
yìnɡ pán fēn qū
  • hard disk partition
  1. Linux系统的硬盘分区与文件系统

    Hard Disk Partition and Document System of Linux System

  2. 这些命令只能在以下位置中使用:Windows当前安装的系统文件夹、可移动媒体、任何硬盘分区的根文件夹或本地安装源。

    These commands only operate within the system folders of the current Windows installation , removable media , the root folder of any hard disk partition , or the local installation sources .

  3. DECSystem5810小型机硬盘分区的有关问题

    Some Problems about Hard Disk Partition on the DEC System 5810

  4. FAT文件系统下硬盘分区表损坏的解决方案

    Solution Scheme of Hard Disks Subarea Form Damages under FAT Document System

  5. DOS系统下硬盘分区表链的特点

    Th Features of Hard Disk Partition Table Chain Under DOS

  6. 由于MBR的大小限制,GPT将成为硬盘分区的标准。

    GPT is poised to become the standard for hard disk partitioning because of the size limitations of the MBR .

  7. 请按PS3的操作说明将硬盘分区(这样做会丢失所有数据,所以请备份!)并载入“OtherOS”引导程序。

    Follow the usual PS3 instructions for getting your disk partitioned ( you do lose all your data if you do this , so make backups !) and the Other OS boot loader loaded .

  8. 主要研究BPB参数表、硬盘分区表有关参数的计算问题;

    It mainly approaches the problem of the variable table of BPB and the calculating method relevant to variables of hard disk partition table .

  9. 您可以按意愿将设置部分保存到软盘或者硬盘分区上:如主目录文件、网络设置、X11配置、打印机等等。

    You can save the elements you like about your setup : home files , network setup , X11 configuration , printer , and so on & to floppy or HDD partition .

  10. Knoppix还将我的所有硬盘分区自动挂载到桌面上,包括测试用的OS/2桌面上的HPFS分区。

    Knoppix also automatically mounts all my HDD partitions on the desktop , including the HPFS partitions on my OS / 2 desktop that I used for testing .

  11. 虽然卷可以随硬盘分区协同扩展(co-extensive),但大多数管理人员都不会将整个分区只分为一个卷。

    Although volumes can be co-extensive with hard-disk partitions , most administrators would not fill a complete partition with a single volume .

  12. 硬盘分区链表结构分析与应用

    Analyzing Partition Chain of Hard Disk and its Application

  13. 深入剖析硬盘分区结构及其应用

    Deep Analyzing Hard Disk Partition Structure and Its Applications

  14. 硬盘分区的显示与隐藏

    How to Show and Hide partition of Hard Disk

  15. 硬盘分区参数的保存与恢复

    Saving and Renewing of Partition Parameter of Hard Disk

  16. 现代硬盘分区表的读写及应用

    Reading-Writing and Application of Partition of Modern Hard Disk

  17. 重建硬盘分区表时相关参数的使用

    Using Related parameters to rebuild harddisk partition table

  18. 垃圾文件清理:清理选中的硬盘分区或指定目录中的无用文件。

    Junk file cleaner : cleans redundant files in hard disk or specific directory .

  19. 大容量硬盘分区表的重构

    Rebuilding of Partition Table for Large Capability Harddisk

  20. 硬盘分区结构及恢复

    The Structure of Hard Disk Partition and Recalling

  21. 硬盘分区参数的算法探析

    Study on Partition Table Algorithm of Hard Disk

  22. 硬盘分区表解析及信息恢复方法

    The partition table analysis and method that his information is recovered of hard disk

  23. 系统被引导后,病毒将从被感染的软盘跳到硬盘分区表。

    Upon system boot , the virus will jump from the infected floppy disk to hards partition table .

  24. 主要介绍在安装win95/98过程中各种硬件设备的设置和对硬盘分区的管理。

    This paper mainly discusses the setting up of various hardware and the management of partitions of hard discs .

  25. 意为:硬盘分区表错误,是否修复硬盘分区表或引导区?

    Hard Disk Partition Table - Error !!! Fix Hard Disk Partition Table or Sector ( Y / N )?

  26. 在开始寻找您的硬盘分区模式的替代方法之前,最好回顾一下迫使这种变化出现的限制。

    Before embarking on a quest to replace your hard disk 's partitioning scheme , it 's helpful to review the limitations that are about to force this change .

  27. 作为替代方案,可以留出硬盘分区或网络空间用于部分或全部存储;尽管如此,磁盘文件还是很方便灵活,因此我推荐使用磁盘文件。

    Alternatively , you can set aside partitions or use network mounts for some or all storage ; however , disk files are convenient and flexible , so I emphasize their use .

  28. Windows为硬盘驱动器分区和其他存储设备分配驱动器字母,而Linux在root文件结构中为它们分配目录。

    Where Windows assigns drive letters to hard drive partitions and other storage devices , Linux assigns them directories in the root file structure .

  29. 在该示例中,所有硬盘驱动分区都是用UUID标识的。

    In this example , all hard drive partitions are identified by UUID .

  30. mnt是“mount”的缩写,是装入硬盘驱动器分区和其他设备的标准位置。

    Mnt , short for " mount ," is the standard location to mount hard disk drive partitions and other devices .