
  1. 斋天即祭天,是大规模的祭祀仪式,祈求上天给予风调雨顺、五谷丰登的活动。

    Vegetarian day of worship of Heaven , is a large-scale sacrificial ceremony to pray for God to give good weather , bumper grain harvest activities .

  2. 如今,很少有人会受斋40天。

    Few people nowadays fast for 40 days .

  3. 每年狂欢节的时间都根据圣灰星期三来定,即四旬斋的第一天。

    The dates of the carnival vary year depending on the date of Ash Wednesday , the first day of Lent .

  4. 四旬斋前的几天彻底打破了德国人毫无幽默感的成见。

    In the few days before Lent the stereotype of Germans as a people without humour takes a thorough pasting .