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  1. 阮修林教授�美国普渡大学

    Prof Xiulin Ruan , Purdue University

  2. 智能控制自20世纪70年代初由美国普渡大学(PurdueUniversity)电气工程系的傅京孙(K.S.Fu)教授提出智能控制以来,一直是当代科学技术中一个十分活跃和具有挑战性的领域。

    Since the early 1970s , Intelligent control has been proposed by Professor K. S. Fu of Purdue University in United States , which has always been a very active and challenging fields in contemporary science and technology .

  3. 但是,美国普渡大学(PurdueUniversity)的理查德·D·马特斯(RichardD.Mattes)和共同作者综述了调查美国和国外的大群体的研究,发现最常见的情况是,吃坚果的成年人体重小于不吃坚果者。

    But a review of studies of large populations here and abroad by Richard D. Mattes of Purdue University and co-authors most often found that adults who eat nuts weigh less than nut avoiders .

  4. 美国普渡大学的研究人员使用的是合成的鸟嘌呤与胞嘧啶。

    Researchers at Purdue University used synthetic forms of guanine and cytosine .

  5. 他曾率领一个球队参加1932年在美国普渡大学的全国锦标赛。

    He led Purdue University to a national championship in nineteen thirty-two .

  6. 他拥有美国普渡大学颁发的电子和计算机工程硕士学位。

    He holds a Masters degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Purdue University .

  7. 美国普渡大学社会心理学家、该研究带头人埃里克·韦塞尔曼说:被孤立是很痛苦的。

    Ostracism is painful , said chief researcher Eric Wesselmann , a social psychologist at Purdue University .

  8. 每日科学9月2号报道&根据美国普渡大学的一项研究,膳食补充剂未必如其声称的那样对绝经后妇女的骨骼健康有所帮助。

    ScienceDaily ( Sep.2,2009 ) & Dietary supplements claiming to help postmenopausal women with bone health may not be doing what they say , according to new research from Purdue University .

  9. 为此,一些研究机构(如美国普渡大学、中国天津大学建造环境研究室)正在探讨机舱环境革新性的技术以获得健康、安全的机舱环境。

    To this end , a number of research institutions ( such as Purdue University , Built Environment Research lab in Tianjin University ) are exploring innovative healthy , safe cabin environment technologies .

  10. 美国印第安那州普渡大学的CharleneGyurko认为,另一个重要因素是有充分资格的护理学教员短缺。

    Charlene Gyurko , of Purdue University , in Indiana , USA , thinks that another important factor is the shortage of well qualified nurse trainers .

  11. 美国印地安那州普渡大学的经济学教授保罗·卡林指出,在对比英国丈夫的收入与妻子的工作时间时发现,“花瓶妻”的数量正在减少。

    Paul Carlin , of Purdue University in Indiana , noticed the decline of trophy wives when comparing how much British men earn with how much their partners work .