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  • University of Miami
  1. 心脏学家迈阿密大学的医学教授罗伯特J迈尔伯格医生说。

    Robert J.Myerburg , a cardiologist and professor of medicine at the University of Miami .

  2. 但在2005年,迈阿密大学(theUniversityofMiami)的研究人员对82名病危患者进行了一项研究。

    But in 2005 , researchers at the University of Miami , Florida , ran astudyof 82 intensive care patients .

  3. 迈阿密大学也开设有两年制MBA项目。

    Miami also offers a two-year degree .

  4. 他在佛罗里达的迈阿密大学(universityofmiami)就读期间应征入伍,成为海军陆战队特殊储备部队的一员。

    He enlisted in the marines as part of a special reserve unit while at the University of Miami in Florida .

  5. 它们加入了迈阿密大学MU(MiamiUniversityofOhio)等学校的行列,逐渐取消了大多数美国商学院提供的传统上两年制的MBA教育项目。

    They join the likes of Miami University of Ohio in moving away from the traditional two-year MBA most US business schools offer .

  6. 为了让一年制的学生能有夏季实习机会,迈阿密大学工商管理学院(UniversityofMiamiSchoolofBusinessAdministration)将其短学制MBA项目的周期由传统学年换成了自然年,在夏季的几个月休息。

    To give its one-years a shot at summer opportunities , the University of Miami School of Business Administration conducts its briefer M.B.A. on a calendar cycle , breaking for the summer months , rather than a traditional academic year .

  7. 迈阿密大学触觉研究所所长TiffanyField在对由于安德鲁飓风而受到心理创伤的60名在校儿童的研究中发现,连续一个月、每周接受两次30分钟按摩的孩子其忧郁情况有所下降;

    In a study of 60 schoolchildren traumatized by Hurricane Andrew , Tiffany Field , director of the University of Miami 's Touch Research Institute , found that depression dropped in kids who received 30 minutes of massage twice a week for a month ;

  8. 但是像Channer的观察性研究们可能是误导性的,迈阿密大学医学院心脏病学教授WilliamO'Neill医学博士指出。

    But observational studies like Channer 's can be misleading , notes William O'Neill , MD , professor of cardiology at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine .

  9. 为研究孩子性别对CEO制定政策的影响,迈阿密大学的亨里克·克罗克韦斯特教授和中欧国际工商学院的余方副教授对将近400名CEO所做的决策进行了研究。

    To study the impact of a child 's gender on a chief executive 's policies , Professor Henrik Cronqvist from the University of Miami and Associate Professor Frank Yu , from China Europe International Business School studied the decisions made by almost 400 CEOs .

  10. 从2006年开始开设一年制MBA项目的迈阿密大学商学院发现,申请1月开始项目的人数减少了近一半,只有54人,而五年前是103人。

    University of Miami 's business school , which began offering a one-year M.B.A. in 2006 , has seen applications fall by nearly half , to 54 for the class that started in January , down from 103 for the class five years earlier .

  11. 没有参与这项研究的迈阿密大学米勒医学院的临床医学助理教授,胃肠病学专家DavidKerman博士称,这是一个里程碑式的试验。

    It 's a " landmark trial ," says gastroenterologist David Kerman , MD , assistant professor of clinical medicine at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine , who was not involved in the study .

  12. 然后,本研究在美国迈阿密大学的FacultyLearningCommunity(FLC)案例分析的基础上,从FLC的发展历程、准备与形成、组织与运作几个方面阐述高校教师学习团体的具体建设。

    Then , on the basis of this study , Faculty Learning Community in the University of Miami ( FLC ) Case analysis , from the FLC of development , preparation and formation , organization and operation of several aspects explain the specific construction of university teacher learning community .

  13. 最后,在反思与借鉴迈阿密大学FLC建设的基础上,结合我国当前高校教师学习团体建设的困境,整理出我国高校教师学习团体建设的理论基础和实践策略。

    Finally , based on the construction of the University of Miami FLC reflection and learning , combined with the plight of university teachers in the current study team building , it clears up the theoretical basis and practical strategies teachers of university learning community building .

  14. 她拥有迈阿密大学的工商管理学硕士学位。

    She holds an MBA from the University of Miami .

  15. 迈阿密大学有个女生被爆色板染了一身。

    A dye pack exploded on a female student at Miami university .

  16. 他的父亲是迈阿密大学体育运动理论的导师。

    And his father was the athletic sports tutor in Miami University .

  17. 他就读于俄亥俄州的迈阿密大学,并在辛辛那提攻读法学。

    Harrison attended Miami University in Ohio and read law in Cincinnati .

  18. 迈阿密大学入学考试试题(足球运动员特招生卷)


  19. 唯一我们共知的地方是迈阿密大学图书馆。

    The only place we have in common is the research library at Miami U.

  20. 奖项也给予来自迈阿密大学的学生最好的贡献。

    Awards were also given for the best contributions from University of Miami students .

  21. 迈阿密大学俄亥俄分校,2009级,会计专业。

    Abby Marie Minneman , Miami University of Ohio , class of2009 , accountant major .

  22. 瑞奇•贝克汉姆(美国),迈阿密大学视觉新闻系骑士会会长。

    Rich Beckman ( USA ), Knight chair in visual journalism , University of Miami .

  23. 迈阿密大学网上中学是第一个成为‘全国优等生联合会会员’的网上学校。

    UMOHS is the first online school to be granted membership in the National Honor Society .

  24. 当史泰龙进入迈阿密大学之后,因为少三个学分而没能毕业。

    Stallone when to the University of Miami , but dropped out3 credits short of graduating .

  25. 在迈阿密大学,我们很非常幸运的用这个美丽的设施来容纳特殊的客人。

    In Miami university , we are very lucky with this beautiful facilities to accommodate special guests .

  26. 迈阿密大学的法学教授迈克.弗路姆肯对此则不以为然。

    Michael Froomkin , professor of law at the University of Miami , is not so sure .

  27. 保罗瑞安在迈阿密大学俄亥俄分校获得经济学和政治学学位。

    And at Miami University in Ohio , Paul Ryan got a degree in economics and political science .

  28. 当我观看宾夕法尼亚州立大学惊人地从迈阿密大学手里夺走全美大学橄榄球赛冠军时,这种想法时不时在我脑海闪现。

    That thought occurred time and again while watching Penn State breathtakingly take the national collegiate football championship from Miami .

  29. 佛罗里达理工在佛罗里达州所有私立大学中排名第二,仅次于迈阿密大学。

    Florida Tech was again listed as the second-highest ranked private National University in Florida , behind only the University of Miami .

  30. 唐:好吧,俄亥俄州的迈阿密大学的心理学家进行了一项实验,实验显示特定的面部特征和名字之间有关联。

    Don : Well , psychologists at Miami University of Ohio conducted experiments showing a correlation between specific facial features and names .