
  • 网络Gulf of Oman;Oman
  1. 伊朗位于中东,在伊拉克和巴基斯坦之间,濒临阿曼湾,波斯湾和里海。

    Iran is situated in Middle East , bordering the Gulf of Oman , the Persian Gulf , and the Caspian Sea , between Iraq and Pakistan .

  2. 新华社说,这项交易将让中国这家最大的石油公司建造一条从阿联酋西部到东部阿曼湾富吉拉港的400公里输油管。

    Xinhua says the deal allows China 's top oil company to build a400 kilometer pipeline from an oil field in the western part of the UAE to the eastern Fujairah port , on the Gulf of Oman .

  3. 一个有重要战略地位的海湾,连接波斯湾和阿曼湾。

    A strategically important strait linking the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman .

  4. 地理位置:位于亚洲西南,北与俄罗斯交界,西面是土耳其和伊拉克,东面是巴基斯坦和阿富汗,南面是波斯湾(阿拉伯)和阿曼湾。

    Location : It is located in southwest Asia , bordered by the Russia to the north , Turkey ad Iraq to the west , Pakistan and Afghanistan to the east and Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman to the south .