
  • 网络Aokang;AUCOM;orcon
  1. 本文以奥康公司adsl业务为研究对象,分析了奥康公司adsl业务的服务质量现状及问题产生的原因。

    This article analyzed the service quality and problem reason in Auco company for its ADSL business .

  2. 赫尔德信奉中世纪哲学家奥康的威廉(williamofockham)的格言:如果简单的解释就能说明问题,那就忘掉复杂的假设吧。

    Held follows the maxim of the medieval philosopher William of Ockham forget complicated hypotheses if the simple explanation fits .

  3. 方法将Hp阳性的消化性溃疡患者98例分成三组,A组:分别给予金奥康20mg一日二次、诺帮500mg一日二次、阿莫灵1000mg一日二次;

    Methods Ninety-eight cases of Hp positive peptic ulcer patients were divided into three groups . Scheme A : omeprazole20mg + clarithromycin500mg + amoxicillin1000mg , twice daily .

  4. 奥康公司作为国有企业集团的子公司,其提供的adsl业务对集团的生产经营起着重要的支撑作用,并提升了职工的生活质量。

    Auco company , as a subsidiary of state owned group enterprise , offers ADSL business , which is improving the employee 's quality of life and is also the business extension of the group .

  5. 瑞士奥康公司防空武器系统的研究发展思想探讨

    Study of Development Concept of AA Weapon System in Switzerland OC Corporation

  6. 人本理念实践&湖北黄冈奥康步行街规划建筑设计

    Humanity in Practice & Planning and Architectural Design of Huanggang Aokang Commercial Pedestrian

  7. 最后,对丹东奥康电子设备厂的物流绩效进行了分析和评价,得出该厂的分析结果。

    Finally , the article analyses and evaluates the logistics performance Dandong Aokang Electronic Equipment Factory .

  8. 民营企业信息化建设的探讨&以奥康集团的信息化建设为例

    To Discuss on Informatization Constructing of Private Enterprises & As An Example with Information Constructing of Aokang Group

  9. 奥康实施多品牌战略的过程中也面临一些风险和困难,如成本问题。

    Aokang implementation of the multi-brand strategy is also facing a number of risks and difficulties , such as cost .

  10. 浙江奥康集团是中国最大的民营皮鞋制造商,法庭判决奥康鞋业被退还500万元人民币诉讼费。

    The Zhejiang Aokang Group , China 's largest privately owned shoemaker , will be refunded about 5 million yuan in court fees .

  11. 对奥康集团英文简介进行分析后发现,最主要的是缺乏英译策略。

    An analysis on the English profile of Aokang Group has found that the most important thing is the lack of C-E translation strategies .

  12. 再次以奥康集团带动温州皮鞋产业集群转移案例为研究对象,分析了产业集群转移对璧山经济发展的带动作用。

    Second , the author uses the case of Wenzhou shoe industry cluster transfer , which is led by Aokang Group to study what kind of leading role in economic development the transfer can bring for Bishan County , Chongqing City .