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  • magnetic stripe
磁条[cí tiáo]
  1. 我行ATM目前支持磁条卡交易,暂不支持纯芯片卡交易。

    Currently , magnetic stripe card is accepted by CCB ATM , but only-chip card is not accepted for the moment .

  2. 金融IC卡比传统磁条卡更具有安全性和可扩展性,在不久的将来会逐渐替代现有的磁条卡。

    This kind of financial IC card is much safer and more extendable than the traditional magnetic stripe card , and will surely replace the magnetic card in near future .

  3. 电子支付公司CreditCall的首席技术官、支付安全专家JeremyGumbley解释说,每个磁条都有三条信息轨道。

    Each magstripe has three tracks of information , explains payments security expert Jeremy Gumbley , the chief technology officer of Credit Call , an electronic-payments company .

  4. (这实际上是一个混合体,由于大多数美国商家都没有EMV终端,因此它仍将带有磁条。)

    ( It 's actually a hybird that will still have a magstripe , since most US merchants don 't have EMV terminals . )

  5. 虽然美国信用卡使用有40年历史的磁条技术来处理交易,但世界上大多数国家都使用更智能的卡,其技术名为EMV(Europay、MasterCard、Visa的缩写),利用嵌入卡中的芯片加上一个客户PIN(个人识别码)来现场验证每笔交易。

    While American credit cards use the 40-year-old magstripe technology to process transactions , much of the rest of the world uses smarter cards with a technology called EMV ( short for Europay , MasterCard , Visa ) that employs a chip embedded in the card plus a customer PIN ( personal identification number ) to authenticate every transaction on the spot .

  6. 讽刺的是,美国坚持使用磁条的历史原因是曾经的卓越技术。

    The historical reason the US has stuck with magstripe , ironically enough , is once superior technology .

  7. 将3美元乘以美国流通的50多亿张磁条信用卡和预付卡。

    Multiply $ 3 by the more than 5 billion magstripe credit and prepaid cards in circulation in the US .

  8. 磁条是你的信用卡信息和坏人之间的唯一屏障。

    A thin magnetic strip ( magstripe ) is all that stands between your credit-card information and the bad guys .

  9. 一些大银行,如富国银行,现在提供将磁条卡转换为芯片密码卡的服务。

    Some big banks , like Wells Fargo , are now offering to convert your magstripe card to a chip-and-PIN model .

  10. 这使得全世界几乎只有美国零售商依赖磁条技术来收取购物费用,同时也让消费者处于弱势。

    That leaves American retailers pretty much alone the world over in relying on magstripe technology to charge purchases — and leaves consumers vulnerable .

  11. 不过,在可预见的未来,信用卡和借记卡将与我们同在,而如果我们坚持使用磁条技术的话,黑客也将一直存在。

    Credit and debit cards , though , are going to be with us for the foreseeable future , and so are hackers , if we stick with magstripe technology .

  12. 信用卡所用磁条技术也由IBM发明。

    It created magnetic strip technology for credit cards .

  13. 如是复合卡,可以使用磁条部分在我行ATM进行交易。

    For composite card , you can use magnetic stripe for transaction on our ATM .

  14. Visa和万事达已经设定截止日期,要求美国的零售商在2015年10月前将磁条卡换成芯片卡。

    Visa and MasterCard have set an October 2015 deadline for U.S. retailers to switch from magnetic strips to embedded chips .

  15. 基于Proteus的非晶合金磁条仿真分析及应用

    Simulation Analysis and Application of Amorphous Alloy Magnetic Bar Based on Proteus Simulation Software

  16. 为店内的每个POS解决方案配备扫描仪、打印机、显示器、磁条阅读器(magneticstripereader,MSR)和付款设备的成本太昂贵了。

    Outfitting every POS solution in store with a scanner , printer , display , magnetic stripe reader ( MSR ), and payment device would be too expensive .

  17. RFID技术具有使用寿命长、读取距离大、标签上数据可以加密、存储数据容量更大、存储信息可以更改自如等优点,是一个可以替代条形码和磁条的升级换代技术。

    RFID has long Performance life , long reading distance , data on label encrypting , great capacity , and stored information free altering . It may replace the bar code and magnetic needles .

  18. 然后设计外围关键模块电路,如LCD模块、磁条卡模块、IC卡模块、NFC模块、USB扩展模块。

    Then it designs the circuit of peripheral key module , such as LCD module , magnetic stripe card module , IC card module , NFC module , USB extension module etc.2 .

  19. 通过对安全磁条+条形码技术、射频技术、RFID图书定位系统的比较分析,进而总结出基于RFID技术的图书定位系统在未来发展所面临的问题和发展前景。

    Through the comparative analysis of the magnetic stripe security bar code technology , RFID technology , RFID Book positioning system , and summed up the problems faced by Book positioning system based on RFID technology in the future development and prospects for development .

  20. 另外,PBOC智能卡不仅具有普通磁条银行卡的所有金融功能,还能够提供身份认证、会员管理和积分管理等智能化功能。

    In addition , the smart IC card of PBOC also can provide many intelligent applications , such as the identity authentication , member management and reward points management , except for the basic financial functions .

  21. 大多数欧洲信用卡发行商都已升级至“芯片和密码”(chip-and-pin)系统,而美国仍依靠储存在安全性较低的磁条上的数据。

    While most European issuers have upgraded to a chip-and-pin system , the US relies on data carried in less-secure magnetic stripes .

  22. 编码模块也可利用磁条和部分智能卡技术,包括ISO7816接触式智能芯片;

    Encoding modules are also available for magnetic stripes and certain smart-card technologies , including ISO7816 contact smart chips ;

  23. 研制出了转移式磁条,其磁性能与进口转移式磁条的磁性能相当,矫顽力280~360Oe,相对剩余磁通100%±5%。

    A transfer magnetic strip is developed which behaves as those imported products with coercive force 280 ~ 360Oe and relative residual flux 100 % ± 5 % .

  24. 与磁条卡相比,PBOC智能卡具有安全性高,卡内敏感数据难以被复制,不易被伪造的优点,而且卡片容量大,可以存储密钥、数字证书、指纹等。

    Compared with the Magnetic Stripe Card , the smart IC card of PBOC not only possesses advantages of high safety and the difficulty of sensitive data copied , but also owns huge capacity for storing the key , digital certificate , fingerprints and other information , and so on .

  25. 磁条卡的应用及其读写系统

    The Application of Magnetic Stripe and its Read - write System

  26. 冲绳海槽中段线性磁条带异常及其构造发育

    Linear magnetic anomalies and tectonic development for the middle Okinawa Trough

  27. 磁卡用转移式磁条的开发

    Development of a Transfer Magnetic Strip Used in Magnetic Card

  28. 其中下列情形之一的报表将最好的形容磁条技术?

    Which one of the following statements would best describe magnetic stripe technology ?

  29. GB/T15120.2-1994识别卡记录技术第2部分:磁条

    Identification cards Recording technique Part 2 : Magnetic stripe

  30. 磁条卡在我国的应用逐年增多,今后将有更大的发展和广泛的应用。

    The application of the magnetic stripes is growing annually in this country .