
  • 网络Sanshan Island
  1. 新立金矿区就是位于三山岛&仓上控矿断裂带上。

    Xinli gold deposit is situated at the Sanshandao-Cangshang ore-controlling fault .

  2. 山东三山岛滨海矿山导水断裂带的危害及防治

    Hazards and of Water - transmitted fault in coastal mines and Its Prevention Countermeasures

  3. 三山岛金矿井下采场顶板管理的探索与实践

    The practice of back safety management of underground stope in San Shan Dao Gold Mine

  4. 介绍了辅助斜坡道开拓与主斜坡道开拓系统在三山岛金矿的应用情况。

    The application of assistant and main ramp exploitation systems in SanShanDao Gold Mine are introduced .

  5. 山东三山岛金矿床氧、氢碳稳定同位素的研究及其应用

    Oxygen , hydrogen , carbon stable isotopic study of San Shan Dao Gold deposit , Shandong Province

  6. 三山岛金矿位于山东省莱州市,是我国的一座大型金矿山。

    Sanshandao gold mine , located in Laizhou City Shandong Province , is a big gold mine of China .

  7. 三山岛矿区地下水质有海水、第四系水、基裂岩隙水、地下热水、淡水等。

    Ground water in Sanshandao mine field consists of sea water , Quaternary water , fissure water in base rock , underground hot water and fresh water .

  8. 在上海西北方向的三山岛是周末带着家人离开城市去放松一下的理想地方。

    Three Mountain ( San Shan ) Island northwest of Shanghai is an ideal spot to venture away from the big city for the weekend with the family .

  9. 结合三山岛金矿的具体情况,因地制宜地研究应用了以回风侧为主的多级机站通风系统模式。

    In line with the local conditions of Sanshandao Gold Mine , a mode of multi-staged ventilation system mainly on the wind return side was investigated and used .

  10. 三山岛金矿是我国第一个进行海底采矿的硬岩矿山,矿山采用点柱式机械化上向水平分层充填法开采。

    Sanshandao Gold Mine is the first hard rock mine carrying out under-sea mining in China , which adopts the mechanical upward horizontal slice stoping-filling method with pointed pillars .

  11. 电动卡车是国际上一种先进的运矿设备,在三山岛金矿深部工程的矿石运输中发挥着越来越大的作用。

    Electric drive trucks are an internationally advanced ore hauling equipment and are playing increasingly greater role in the ore hauling in the deep project in Sanshandao Gold Mine .

  12. 将分析结果应用于工程实际,为三山岛金矿新立矿区海底安全高效开采矿石资源提供了技术保障。

    The analysis results were used in the practical engineering , providing a technical support to an efficient safety under-sea mining in Xinli mineral zone of Sanshandao Gold Mine .

  13. 三山岛金矿区位于胶东半岛西北部,区内构造、岩浆活动强烈,以发育脆性断裂为特征。

    Sanshandao gold mine is located in the northwest of Shandong peninsula , structure and magmatic activity of this area are strong , and it is characterized by development of brittle fracture .

  14. 本文介绍的是以地面磁法测量为主,于1979年在仓上覆盖区,以追索三山岛金矿构造为目的地质填图工作。

    The geological mapping aimed at tracing the structures of the Sanshandao gold deposit was carried out in the Cangshang Covered Area in1979 , with the ground magnetic survey being the essential work .

  15. 三山岛金矿新立矿区是我国第一个进行海底采矿的硬岩矿山,国内仅龙口在海下采煤。

    Xinli mining area of Sanshandao gold deposit is the first hard rock mine which belongs to the under-sea deposit in our country , and only Longkou is mining coal under sea in domestic .