
  • 网络three stage design
  1. 基于三次设计和模糊理论的圆柱螺旋弹簧稳健设计

    Robust design based on three stage design and fuzzy theory for helical springs

  2. 应用遗传算法进行三次设计初探

    Tentative Research for Three Stage Design by Genetic Algorithm

  3. 三次设计结合模矢法拟合Logistic曲线的研究

    A Study on Optimum Fitting of Logistic Curve by Combinatorial Method of Three Design and Pattern Search

  4. 通过采用三次设计(系统设计、参数设计、容差设计)优化生产,不但使H2S排放合格率达标,而且CO2产量也超过了原设计值。

    The production is optimized by using three edition designs ( system design , parameter design and tolerance design ) . Not only the emission of H 2S can meet the standard , but also the output of CO 2 is over the original design value .

  5. 主水解设备1000升振动磨先后经过三次设计和试制,在各方面取得了关键性改进,承受了振动强度10g的长期考验。

    The main hydrolyzer , which is a vibration ball mill with 1000 1 . capacity , was greatly improved in all respects after repeated tests and modifications . It endured the vibration strength of 10 g in a long trial .

  6. 给出糖尿病饮食疗法方案的三次设计方法,建立优化模型。

    The paper puts forward three time design method of diabetes dietotherapy plan .

  7. 三次设计的扩展介绍与探讨

    Research on the Extension to Three - stages Design

  8. 某异型威力件压制成型优化工艺参数的三次设计

    Threefold Design of Pressed Form Optimizing Technology Parameter for a Special shaped Charge

  9. 重点介绍了田口方法及其三次设计,并对这三种方法进行了评述与比较。

    At last we comment and compare the three kinds of methods of DOE .

  10. 温度补偿电路的三次设计

    Design of Temperature Compensating Circuit Three Times

  11. 论文结合作者在企业参与调研和课题研究中应用此方法的经历,总结了成功实施三次设计的研究内容以及实施过程中每一步应注意的具体问题;

    Combining the implementary experience of research project , the author concludes the thought and suggestion of successful implementation of Thrice Design .

  12. 本文对正交法和三次设计中的多指标的综合评分问题进行了系统的讨论。

    In the artide author expounds systematically how to give the comprehensive mark about multi-target problems in the orthogonal experiments and triple designs .

  13. 叙述了用三次设计方法对某异型件压制成型工艺进行的优化组合。

    This paper relates the optimized combination used in the forming processing technology of a special shaped charge by means of threefold design method .

  14. 产品的三次设计,第一次叫系统设计,主要是专业技术领域的工作;

    In the three-step design of the products , the first step is called the system design which mainly involves work in the realm of special technologies .

  15. 针对这些问题,本文做了以下工作:从质量控制模型出发,循序渐进地引出三次设计法,并详细论述了三次设计的基本原理。

    Aiming at these problems , this thesis has done the following work : This thesis analysises the theory of three stage design from quality control model .

  16. 本文论述了稳健设计的基本概念。回顾了自三次设计创立以来,中国及国际上稳健设计的发展历程及主要研究成果。

    This paper describes the fundamental concept of Robust Design , and reviews the worldwide development and research achievement of Robust Design since the Three-Time Design Method was created .

  17. 结果表明:采用遗传算法、三次设计法和改进单纯形法等建立一元材积方程优于对数线性化最小二乘法;

    Biloba , the one variable volume equation were established by the genetic algorithm , the three designs and the modified simplex , and were compared with the logarithm linearise minimization double multiplication method .

  18. 除此之外,运用叶绿素荧光成像系统及根系扫描系统,本研究对参数的优化效果进行了研究,并对三次设计方法的应用效果进行了有效验证。

    In addition , using chlorophyll fluorescence imaging and root scan systems , the effectiveness of parameter optimization was also studied and the effectiveness of the three stage design applied in the research was tested . 1 .

  19. 本文论述了现代三次设计的基本思想和方法,结合到农业机械的特点,提出了在农业机械中推行三次设计的初步意见。

    This paper introduces the basic thinking and the ways of the modern method of the three-section design , and presents the idea for its spreading in agricultural machinery design taking into consideration of the characteristics of agricultural machinery .

  20. 线内质量控制主要指制造工艺过程的控制、诊断和调整等,线外质量控制主要指三次设计、质量改进、质量设计和试验设计法等。

    Quality Engineering is classified as on-line quality control and off-line quality ,, The on-line quality control means the control ,, diagnosis and adjustment in the manufacturing process . The off-line quality control focuses on three-times design , quality improvement , quality design and experiment design .

  21. 本文将稳健设计的三次设计法和模糊数学方法相结合,提出了基于三次设计和模糊理论的三次模糊设计,介绍了三次模糊设计在工程机械中的应用方法和步骤。

    The triple design method of steady design was combined with fuzzy mathematical method in the article . Triple fuzzy design was presented on the bases of triple design and fuzzy theory . The method and procedures of triple fuzzy design 's application on construction machinery design were introduced .

  22. 这座山内千年修行的白骨精,她听说吃了唐僧肉可长生不老,于是她三次设计捉拿唐僧。

    This mountain did indeed have a corpse fiend called Lady White Bone , who had been here for a thousand years . It had heard that anyone who ate a piece of the Tang Priest 's flesh will live forever , so it tried three times to capture him .

  23. 在AGREE可靠度分配算法中,首次采用三次参数设计中的极差,来确定可靠度分配中的重要度因子,使可靠度分配结果更具科学性和合理性。

    In the method of reliability allocation of the AGREE , It is first to determine important degree factor of reliability allocation by three-parameter design . Therefor , the result of reliability allocation is changing more science and more rational .

  24. 准双曲面齿轮的三次模糊设计法

    Fuzzy three stage design method of hypoid gear pair

  25. 三次模糊设计在工程机械中的应用方法

    Application of Triple Fuzzy Design on Construction Machinery

  26. 抛物型直纹三次曲面的设计方法

    Design Method of the Ruled Surface of Third Order

  27. 第三次叫容差设计,研究如何选择参数的误差精度使总的效益最好。

    The third step is called the allowance design which is meant to select an error precision of parameters for optimum benefit .

  28. 燃气轮机叶片造型的混合约束条件三次B样条设计法用三次样条函数拟合模具型腔廓线

    Blade Forming of Gas Turbine Using Cubic Spline Fit Method Die cavity outline fit with cubic spline function

  29. 一种三次抛物线在公路设计中的应用

    Application Of Third Power Parabola In Road Design

  30. 在罗丹明酸-BODIPY体系中,我们一共经过了三次合成路线的设计,在多次失败和不断地讨论与修改下,最终经过连续12步合成,得到一个目标分子:硫醇荧光比率探针。

    This time , we totally designed three synthetic routes and modified and discussed after many failures . Ultimately , we completed the synthesis route and through a 12-step consecutive synthesis to obtain the objective Probe .