
  • 网络bagel
  1. 她在嘎嘣嘎嘣地啃着一个硬面包圈。

    She was chomping away on a bagel .

  2. 这相当于一块硬面包圈或两小铲巧克力冰淇淋球的卡路里含量。

    This is the equivalent of a bagel or two scoops of chocolate ice cream .

  3. 我利用他短暂的停顿咬了一口硬面包圈。

    I took advantage of his brief pause to take a bite of my bagel .

  4. 均匀烘烤各类面包类产品,包括面包片、小餐包、硬面包圈、华夫饼、英式松饼等;

    Evenly toasts a variety of bread products including bagels , texas toast , waffles , and english muffins ;

  5. 例如:一个硬面包圈似乎比炸面圈健康,但密集大的硬面包圈含6片面包的热量。

    Example : A bagel might seem healthier than a doughnut hole , but dense bagels have the calorie content of six slices of bread .

  6. 你喜欢吃硬面包圈的早餐,如果您是不是这是一个原因,你是体重增加或将在未来?

    Do you love eating bagels for breakfast , if you are than that is a reason why you are gaining weight or will in the future ?