
  1. 鸟巢是2008年北京奥运会主体育场。

    The nest is the2008 Beijing Olympic main stadium .

  2. 奥运会主体育场开合部分结构设计探讨

    An Exploration on Structural Design of Retractable Roof Structure in the Main Gymnasium of Olympic Games

  3. 会徽纠纷发生在东京因为建筑费用螺旋上升而废弃奥运会主体育场设计之后不久.

    The logo dispute came shortly after Tokyodecided to scrap the designs for the main Olympic stadium because of spirallingconstruction costs .

  4. 结合历届奥运会主体育场的规模发展及近年来国际上体育场馆的发展状况,从北京现状和发展的需求出发,对2008北京奥运会主赛场的建设规模进行再论证。

    Arguing the scale of the main stadium for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games base on the scale of the main stadium for Olympic games since 1976 and the requirements of the development of Beijing .

  5. 国家体育场位于北京奥林匹克公园中心区,为2008年第29届奥林匹克运动会和残疾人奥运会的主体育场。工程建筑面积258000平方米,场内观众坐席约为91000个,其中临时坐席约11000个。

    The stadium was designed for use throughout the 2008 Summer Olympics and Paralympics.The " Bird 's Nest , " with the building area of 258000 nf , has room for 91000 spectators , but the capacity will be reduced t0 80000 after the Olympics.In 2001 , after Beijing had been awarded the right to host the 2008 Summer Olympics ,