
  • 网络DELHI;Derry;Dehli;Londonderry;Del
  1. 部长因议会危机立刻起程飞往德里。

    The minister air-dashed to Delhi because of the parliamentary crisis .

  2. 我们在当地时间2时到达德里。

    We reach Delhi at 2 o'clock local time .

  3. 他给德里的英国高级专员公署发了份电传。

    He sent a telex to the British High Commission in Delhi .

  4. 他和他的死对头朱塞佩·德里察双双落败。

    Neither he nor his arch-rival , Giuseppe De Rita , won .

  5. 德里在20世纪50年代开始和莫斯科建立起稳固的关系。

    Delhi first began to develop strong ties with Moscow in the 1950s .

  6. 有报道说这项政策的拥护者要齐聚德里召开群众集会。

    Supporters of the policy are reported to be gathering in Delhi for a mass rally .

  7. 德里市在过去的3天里一直在下着倾盆大雨,几乎没有停过,扰乱了人们的正常生活。

    It has been pouring in Delhi almost non stop for the past three days , disrupting normal life

  8. 现在有望在2月进行选举。在此期间,该邦继续由德里政府管理。

    It now hopes to hold elections in February . Meantime , the state will continue to be run from Delhi .

  9. 作为得克萨斯州布朗斯维尔市的第三代人,米尔德里德•加尔扎从不乐意搬走,甚至当她的女儿和儿子要求她搬到圣安东尼奥帮助他们的孩子时,她也礼貌地拒绝了。

    As a third-generation native of Brownsville , Texas , Mildred Garza never pleased move away , Even when her daughter and son asked her to move to San Antonio to help their children , she politely refused .

  10. 这首歌是由两个来自肯塔基州的姐妹—米尔德里德和帕蒂史密斯·希尔写的。

    The song was written by two sisters from Kentucky , Mildred and Patty Smith Hill .

  11. 她的妹妹帕蒂•史密斯•希尔在肯塔基州路易斯维尔的一所幼儿园当老师时为这首歌写了原版歌词,米尔德里德也在那里教书。

    Her sister Patty Smith Hill wrote the original lyrics ( for the song while she was a teacher in a kindergarten in Louisville , Kentucky , where Mildred also taught .

  12. ——在德里公众集会上的讲话印度这片土地养育了佛祖与甘地。

    India is the land of Buddha10 and Gandhi .

  13. 在某种程度上,可以把北京与德里做个比较:宽阔的马路、立交桥、城市氛围等

    To a limited extent one can compare Beijing to Delhi . Wide roads , flyovers andand formal atmosphere .

  14. 英国政府非常担心德里有毒的眼镜蛇的数量问题,因此按照每人上交的死蛇数量发给奖金。

    The British government was concerned about the number of venomous cobra snakes in Delhi . The government therefore offered a bounty4 for every dead cobra .

  15. ——在德里公众集会上的讲话我们都有一个梦想,那就是在庆祝印度独立75周年的时候,所有的贫民窟都将被牢固的房屋所取代。

    It is our dream that by the time we celebrate the 75th year of independent India , all the slums are replaced by cemented houses .

  16. 退休工程师V·P·维尔马(V.P.Verma)把他薄荷绿色的大使车骄傲地停在德里南部的家门外。

    P. Verma , a retired engineer , parks his mint green Ambassador proudly outside his south Delhi home .

  17. 德里的一家空气净化器公司BreatheEasy公司的巴伦凡·阿格拉沃尔说,人们逐渐增强的环境意识保证了产品销量。

    Barun Agrawal of Breathe Easy , a Delhi-based air-filtration company , said that increased awareness has boosted sales .

  18. 上周,一个来自印度铁路公司(IndianRailways)的团队飞到北京,讨论修建德里至钦奈高铁的可能性。

    This week , a team from Indian Railways flew to Beijing to discuss a potential Delhi-Chennai high speed rail link .

  19. 2011年五月,银湖合伙公司和安德里森霍洛维茨公司宣布,他们将Skype卖给了微软(Microsoft),交易价格是85亿美金。

    In May 2011 the new owners announced that they were selling the company to Microsoft for $ 8.5 billion .

  20. 他拥有位于印度德里的印度理工学院(IndianInstituteofTechnology)设计工程硕士学位,在软件测试、产品开发和Web应用程序方面拥有10年经验。

    He holds a Master 's degree in Design Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology in Delhi and has 10 years of experience in software testing and development of products and Web applications .

  21. 德里的部分还着眼于在BPO工作的妇女的安全。

    The Delhi chapter also looks at safety of women working in BPOs .

  22. 但曾参与创建当前监测手段的B·库马尔(B.Kumar)周三表示,该系统一直运行良好。他曾在德里污染委员会供职,已于2013年退休。

    But B. Kumar , who retired in 2013 as an official of the Delhi pollution committee and who helped create the present monitoring method , said on Wednesday that the system had worked well .

  23. 在印度,瑞典电信设备制造商爱立信(Ericsson)去年在德里高院(DelhiHighCourt)起诉小米专利侵权。印度是小米最具潜力的海外市场。

    In India , its largest prospective foreign market , Xiaomi last year faced a patent lawsuit in a Delhi High Court by Swedish telecoms equipment maker Ericsson .

  24. 最近的A4纸传单我设计,推广在德里关牌照即将优惠。

    A recent A4 flyer I designed to promote upcoming offers at an Off Licence in Derry .

  25. 德里市克什米尔门外陆军准将约翰尼科尔森(BrigadierGeneralJohnNicholson)的塑像究竟何时消失,被谁拿走,没人知道。

    Exactly when the statue of Brigadier General John Nicholson disappeared from outside Delhi 's Kashmiri gate , and who took it , is unclear .

  26. 我17岁离家去德里的印度理工学院(IndianInstituteofTechnology)学习工程学,离家前父亲给了我一条建议:“仰望星空,脚踏实地。”

    When I left home at 17 to study engineering at the Indian Institute of technology in Delhi , my dad gave me this advice , " keep your eyes on the stars and feet on the ground . "

  27. 昨天是印度独立日,辛格在德里的红堡(RedFort)用印地语发表了低调致词,重点是承诺推动更为全面的经济增长、减少贫困并增加农民收入。

    A low-key Independence Day address , delivered in Hindi at the Red Fort in Delhi , focused on pledges to foster more inclusive growth , reduce poverty and boost farmers ' incomes .

  28. 那时候gita还在德里上大学。

    Gita was studying in a college in Delhi at that time .

  29. 咨询机构仲量联行酒店集团(JonesLangLaSalleHotels)称,2004年底,印度酒店客房数量不足10万间,其中31%位于德里、孟买、钦奈和班加罗尔。

    At the end of 2004 there were fewer than 100,000 hotel rooms , 31 per cent of which were in Delhi , Mumbai , Chennai and Bangalore , says adviser Jones Lang LaSalle Hotels .

  30. 印度首都德里附近的加兹阿巴德市的一名名叫罗帕什·辛格的高级警官向BBC透露,阿肖克·库马尔在周六晚上醉醺醺地回到家里,与他的妻子发生了争执。

    Ashok Kumar came home drunk on Saturday night and got into an argument with his wife , Rupesh Singh , a senior police officer in Ghaziabad city near the capital Delhi , told the BBC .