
  • 网络Maia;Maiar;Mayer;Miami
  1. 赫耳墨斯是宙斯和迈亚(普勒阿得斯的七个女儿之一)的儿子。

    Hermes is the son of Zeus and Maia who is one of the Pleiades .

  2. 他是奥林匹亚的信使,长有翅膀,是宙斯与迈亚之子。

    The winged messenger of the Olympians , Hermes was the son of Zeus and Maia .

  3. 在管理别的国家的人看迈亚密体育报,并只关心棒球赛结果。

    The Miami Herald is read by people who are running another country , but need the baseball scores .

  4. 从迈亚的世界观来看,人类是地球的缩影;通过修练炼金术,人能顿悟科学中的艺术。

    According to Maier 's world view , each human is a microcosm that resembles the Earth and in his alchemical pursuits , we see the beauty of art in sciences .