
  1. 研究表明Pt-DEB薄膜QCM传感器在室温下对于瓦斯气体CH4的敏感特性,发现对CH4气体发生吸附过程后,很难回到初始频率,并且对不同浓度的瓦斯气体响应灵敏度呈非线性。

    By studying the sensitivity of Pt-DEB thin film sensor to methane gas CH4 , the film sensors was hard to return to initial frequency after the absorption of CH4 . And the sensitivity to CH4 with different concentration presented a character of nonlinear .

  2. 一次交互成功,退避时间回到初始值。

    After a successful interaction , the backoff delayer is reset .

  3. 吸气,身体回到初始位置。

    Inhale and return to the starting position .

  4. 一边缓慢呼气,一边回到初始弯腰位置。

    Exhale slowly as you return to the original position , bending forward from the waist .

  5. 绷网完以后,扳动换向阀,使手轮回到初始的位置,关闭电源。

    After the nets , stretch , throw reversing valves , make the initial position , close to power .

  6. 根据所构造可达树的特点提出并实现初始标识可达性判断算法,检测是否所有的可达标识均可回到初始标识。

    Second , to propose and realize a algorithm to detect whether all the reachable marking can return to the initial marking .

  7. 之后,质子再次将能量释放以回到初始时的平衡状态。

    After they absorb energy , the nuclei release or reradiate this energy so that they return to their initial state of equilibrium .

  8. 质子回到初始时的平衡状态不是瞬时发生得,而是需要持续一段时间。

    The return of the nuclei to their equilibrium state does not take place instantaneously , but rather takes place over some time .

  9. 采用分段吊装法进行大跨度箱形梁安装前,应首先确定其放样状态,从而保证结构落架后回到初始状态(设计状态)。

    Before install long span box beam segment by segment , lofting state should be determined , by this mean , structure can restitute initial state .

  10. 如果要逆转它,回到初始点,就需要外界的投入,比如额外的功,额外的热量等等,因为你进行了一个不可逆过程。

    Get back to the initial point is going to require some input from outside , like heat or extra work or extra heat or something because you 've done an irreversible process .

  11. 之后停留两秒钟,随后弯曲胳膊使身体向下,直到胸口部位离地面2英寸,此时胳膊肘应该呈90度弯曲,最后重新回到初始姿势。

    When you reach the top pause for a second and then lower yourself back towards the floor until your chest is 2 inches from the floor and your elbows are at 90 degrees .

  12. ,目前为止我所做的,都是沿着这曲线,如果把它们都拿掉,如果这是理想型弹簧,它就会回到初始长度,它是这样表现的。

    So what I 've done is I effectively went along this curve , and if I take them off , if it is an ideal spring , then it goes back to its original length , which it does .

  13. 它说我想回到我初始的温度,我可以做的。

    Says , I want to go back to my original temperature , what can I do .

  14. 随着暴跌,导致种群数量回到它的初始水平。

    The crash reduces the population size toward the original level .

  15. 无知就如开弓之箭,一去不复返:一旦无知被知识所取代,那么就很难回到无知的初始状态了。

    It is a one-shot thing : once ignorance has been displaced with knowledge it is hard to get it back .