
  • 网络Disk Utility;Disk Tools
  1. 磁盘工具能够修复目录损坏;

    Disk Utility 's " Repair Disk " verifies and repairs directory damage ;

  2. GPT的主要问题是兼容性:低级别磁盘工具和操作系统必须全部支持GPT。

    The main problem with GPT is one of compatibility : Low-level disk utilities and operating systems must all support GPT .

  3. 有的磁盘工具能够创建一个混合MBR,除EFIGPT分区外,这个混合MBR将最多定义三个MBR分区。

    Some disk utilities can create a hybrid MBR , which defines up to three MBR partitions in addition to the EFI GPT partition .

  4. 有三类主要的软件需要GPT支持:内核、引导装载程序和低级别磁盘工具。

    Three main classes of software all require GPT support : the kernel , the boot loader , and low-level disk utilities .

  5. 遗憾的是,这表示磁盘工具不能合理检测这种磁盘的存在。

    Unfortunately , this means that disk utilities cannot properly detect the presence of such disks .

  6. 这个规则是为了使磁盘工具可以使用这个空间来帮助完成它们的任务。

    The intention is that disk utilities can use this space to help with their jobs .

  7. 每过一段时间运行一下内置的Windows磁盘清理工具。

    Every once in a while run the built-in Windows Disk Cleanup utility .

  8. 如果上述命令完成时没有任何带有“FAILED”的行,那么就可以准备安装用户磁盘空间工具了。

    If the above command completes without any " FAILED " lines , then you 're ready to install the user-space tools .

  9. DiskDruid是手动磁盘分区工具。

    Disk Druid is the manual disk partitioning tool .

  10. 这与VeritasVolumeManager提供的磁盘管理工具类似,但它可以与AIX操作系统集成,且不收取任何额外费用。

    This is similar to how Veritas Volume Manager can provide disk management tools but comes integrated with the AIX operating system at no extra charge .

  11. 虽然该工具最早是作为灾难恢复的磁盘克隆工具开发的,但它可以被用来将一个物理服务器实例转化成一个VM,以便于部署在一个虚拟基础设施内。

    Although it was originally developed as a disk-cloning tool for disaster recovery , you can use it to convert a physical server instance into a VM for easy deployment into a virtualized infrastructure .

  12. 调整分区的过程可能会帮助您熟悉GParted和其他磁盘实用工具,以及各种分区的最佳大小。

    The process of resizing your partitions can also help familiarize you with GParted and other disk utilities , as well as with the optimum sizes for various partitions .

  13. 浅谈磁盘镜像工具WinImage的使用方法

    Briefly Discussing How to Use of Disk Mirror Image Tool-Win Image

  14. 系统已经损坏。请运行磁盘扫描工具,然后重新安装应用程序。

    The system is corrupt . Try running ScanDisk and then reinstall the application .

  15. 除非使用磁盘管理工具,否则不要修改动态磁盘的结构。

    Do not modify the structure of dynamic disks unless you are using the Disk Management tool .

  16. 最简单的方法是用磁盘清理工具清除临时文件和你不再使用的储存程序。

    The simplest way is to use a Disk-Cleanup tool to remove temporary files and in store programs that you no longer use .

  17. 驱动器%1有问题,必须先修正才能压缩。要修正驱动器,请运行磁盘扫描工具。

    Drive % 1 contains errors that must be corrected before the drive can be uncompressed . To correct them , run ScanDisk .

  18. 一款磁盘清理工具,可以通过清除硬盘中的垃圾数据,临时文件等来获得更多的剩余空间。

    A disk clean-up tools , data can refuse to remove the hard disk , such as temporary documents to obtain more space left .

  19. 例如,压缩操作就像一个针对NSF文件的磁盘碎片整理工具。

    For example , compact operations act like a disk defragmentation tool for your NSF files .

  20. 在用户空间,DRBD提供一组用于管理复制磁盘的实用工具。

    In user space , DRBD provides a set of utilities for managing replicated disks .

  21. 为解决这个问题,开发了在线磁盘碎片整理工具(e4defrag)。

    An online defragmentation tool ( e4defrag ) has been developed to address this .

  22. (重新配置现有的系统很可能非常麻烦,因为这需要备份和恢复数据、把数据传输到新的物理磁盘或者使用工具动态地调整现有的卷或分区)。

    ( Reconfiguring an existing system is likely to be tedious , because it requires backing up and restoring data , transferring data to a new physical disk , or using tools to dynamically adjust volumes or partitions in place . )

  23. 发现磁盘瓶颈的最佳工具是iostat。

    Your best tool for spotting disk bottlenecks is iostat .

  24. 导致发生USN回滚的第二个原因是使用不受支持的方法(最常使用的是磁盘克隆或映像工具)还原了域控制器。

    The second cause of USN rollback occurs when a domain controller has been restored using an unsupported method , most frequently using a disk cloning or imaging tool .

  25. 这个想法的目的是保护GPT磁盘免受不支持GPT的磁盘工具损坏。

    The idea is to protect the GPT disk from damage by GPT-unaware disk utilities .