
  • 网络Disk Array;RAID;redundant array of independent disks;ibm;dell
  1. 磁盘阵列环境下Linux中断机制的改进与测量

    Improvement and Measurement of Linux Interrupt Mechanism in RAID

  2. 本文提出以误字率作为表征数据可用性指标,讨论冗余磁盘阵列(RAID&RedundantArrayofInexpensiveDisks)的系统可靠性。

    This paper has proposed the word error rate as the index representing the data availability and discussed the reliability of RAID ( Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks ) .

  3. 邮件日志设置在单独的磁盘阵列上。WindowsPageFile放在单独的单磁盘阵列上。

    The Windows Page File was placed on a separate single disk array .

  4. 设计并实现了SafetyBox子系统对存储磁盘阵列空间独特的管理。

    Design and implement unique management of disk array storage space in Safety Box modules . 3 .

  5. 基于嵌入式Linux的磁盘阵列控制软件设计

    The Design of Raid Control Software Based on Embedded Linux

  6. 基于磁盘阵列的超高速SAR原始回波数据记录技术研究

    Study on Ultra-High Speed SAR Raw Data Recorder Based on Disk Array

  7. 基于DSP的磁盘阵列的研究

    Research of DSP Based IDE Disk Array

  8. 带Cache的磁盘阵列I/O响应时间及吞吐量分析

    Analyzing of I / O Response Time and Throughout of RAID with Cache

  9. 磁盘阵列Cache自适应预读算法的研究

    Research on adaptive prefetching algorithm of disk array cache

  10. 磁盘阵列Cache算法精确测评系统研究

    An Accurate Evaluation System for Disk Array Cache Algorithms

  11. 磁盘阵列cache数据一致性的研究与实现

    Study and implementation of consistency of RAID-based NVRAM cache

  12. 中央Cache磁盘阵列结构性能分析

    Performance Analysis of the Central Cache Disk Array Structure

  13. SAN中的客户机使用该磁盘阵列而不是使用机内的磁盘子系统。

    SAN-enabled clients use the disk array instead of their internal disk subsystems .

  14. 附网存储系统(NAS-NetworkAttachedStorage)的实现需要三方(即服务器、客户机和磁盘阵列)通信协议的支持。

    The realization of network attached storage system ( NASS ) needs the support of the three-hand communication protocol .

  15. Cache对磁盘阵列性能的影响

    Disk Parameter and Cache Effect on RAID Performance

  16. CACHE在磁盘阵列中的应用与实现

    Application and Implementation of CACHE in Disk Array

  17. 磁盘阵列中高速并行RS译码算法研究

    Research on high speed and parallel RS decoding algorithm in disk array

  18. 基于分布替换RAID与磁盘阵列Cache研究

    A Research on Distributed Sparing RAID and Disk Array Cache

  19. 磁盘阵列错误隐藏的DCT系数重建算法研究

    Study on Reconstructing Algorithm of DCT Coefficient for RAID Error Concealment

  20. 本文以嵌入式Linux操作系统为基础,针对以上情况实现并优化了网络磁盘阵列存储系统。

    In this paper , a network storage system is discussed and achieved which runs on embedded Linux .

  21. 在API接口的基础上设计了远程配置磁盘阵列的功能。

    COATINGS FOR DISK MEMORY We have designed remote set command on the basis of API interface .

  22. 磁盘阵列(RAID)在医院网络信息系统中存储解决方案探讨

    An Exploration for RAID Storage Solution in Hospital Network Information System

  23. 一种基于DCT的磁盘阵列错误恢复算法

    DCT Based Algorithm of Image Recovery for Disk Array

  24. 冗余磁盘阵列(RAID)是今天企业级存储系统的标准解决方案。

    RAID is today 's standard solution for enterprise class storage systems .

  25. 磁盘阵列RAID是一种提供高性能I/O的最常见存储设备。

    RAID is the most common storage device to provide high-performance I / O.

  26. 基于遗传算法的RAID磁盘阵列中磁盘负载均衡方法

    Disk Load Balancing Method for RAID Disk Array Based on the Genetic Algorithm

  27. RAID5磁盘阵列技术的性能分析

    The performance analysis of raid _5 disk arrays technology

  28. 例如,IBMDB2融入了数据压缩特性,这让电信公司可以用更少的磁盘阵列存储数据。

    IBM DB2 , for example , incorporates data compression features that enable telcos to store data on fewer arrays .

  29. 冗余磁盘阵列RAID5性能损失研究

    Performance Loss Analysis of RAID 5

  30. 磁盘阵列的RAID技术

    The Raid Technology about Disk array