
huí yóu
  • migration;run
回游 [huí yóu]
  • [migration] 海洋中一些动物(主要是鱼类)因为产卵、觅食或季节变化的影响,沿着一定的路线有规律地往返迁移

  • 产卵回游

回游[huí yóu]
  1. 科学家研究过鱼类远距离回游的现象。

    Scientists have studied the migration of fish over long distances .

  2. 在鱼蟹回游通道筑坝,要建造相应的过鱼设施。

    Dams to be built across fish and crab migration routes shall be provided with appropriate fish passage facilities .

  3. 比方说,游泳池顶上有led大屏幕,在泳池里来回游时,维多利亚湾的海滩与夜空在屏幕边来回忽闪。

    There is the pool , for instance , which features an LED screen on its ceiling and at one end of it that flashes scenes of the beach and the sky while you do your laps .

  4. 我静静地等着,它们总是不停地来回游着。

    But I waited quietly , and they always came back .

  5. 一些鱼类回游到此水段来繁殖后代。

    Some fish migrate to this section of water to breed .

  6. 浪漫主义之鱼回游在收向手中的网底;

    Romantic fish swam in nets coming to the hand ;

  7. 鲑鱼奋力回游到河里产卵。

    The salmon fight their way back up the river to spawn .

  8. 经由苏伊士运河回游到地中海了。

    Migrated to the Mediterranean Sea via the Suez Canal ( Ref.5385 ) .

  9. 她在游泳池能来回游一趟。

    She can swim two lengths of the pool .

  10. 狡猾的海狮不断吞吃回游的三文鱼,让鱼类生物学家十分困惑。

    Crafty sea lion befuddles fish biologists by continuing to munch on migrating salmon .

  11. 处于候鸟回游路线的国家必须警惕野鸟和家禽患病的迹象。

    Countries located along migratory routes need to be vigilant for signs of disease in wild and domestic birds .

  12. 10月份回游至湾外水域的对虾有向东、东北或东南回游的现象。

    In October the tagged prawns in the water area outside the Bay migrated towards east , northeast or southeast .

  13. 豚鱼的回游、鹤的迁徒、月相的周期变化、公鸡的报晓,其季节或时间都是十分准确的,具有守信的特征。

    The season or time is unchangeable on the migration of globefish and crane and cyclical movement of moon and crow of rooster .

  14. 湄公河委员会的一项研究结果显示,沙耶武里水坝会影响鱼类回游,甚至导致湄公河大鲶鱼等濒危物种绝迹。

    One commission study concluded the dam would affect fish migration and could drive endangered species , like the Mekong giant catfish , to extinction .

  15. 格棱兰的未来已经提前到来,这里的渔夫们高兴地看到鳕鱼的回游,农民们喜获丰收。

    The future may have arrived already in icy Greenland , where fishermen are thrilled by the return of cod and farmers are reporting higher yields .

  16. 山区河流的生态修复,湿地生态工程,人工产卵场、栖息地和回游通道工程,人工增殖和生物放流工程等河流生态修复技术。

    Ecological recovery technologies includes ecosystem recovery of mountainous rivers , wetland ecosystem recovery , artificial spawning , habitat and migration passways , artificial reproduction and biological fish pouring etc.

  17. “渔业水域”是指鱼虾类的产卵场、索饵场、越冬场、回游通道和鱼虾贝藻类的养殖场。

    " Fishing areas " means spawning grounds , feeding grounds , wintering grounds and migration channels of fish and shrimp as well as aquacultural grounds of fish , shrimp , shellfish and aquatic plants .

  18. 那个海湾非常宽阔,我也没想要游太远,所以游了一会儿以后我就开始往回游,这样回到岸边就比较容易。

    The bay was pretty wide , and I wasn 't looking forward to swimming all that distance . So , I turned a little toward the shore after a while . Then it was easy to get back .