
  • 网络Magnetic field interference;magnetic interference
  1. 提出一种机器人不受磁场干扰情况下,利用编码器和电磁罗盘校核轮子打滑的方法。

    This paper presents a method to calibrate mobile robot wheel-slippage by encoders and electronic compass when the mobile robots isn 't distorted by magnetic interference .

  2. 然而在实际应用时,MEMS陀螺的硅材质和结构特性对温度比较敏感,易产生较大的漂移,此外,磁强计容易受到外界磁场干扰,从而对载体姿态信息的融合结果产生不利影响。

    However the magnetometer is vulnerable to external magnetic field disturbance , thus it might produce adverse effect to the fusion results , besides , silicon material and structural properties of MEMS gyroscope are sensitive to temperature which causes larger drift of MEMS gyroscope .

  3. 强磁场干扰条件下结构面产状的确定方法

    Method for Determining Structural Plane Occurrence Under Interference of Strong Magnetic Field

  4. 空心电抗器工频磁场干扰屏蔽措施的研究

    Power Frequency Magnetic Field Shielding Measures Analysis of Air-core Reactor

  5. 工频磁场干扰对计算机监控系统的影响

    Power Frequency Magnetic Field Interference on Computerized Monitoring System

  6. 双星计划太阳电池壳降低磁场干扰的改进措施

    Improving measures to reduce magnetic field disturbances for solar panel in double star plan

  7. 光纤数传系统抗超高压强磁场干扰试验

    Tests of Optical Fiber Digital Transmission System for Anti-interference with Superhigh-tension and Strong Magnetic-field

  8. GB/T6833.8-1987电子测量仪器电磁兼容性试验规范工作状态磁场干扰试验

    Electromagnetic compatibility test specification for electronic measuring instruments & Operating magnetic field interference test

  9. 卫星强磁场干扰分析

    Interference analysis of strong magnetic field of spacecraft

  10. 无线电干扰场强测量仪产品具有良好的抗电场、磁场干扰性能。

    Radio interference field strength measuring instrument Low noise and good inter-pair interference immunity .

  11. 提出了计算机监示器免受磁场干扰的各项措施。

    Final-ly , methods which prevent computer monitor from the magnetic field disturbance are proposed .

  12. 电厂及工业控制计算机监视器磁场干扰的抑制

    Suppression of Magnetic Field Disturbance of Computer Monitor in the Power Plant and Industry Control

  13. 最后,针对计量表计安装现场存在强电场和磁场干扰这一特点,从硬件设计和软件设计两个方面采取了有效的抗干扰措施,确保整个系统能够在现场环境中稳定工作。

    At last , counter electromagnetic interference measures have been taken both in hardware and in software to assure the reliable operation .

  14. 特别是,在电弧加热设备的强电磁场干扰环境中,采用特殊的屏蔽结构实现了这种强干扰环境下高焓气流的总温直接测量。

    The direct measurement of total temperature of high-enthalpy flow was achieved through special shielded structure especially at disturbance environment of super electromagnetic field .

  15. 文章通过试验和计算阐明探测一号卫星的周期性磁场干扰信号是来源于太阳电池壳,由于壳内表面的电流布线所致。

    Test and calculation explain that cyclical magnetic field disturbances of TC-1 spacecraft come from the wiring of the electric current string at the back of solar panel .

  16. 进电方式采用大面四点进电,以有效减少磁场干扰,保证电解槽生产平稳进行。

    The mode of current input is four points in the big surface so as to efficiently decrease the magnetic field disturbance and accordingly to make the cell run more stably .

  17. 通过对磁流体激波管问题的求解验证了该方法对激波的捕捉能力,对有均匀磁场干扰下的喷管流动情况进行了数值模拟,并与文献中结果进行了对比。

    The shock-capturing properties of the method are verified by solving the MHD shock-tube problem . Then the 2-D nozzle flow with the magnetic field is numerically simulated on the unstructured mesh .

  18. 在强磁场干扰的调查区域,应用传统的结构面产状测量方法所测得的产状数据不真实。

    In the structural plane occurrence measurement by the conventional method in the under-investigation area that is under the interference of a strong magnetic field , the data obtained are often unreal .

  19. 经试验证明,该系统在实验室的高频强磁场干扰、高频振动和高温环境下仍运行稳定可靠且满足实际应用的需求。

    Proved by the experiment , This system runs steadily and satisfies practical application 's demands under the laboratory high frequency strong magnetic field disturbance , the high frequency vibration and the high temperature environment .

  20. 以实际涡轮膨胀机为对象,研究了径向控制电流、工作载荷、轴承及转子的温度变化、磁场干扰等因素与转子径向位置精度的关系。

    In consideration of an actual turbine expander , the effects of some factors , such as radial control currents , radial operating load , dynamic temperature , magnetic fields disturbance , and thermo-expansion of the rotor and bearings , on the radial position precision of the rotor are studied .

  21. 电场的作用使离子定向漂移,而磁场的干扰使离子的运动变得复杂,从而大大降低了FAIMS的可靠性和稳定性。

    The ions would drift in the electric field , whereas the movement of ions became complicated due to the magnetic disturbances which have greatly reduced the reliability and stability of FAIMS .

  22. 激光诱导荧光能级寿命检测中磁场的干扰基于激光干涉的瞬态微热量测量方法

    Magnetic Interfere on Time-resolved Laser Induced Fluorescence Measurements Micro-Calorimetry Based on Time-Resolved Interferometer

  23. 不受磁场作用干扰的;防磁的。

    Impervious to the effects of a magnetic field ; resistant to magnetization .

  24. 目的:研制一种治疗腰椎骨质疏松的小型仪器,进一步探讨温热磁场与干扰电流对骨质疏松患者的作用。

    Objective : In this paper , we described the instrument design and clinical applications of interference electrotherapy and tepid magnetic in treatment of lumbar osteoporosis .

  25. 她表示,当她还是个孩子时,父母就不再给她买手表,因为她体内的磁场会干扰手表装置使其不准。

    When she was a child , she said , her parents stopped buying her watches because her magnetic field kept interfering with the timing mechanism .

  26. 为保证这种电子显微镜获得高分辨率图像,必须严格控制震动和环境磁场的干扰。

    Vibration and the effect of external magnetic field must be strictly controlled so as to ensure the high resolution of images obtained from the microscope .

  27. 这种重载流电缆周围的极低频磁场可能干扰附近敏感电子设备的正常运行,甚至影响暴露于该场下的人体的健康。

    But the extremely low frequency ( ELF ) magnetic fields generated by such cables may cause disturbances to nearby electronic apparatus and may even affect the human health .

  28. 红外测温为非接触测量,它只能测量变压器的表面温度,易受环境温度及周围磁场的干扰,且需人工操作,无法实现在线测量。

    But infrared temperature measurement technology is non-contact , so it can measure the surface temperature of the transformer only and it may be interfered by the ambient temperature and the surrounding magnetic field . Therefore , it needs manual operation and it can not be measured online .

  29. 功率因数校正电路杂散磁场对传导干扰发射作用的分析研究

    Analysis on the EMI effect of stray magnetic field from main circuit of a PFC switched mode power supply

  30. 交流和直流输电线路对于环境的电磁影响,主要包括:电场、磁场、无线电干扰和可听噪声等几个方面。

    The electromagnetic environment influences of AC and DC transmission lines include electric and magnetic fields , radio interference and audible noise .