
  • 网络northwestern University;kellogg
  1. 贝纳杰在印度出生成长,曾进入美国西北大学(northwesternuniversity)研究生院就读博弈论和计量经济学。

    Born and raised in India , Mr Banerji attended graduate school at Northwestern University where he studied game theory and econometrics .

  2. 罗曼提毕业于美国西北大学(NorthwesternUniversity),拥有计算机科学和电子工程学的学位,于1981年作为系统工程师加入了IBM。

    Rometty earned a computer science and electrical engineering degree from Northwestern University , and joined IBM in1981 as a systems engineer .

  3. 在美国西北大学凯洛格商学院(KelloggschoolatNorthwesternUniversity),629名学生中有85人参与了速成型一年期课程。

    At the Kellogg school at Northwestern University , 85 of the 629 students are on an accelerated one-year degree .

  4. 今年夏天,她将担任美国西北大学(northwesternuniversity)凯洛格商学院(kelloggschool)院长,可以说,她将成为全球最具影响力的女性院长。

    She will take over as Dean at the Kellogg School at Northwestern University this summer , arguably becoming the most influential female Dean in the world .

  5. 在美国西北大学(NorthwesternUniversity)凯洛格管理学院(KelloggSchoolofManagement)2015届MBA毕业生中,进入科技行业的毕业生平均底薪为119459美元。

    Among the class of 2015 MBA graduates at Northwestern University 's Kellogg School of Management , the average base salary for those taking jobs in the technology industry was $ 119459 .

  6. 这最终将需要从财政预算和外汇储备中拿出大笔资金进行纾困,美国西北大学(NorthwesternUniversity)学者史宗翰(VictorShih)表示。

    This will eventually require a massive bail-out from the budget and the foreign exchange reserves , says Victor Shih , an academic at Northwestern University in the US .

  7. 伦敦商学院(LondonBusinessSchool)、西班牙IE商学院、美国西北大学(NorthwesternUniversity)凯洛格管理学院(Kellogg)等机构,如今正在尝试运用与管理硕士(MiM)相同的营销手段。那么在职MBA为何不可呢?

    Institutions such as London Business School , IE in Spain and Kellogg , at Northwestern University in the US , are now trying to perform the same marketing trick with the Master in Management degree , or MiM .

  8. 香港科技大学和美国西北大学凯洛格商学院合办了一个EMBA课程。这是一个美国式的两年制课程,周末授课,学员还可前往美国学习。

    Hong Kong University of Science and Technology , in partnership with the Kellogg school at Northwestern University , offers an American-style two-year programme , with weekend classes and overseas visits to the US .

  9. 研究人员——包括麻省理工学院的戴维·奥特(DavidAutor)和梅兰妮·瓦瑟曼(MelanieWasserman)、美国西北大学的克日什托夫·卡波夫尼克(KrzysztofKarbownik)和佛罗里达大学的杰弗里·罗斯(JeffreyRoth)——检查了各种会导致男孩落后的原因。

    The researchers - who also included David Autor and Melanie Wasserman of MIT , Krzysztof Karbownik of Northwestern and Jeffrey Roth of the University of Florida - examined various reasons boys could be falling behind .

  10. 美国西北大学伊利诺斯州埃文斯顿分校的ChristopherBissonnette及其同事通过研究神经元的遗传学原理与方法迈出了第一步:培养新的神经元。

    Christopher Bissonnette and colleagues at Northwestern University in Evanston , Illinois , took the first step in growing new ones by studying the genetics of these neurons .

  11. 美国西北大学的研究人员称之为“穿衣认知”(enclothedcognition),他们在2012年的一项研究中指出,从这种意义上讲,服装可以帮助我们为手头的任务做好心理准备。

    Researchers at Northwestern University , near Chicago , Illinois , call it " enclothed cognition , " noting in a 2012 study that dressing for the part helps us to mentally prepare for the task at hand .

  12. 香港科技大学一方面积极招聘受过海外培训的师资(其中许多人与香港有联系),另一方面与登上全球商学院排行榜的商学院发展联合课程——美国西北大学凯洛格商学院(NorthwesternUniversity:Kellogg)或许是其中最著名的。

    HKUST combined its aggressive approach to recruiting internationally trained faculty , many of whom had ties to Hong Kong , with developing joint programmes with globally ranked schools - the Kellogg school at Northwestern University in the US is perhaps the most notable .

  13. 美国西北大学芬堡医学院的人文教育

    Humanities Education at Northwestern University s Feinberg School of Medicine

  14. 本文作者为芝加哥美国西北大学法学院教授

    The writer is a professor at Northwestern University School of law in Chicago

  15. 荷兰蒂尔煲大学的拉梅尔博士和美国西北大学的格林斯基博士亲自测试该设想。

    Dr. Lammers from Tilburg University and Dr. Galinsky at Northwestern University tested this hypothesis for themselves .

  16. 美国西北大学地球物理学家史蒂文雅各布森曾认为,地球上的水源于彗星。

    Like his peers , geophysicist Steven Jacobsen from Northwestern University believed that water on Earth originated from comets .

  17. 门齐奥在美国西北大学取得博士学位,2005年起在宾大担任教职。

    Menzio has been a member of Penn 's faculty since 2005 after getting his Ph.D from Northwestern University .

  18. 之前在美国西北大学任职的北京大学生物学家饶毅对该规划表示欢迎。

    Rao Yi , a Chinese biologist with Peking University , and formerly of Northwestern University in the United States , welcomed the plan .

  19. “我根本不相信这是适当的,必要或符合美国西北大学的学术使命,”夏皮罗。

    " I simply do not believe this was appropriate , necessary or in keeping with Northwestern University 's academic mission ," Schapiro said .

  20. 他自1994年秋季起任美国西北大学电子工程和计算机科学系教授。

    He joined Northwestern University in the fall of1994 and has been professor of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science since then .

  21. 来自美国西北大学的劳伦•里维拉博士发现,雇主往往会把个人的舒适、接受和兴奋的感觉放在首位。

    Dr Lauren Rivera , from Northwestern University in the United States , found interviewers often put their personal feelings of comfort , acceptance and excitement first .

  22. 美国西北大学和得克萨斯A&M大学的研究人员发现了一种新方法,以限制将基因转移和表达到动物特定组织中。

    Researchers from Northwestern University and Texas A & M University have discovered a new way to limit gene transfer and expression to specific tissues in animals .

  23. 2013年,美国西北大学凯洛格商学院的亚当加林斯基教授,推广了“穿衣认知”这一理念。

    In 2013 , Adam D. Galinsky , a professor at Northwestern 's Kellogg School of Management in the US , popularized the idea of " enclothed cognition . "

  24. 如今,美国西北大学的一项研究以数据为支持,对探讨音乐训练对语言、演讲、记忆力、注意力甚至情感抒发等能力的影响的相关研究进行了分析。

    But a data-driven review by Northwestern University has pulled together research that links musical training to learning that skills including language , speech , memory , attention and even emotion .

  25. 美国西北大学材料科学和工程学教授马克o赫尔萨姆指出,如果富士色素真能完成铝空气电池的商业化,“非常了不起”。

    Dr. Mark Hersam , professor of materials science and engineering at Northwestern University , says that it would be " stunning " if Fuji Pigment hit their target for commercialization .

  26. 美国西北大学和芝加哥大学商学院进行的一项研究显示,体内的睾丸激素水准对一个人倾向于冒多大的金融风险起著重要作用。

    A study from researchers at business schools at Northwestern and the University of Chicago concludes that testosterone levels play a big role in a person 's proclivity to take financial risks .

  27. 美国西北大学发表在《公众利益心理学》期刊上的这一研究发现,网上约会并没有帮助人们建立牢固的关系。

    The research , by Northwestern University and published in the journal Psychological Science in the Public Interest , found that the processes involved don 't lend themselves to forming strong relationships .

  28. 毕业于美国西北大学的萨曼塔林表示,大学给他们提供的阅读清单涵盖了从历史到社会学、从后现代主义小说再到文学经典等多种主题。

    Samantha Lin is a graduate of US-based Northwestern University . She said the reading list she got from the university spans topics from history and sociology to post modern novels and literature classics .

  29. 美国西北大学的皮肤科临床讲师艾米德里克指出,指甲上的30种不同症状可能与疾病有关,而许多症状代表的还不只是一种疾病。

    There are about 30 different nail signs that can be associated with medical issues , though many may indicate more than one problem , according to Dr. Amy Derick , a clinical instructor of dermatology at Northwestern University .

  30. 有一项试验是在美国西北大学的在校生中进行的。研究人员让一组学生回忆自己以前做过的不道德的事,例如背叛朋友,同时让另一组回忆做过的好事,例如拾金不昧。

    In one of several experiments among Northwestern undergraduates , the researchers had one group of students recall an unethical act from their past , like betraying a friend , and another group reflect on an ethical deed , like returning lost money .