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  1. 他们也会参与到实践项目中去,还会参观位于迈索尔(Mysore)的印孚瑟斯教育研究中心(Infosyseducationalresearchcentre)。

    As well as being involved with hands-on projects , interns visit the Infosys educational research centre in Mysore .

  2. 迈索尔校区还设有印孚瑟斯领导力学院(InfosysLeadershipInstitute),开展旨在培养印孚瑟斯下一代领导人的项目。

    The Mysore campus also houses the Infosys Leadership Institute , which runs programmes aimed at creating Infosys 's next generation of leaders .

  3. gingerhotels计划在加尔各答及小城市如普那、迈索尔(mysore)和本地治理(pondicherry)等地附近开办新的酒店。

    Ginger hotels plans new hotels near Kolkata and smaller cities such as Pune , Mysore and Pondicherry .

  4. 凯塞尔当时是在印度迈索尔(Mysore)的一所学校里(现代瑜伽的一个分支源自这里),他骑在一辆踏板摩托车上,一条腿站立,另一条腿放在脑后,一边用梵语吟唱着。

    He was hopping on a motor scooter in Mysore , India , to stand on one leg with the other leg behind his head and chant in Sanskrit at the school where a branch of modern yoga has its origins .

  5. 这座电站是受迈索尔土邦委托建设的,使用的技术最初由美国工程师在北美开发。

    The plant was commissioned by the princely state of Mysore using technology originally developed for North America by us engineers .

  6. 他后来回忆说,十几岁的时候他在迈索尔的王公宫殿里展示“最惊人,最让人眼花缭乱”的瑜伽体式。

    He spent his midteens demonstrating " the most impressive and bewildering " positions in the court of the Maharaja of Mysore , he later recalled .

  7. 印度著名的野象之路在迈索尔聚集,一头小号厚皮动物正在两头大象之间水花四溅地度过一条小溪,它们以后都将被驯化。

    Rounded up in Mysore , India 's famous wild elephant drive , a pint-size pachyderm splashes through a stream between two adults , all destined for domestication .

  8. 除了高铁,中印也同意就如何提高金奈到迈索尔的现有线路的速度进行合作,该线路经由班加罗尔。

    Besides the high-speed train , India and China have agreed to cooperate to identify the technical inputs required to increase speed on the existing railway line from Chennai to Mysore via Bangalore .

  9. 除了金奈地铁项目,中国也在与印度合作修建一条连接德里至金奈的高铁,以及对金奈至迈索尔的铁路进行提速。

    Apart from the Chennai metro rail project , China was also collaborating on developing a high speed rail link between Delhi and Chennai and on increasing speed of the Chennai-Mysuru rail line .

  10. 艾扬格当时只有十几岁,是迈索尔王公的随员中最年轻的一个,人们让他在来访的权贵与宾客们面前展示自己伸展和弯曲身体的技巧。

    Mr. Iyengar , then a teenager , was the youngest member of the Maharaja of Mysore 's entourage , and was asked to demonstrate his ability to stretch and bend his body for visiting dignitaries and guests .