
  • 网络JAIPUR;Jaipure;JAI
  1. Singhal医生与一个基地在拉贾斯坦邦斋浦尔的志愿机构共事,这个机构帮助指导人们照顾骆驼。

    Doctor Singhal works with a volunteer organization based in Jaipur , Rajasthan , that helps people take care of their camels .

  2. 上个星期斋浦尔发生爆炸以后梅农在新德里对记者说:

    Talking to reporters in New Delhi after the Jaipur blasts last week Menon said .

  3. 在新德里发生9月13号的爆炸事件之前,班加罗尔、艾哈迈达巴德和斋浦尔最近都发生过爆炸事件。

    The September 13 attacks in the capital followed recent bomb blasts in Bangalore , Ahmedabad and Jaipur .

  4. 印度&继2009年成功进驻斋浦尔及孟买之后,福朋将于2010年进驻维沙卡帕特南和浦那两座城市,继续在印度市场的扩张。

    The brand continues to grow in India following openings in Jaipur and Mumbai in2009 and will open in Visakhapatnam and Pune in2010 .

  5. 2015年,在印度北方城镇莫拉达巴德,类似的风筝线杀死了一名5岁大的男孩。2014年,斋浦尔的一个5岁小女孩也因此丧命。

    Similar strings killed a five-year-old boy in 2015 in the northern town of Moradabad , and a five-year-old girl died in Jaipur in 2014 .

  6. 他们说,他也曾经帮助实施了在艾哈迈达巴德和斋浦尔的爆炸袭击,这两个城市近几个月来都发生过连环爆炸。

    They say he also helped in carrying out bomb attacks in Ahmedabad and Jaipur-two other cities that have been hit by serial blasts in recent months .

  7. 印度,斋浦尔(路透社)-一位七十三岁印度农民曾发誓在通过高中联考之前不结婚,这次他第三十八次失败。

    JAIPUR , India ( Reuters ) - A73-year-old Indian farmer who vowed not to marry before passing his high school exams has failed to get through for the38th time .

  8. 这座名叫兰普尔的村庄位于印度拉贾斯坦邦首府斋浦尔南部340公里处,该村村委会最后决定将法律掌控在自己的手中。

    The council , or panchayat , of Ranpur village , 340 km ( 210 miles ) south of state capital Jaipur , then decided to take the law into its own hands .

  9. 在印度外长穆克吉即将前往伊斯兰堡和巴基斯坦外长库雷西进行谈判的一个星期前,一连串的炸弹爆炸发生在印度城市斋浦尔拥挤的市场,造成60多人丧生。

    A week before Indian foreign minister Pranab Mukherjee was to travel to Islamabad to hold talks with his Pakistani counterpart , Shah Mahmood Qureshi , serial bomb blasts in crowded markets shook the Indian city of Jaipur killing more than 60 people .