
  • 网络AGRA;Taj Mahal
  1. 阿格拉市一位名叫普尼特·丹(PuneetDan)的导游说,他曾注意到泰姬陵的围墙以及陵墓后墙有变色的地方。

    Puneet Dan , a tour guide in Agra , said he noticed the discoloration on the boundary wall of the Taj Mahal and on the back of the monument .

  2. 他们补充说,她在上周游览了泰姬陵(TajMahal)所在的阿格拉(Agra)之后,于周一抵达新德里。

    They added that she arrived in New Delhi on Monday after a visit to Agra , the home of the Taj Mahal , last week .

  3. 印度阿格拉市主要的名胜当然是泰姬陵了。

    The main draw in Agra is of course the Taj mahal .

  4. 第七大奇迹是位于印度阿格拉的泰姬陵。

    The seventh is the Taj Mahal located in Agra , India .

  5. 你召唤了阿格拉巴灯神

    You awakened the Genie of Agrabah .

  6. 泰姬陵矗立于印度古都阿格拉城,是有史以来为爱情而建的最华丽的纪念物。

    Towering over the ancient Indian city of Agra , the Taj Mahal is the grandest monument to love ever created .

  7. 泰姬陵(印度):这座位于阿格拉的白色大理石圆顶陵墓建于17世纪,由莫卧尔皇帝为他的爱妻而修建。

    TAJ MAHAL , INDIA : The white marble-domed mausoleum in Agra was built by a17th century Mogul emperor for his favorite wife .

  8. 哦,你最好站远点。我的意思是,你好象并不知道阿格拉巴有多危险。

    Well , you do kind of stand out . I mean , you do not seem to know how dangerous Agrabah can be .

  9. 印度考古调查机构阿格拉办公室的一名官员称,泰姬陵的墙壁已经被人用粘土“面膜”清理过了。

    The walls have been cleaned with clay packs , said Manoj Bhatnagar , an official in the Agra office of the archaeological survey .

  10. 印度最高法院的法令出台前不久,印度北方邦的官员们在位于阿格拉市的陵墓附近为泰姬陵落成350周年举行了庆祝纪念活动。

    The Supreme Court announcement came as state officials in Uttar Pradesh were celebrating the Tajs350th anniversary close to its site in the city of Agra .

  11. 在另一起案件里,一名英国女性从阿格拉的一家旅馆的窗户跳下,因为一名男性企图闯入她的房间。

    In a separate incident , a British woman jumped out of a hotel window in Agra after a man reportedly forced his way into her room .

  12. 泰姬陵修建于印度阿格拉,是穆斯林皇帝沙贾汗为了纪念爱妻穆塔兹•玛哈尔王后而修建的。

    Taj Mahal was built by a Muslim , Emperor Shah Jahan in the memory of his dear wife and queen Mumtaz Mahal at Agra , India .

  13. 泰姬陵位于距新德里东南130英里(210公里)的阿格拉市,由于阿格拉周边地区的粉尘和工业污染日益严重,泰姬陵白色大理石表面的一些地方开始发黄。

    Rising levels of dust and industrial pollutants from the surrounding city of Agra , 130 miles ( 210km ) southeast of Delhi , have stained some of its white marble surfaces yellow .

  14. 泰姬陵位于印度阿格拉市,当地的一名环保活动人士说,近几年来,亚穆纳河饱受倾倒在河水中的固体垃圾之害。

    The Yamuna has suffered mightily in recent years from the dumping of solid waste in its waters , says an environmental activist in Agra , India , the site of the Taj Mahal .

  15. 同样是在上个月,一名英国女牙齿保健员在印度北部阿格拉度假时,因为害怕被旅馆工作人员性侵从旅馆阳台跳下去摔断了腿。

    Also last month , a British woman dental hygienist suffered leg injuries when she jumped from a hotel balcony in the northern tourist city of Agra , fearing a sexual assault by hotel employees .