大学工商管理硕士学位。

    Cai Rang received a master degree in Business Administration from State University of New York , US , in1987 .

  17. 目前,他是一名助理教授在美国纽约州立大学奥斯威戈艺术系绘图。

    Currently , he is an Associate Professor in Drawing at the State University of New York at Oswego Art Department .

  18. 美国纽约州立大学水牛城分校的电脑科学家乌帕德希雅说,他的研究小组已找出更可靠有效的方法。

    Computer scientist Shambhu Upadhyaya of the University of Buffalo explained that his team has a more reliable and efficient way .

  19. 美国纽约州立大学布法罗分校火山碎屑流和泥石流数学模型研究近况

    Research on the Numerical Model of Pyroclastic Flow and Debris Flow in the State University of New York at Buffalo , USA

  20. 一项美国纽约州立大学布法罗分校的研究发现,相比和陌生人一起,孩子和朋友一起时吃得更多。

    Children eat more with a friend than with a stranger , according to a study at the State University of New York at Buffalo .

  21. 美国纽约罗切斯特大学护理学院的睡眠研究员凯西·帕克表示,该项研究强调了睡眠在健康方面的作用。

    Kathy Parker , a sleep researcher from the University of Rochester 's School of Nursing in New York , said the study underscores the role sleep plays in health .

  22. 一位美国纽约城市大学的物理学教授史沃兹说,20世纪70年代,大约有5000位物理学家不得不该行另谋出路。

    Brian Schwartz , a professor of physics at the City University of New York , says that in the 1970s as many as 5000 physicists had to find jobs in other areas .

  23. 1918年,在北京大学学习之后,徐志摩去美国纽约的哥伦比亚大学学习经济学和政治学。

    In 1918 , after studying at Peking University , he traveled to the United States to study Economics and Political Science at Columbia University in New York City .

  24. 华北计算技术研究所计算机网络专业硕士毕业,美国纽约市市立大学访问学者,德国国家计算机科学研究中心客座学者。

    Graduated as m.s.of computer network specialty of North China Institute of computational technology , visiting scholar of New York Municipal university , usa , guest scholar of National Center of computer science , germany .

  25. 他就读于加拿大蒙特利尔的麦吉尔大学和美国纽约州的伊萨卡大学,与1977年后的博士学位。

    He studied at McGill University in Montreal and at Cornell University in Ithaca , New York , where he received his PhD in1977 .

  26. 祝贺中加高中高三黄超同学成功被美国纽约州立石溪大学录取,也祝福中加高中大学联络办和签证办老师带给我们更多的好消息。

    Huang Chao , a Senior Three student in Huamei-Bond International College , was enrolled by State University of New York at Stony Brook ! Congratulations ! And we hope more good news will reach us .