
  • 网络Duke University
  1. 美国杜克大学(DukeUniversity)心理学教授丹縠仄里(DanAriely)用披萨来解释这个概念。

    Dan Ariely , a psychology professor at Duke University in the US , explains the idea by using pizza .

  2. 现在美国杜克大学的研究小组发现,离婚也有类似的不良结果。

    Now a team at Duke University has shown a similar effect after divorce .

  3. 1997年在美国杜克大学获有机化学博士学位。

    Wu Hongliu received a doctor degree in Organic Chemistry from Duke University , the US , in1997 .

  4. 美国杜克大学的研究人员建立了一个几百种哺乳动物睡眠规律的数据库,其中包括21种灵长类动物。

    Researchers at Duke University compiled a database of sleep patterns of hundreds of mammals , including 21 primate species .

  5. 美国杜克大学一位教授解释说:“起决定作用的不是身高而是肚脐的位置,也就是人体的重心位置。”

    A professor from Duke University explains ," What matters is not total height but the position of the belly-button , or centre of gravity . "

  6. 美国杜克大学的特里·莫菲特和她的研究同事们发现,有自我控制问题的孩子,在长大成人后,会面临更多的严重问题。

    Terrie Moffitt of Duke University and her research colleagues found that kids with self-control issues tended to grow up to become adults with a far more troubling set of issues to deal with .

  7. 大卫·蒙特菲奥里是美国杜克大学医学中心艾滋病疫苗研发实验室的主任。他表示,“德尔塔”变种更具传染性,症状出现得更快,尤其是对于未接种疫苗者而言。

    David Montefiori is director of the Laboratory for AIDS Vaccine Research and Development at Duke University Medical Center in the U.S. He said the Delta variant is more infectious and symptoms appear faster , especially for the unvaccinated .

  8. 克里斯汀迪亚博士,美国杜克大学的动物行为学家,她正谈论着自己的一项研究,即分析避孕节育对构成动物独特气味的化学成分所产生的影响,这也是同类研究中的首例。

    Dr. Christine Drea is an animal behaviorist at Duke University . Shes talking about her study the first of its kind that analyzed the impact of a form of birth control on the chemicals that make up an animals unique scent .

  9. 美国北卡罗来纳州杜克大学(DukeUniversity)的科学家制造出了一台数据采集容量为当今最先进的消费型数码相机30多倍的实验性相机,这一成果可能会彻底改变人们拍摄和观看图片的方式。

    Scientists at Duke University in North Carolina have built an experimental camera with more than 30 times the data-collecting capacity of today 's best consumer digital devices , a development that could fundamentally alter the way images are captured and viewed .

  10. 美国北卡罗来纳州杜克大学的乔安娜•马赛尔可博士带领的研究小组通过日常的成长评价对482个八个月大的孩子和母亲的关系进行了评估。

    The researchers , led by Dr Joanna Maselko of Duke University in North Carolina , rated the relationships of 482 eight-month-old babies with their mothers during routine developmental assessment .

  11. 在美国和欧洲,据美国杜克大学(DukeUniversity)下属杜克企业教育学院(DukeCorporateEducation)的首席执行官迈克•坎宁(MikeCanning)介绍,需求正变得日益复杂。

    In the US and Europe , demand is increasingly sophisticated , says Mike Canning , chief executive of Duke Corporate Education , part of Duke University in the US .

  12. 他在美国普林斯顿大学做过博士后研究,回到乌特列兹短暂停留后,就到美国杜克大学担任生物人类学教授,直到2004年才回到旧世界。

    After a postdoc at Princeton University and another short stint at utrecht , he went to Duke university , where he was professor of biological anthropology until he returned to the old world in2004 .