
  • 网络Triton;Tri-gan
  1. 一个特里同王子来你这里寻找传说中的亚特兰提斯之珠。

    A triton prince has come to you in search of the fabled Orb of Atlantis .

  2. 虽然特里同并不是个家喻户晓的名字,但还是有人听过它的。

    While it isn 't a household name , some of you have probably heard of Triton before .

  3. 伊德瑞斯·艾尔巴将扮演特里同国王。

    King Triton would be played by IDRIS ELBA .

  4. 在这些水上表演中,水下舞台使战车驾驶员可以在水面上滑行,像海神特里同一样:

    In some of these floodings , a submerged stage allowed chariot drivers to glide across the water as though they were Triton ,

  5. 特里同的表面气压是地球气压的1/50000,你根本无法在那里放风筝。

    With surface air pressure 50000 times lower than that of Earth , you couldn 't fly a kite on Triton 's surface .

  6. 特里同仅比我们的卫星(月亮)小一点,是太阳系中唯一一颗与主星旋转方向相反的大卫星。

    Being just a bit smaller than our own Moon , Triton is the only large moon in the solar system to orbit backward .

  7. 当你想起特里同国王的时候,你(一定)认为他是一位有着浑厚威严的嗓音和健壮肌肉的权威人物。

    When you think of King Triton , you think of him as an authority figure with his booming , commanding voice and his rippling muscles .

  8. 特里同一个星体的质量就占据了海王星所有卫星质量总和的99%以上,仿佛所有能在气体巨星上看到的壮观景象都聚集在一颗卫星上。

    Comprising more than 99 percent of all the mass known to orbit Neptune , it 's as if all the gas giant 's awe was condensed into one moon .

  9. 海神特里同斯,女神涅瑞伊得斯还有水泽仙女他们总是与水息息相关。在他面前,有位少女站在溪流中间,一个人静静的,出神地远望着大海。

    Tritons , Nereids , and nymphs will always have a meaning on a fountain . A girl stood before him in midstream , alone and still , gazing out to sea .

  10. 但不可思议的是,旅行者2号还是拍摄到了在它地表几千米之上的云层。最后,特里同是科学界公认的反射能力最强的天体之一,反射率约为60%~95%。

    Yet , incredibly , Voyager 2 photographed clouds flying just a few kilometers above the surface.Finally , Triton is one of the most reflective objects known to science , reflecting 60-95 percent of all light that hits it .

  11. 1989年“航行者2号”发回的探测数据显示,特里同和其他已知卫星不一样,虽然它也是遍地火山,但喷发的是水和氨而不是火山灰和熔岩。

    As shown by the Voyager 2 probe in 1989 , Triton is rare among known moons in that it is geologically active : Volcanoes pepper the surface , but they do not spew ash and lava when they erupt , like those on Earth . Instead , they spew water and ammonia .