
  • 网络Assam;State of Assam;Guwahati
  1. BhupenHazarika的音乐生涯,是将阿萨姆邦的传统音乐传播给更广大范围的听众,这使他在印度和孟加拉国有了大批歌迷。

    Bhupen Hazarika made his career interpreting the traditional music of Assam for a broader audience , which gave him a huge following in India and Bangladesh .

  2. RajibBarooah,茶种植在Jorhat,阿萨姆邦的主要茶叶产区,一致认为,强有力的阿萨姆茶的味道已经减弱。

    Rajib Barooah , a tea planter in Jorhat , Assam 's main tea growing district , agreed that the potent taste of Assam tea has weakened .

  3. 为了改变这种情况,Teabox在大吉岭和阿萨姆邦设立了采购中心,距离采摘和加工的茶园只有数小时路程。

    To change that , Teabox set up sourcing centers in Darjeeling and Assam , within a few hours from the gardens where the leaves are plucked and processed .

  4. 这里之前隶属于阿萨姆邦,1987年成立了新州。

    Previously ruled from Assam , it was made a state in1987 .

  5. 位于东北印度的阿萨姆邦的土著或者居民。

    Native or inhabitant of the state of Assam in NE India .

  6. 阿萨姆邦生产原油,东北是一个美丽的地区。

    Assam produces crude oil and NE is a beautiful area in India .

  7. 亚洲热带一种高大的树,经常截矮成室内盆栽植物,;是阿萨姆邦橡胶的来源。

    Large tropical Asian tree frequently dwarfed as a houseplant ; source of Assam rubber .

  8. 利多公路工程从印度阿萨姆邦的利多进入缅甸于1942年12月16日动工。

    The construction of the Ledo Road from Ledo , Assam , India into Burma began on December 16 , 1942 .

  9. 阿萨姆邦北部的警察避免了孟买爆炸事件在首府高哈蒂附近的巴斯卡地区重现。

    Police in the northern state of Assam have averted a repeat of the Mumbai blasts in Baska district near the capital Guwahati .

  10. 阿萨姆邦的那加部落被认为是印度东北部最野蛮的。

    In the northeast part of the country , Assam was known to have one of the most savage of the Naga tribes .

  11. 其他那加部落分布在毗邻的马尼派尔邦、阿萨姆邦和阿鲁纳恰尔邦以及缅甸境内。

    Other Naga tribes can be found in the adjoining states of Manipur , Assam , and Arunachal Pradesh as well as in Myanmar .

  12. 在东北部阿萨姆邦,当地部落与穆斯林定居者之间的冲突最近几个星期也让50多人丧生。

    In the northeastern state of Assam , ethnic clashes between indigenous tribes and Muslim settlers have killed more than 50 people in recent weeks .

  13. 一种攀缘植物,成熟时结黑红色浆果;产于印度南部和斯里兰卡;引种于缅甸和阿萨姆邦。

    Climber having dark red berries ( peppercorns ) when fully ripe ; southern India and Sri Lanka ; naturalized in North Burma and Assam .

  14. 短期来看像是阿萨姆邦遭受了损失,但是从长期来看将能起到安全的作用,同时还能帮忙解决孟加拉移民问题。

    It might seem to bean immediate loss for Assam , but it will serve security interests in the long term and help solve the problem of Bangladeshi migrants .

  15. 雅鲁藏布江穿过阿萨姆邦,他也被称为“雅鲁藏布江畔的吟游诗人”,他在孟加拉国和北印度都有唱片出版,为无数印度电影演唱插曲。

    Known as Bard of the Brahmaputra after the river that flows through Assam , he also recorded in Bengali and Hindi , singing the soundtrack for numerous Indian films .

  16. 波多则是在阿萨姆邦的一个土着部落,这两个部落在阿萨姆邦与印控“阿鲁纳洽尔邦”接壤的森林里,已经友好相处了几十年。

    Bodo is a tribe native to Assam 's western districts . The two tribes had been living amicably for decades in far-flung villages inside the forests of Assam bordering Arunachal Pradesh .

  17. 种植者在热带阿萨姆邦,印度的主要茶叶产区,比如气温升高不仅导致了生产下降,但以微妙的,不受欢迎的变化,其酿造的味道。

    Growers in tropical Assam state , India 's main tea growing region , say rising temperatures have led not only to a drop in production but to subtle , unwelcome changes in the flavor of their brews .

  18. 人们在大象的尸体上涂上了一些油彩,并撒上了鲜花--这些是祈祷的一部分。周日,人们把它安葬在印度阿萨姆邦坎如普县卡克拉帕尼村一个巨大的墓穴中。

    People decorated the elephant 's body with paints and plants as part of prayers as it was laid to rest and buried in a massive grave on Sunday at Chakrapani village in the Kamrup district of Assam , India .

  19. 大额牛是中国唯一的半野生半家养的珍珍稀牛种,仅分布于云南省的独龙江和怒江流域,以及印度的阿萨姆邦、东孟加拉和与缅甸北部钦邦。

    The gayal ( Bos frontalis ) belonged to the only semi-wild and semi-domestic cattle that distributed in the Dulong River and Lujiang River region and Assam state of Indian , northern of Bangladesh , and some hilly area of Myanmar and Bhutan .

  20. 本章第二节在考察了地方性政党的角色作用之后,对印度东北部阿萨姆邦的民族冲突与民族分离主义问题进行了个案研究。

    Then , I give a case study on Assam 's ethnic conflicts and the secessionist movement of the state , pointing out that the lack of a powerful local state party is a main factor which has led to the burning of the secessionist movement in this state .