
  1. 纠偏与开新:思想史视域中的东林学派及其思想建构

    Rectification and Innovation : Dong Lin School and Its Theoretical Construction in the Vision of Intellectual History

  2. 东林学派开创的经世致用学风,对整个十七世纪的学术思想都产生了重要影响。

    The practical thought of the school had a far-reaching impact on the entire 17th century academic thought .

  3. 晚明东林学派与无善无恶说之争

    Dong lin School and the Argument on the Theory of no evil and no good in the late Qing Dynasty

  4. 东林学派是明末颇有社会影响的一个学术团体,以经世致用的学风为特征。

    The School of Donglin , characterized by concerning reality and applying , was an influencing academic group in the late Ming Dynasty .

  5. 书院网络的形成过程实际上也是东林学派的形成过程,是个人治学手段泛化为群体思维方式的过程。

    The formation of the whole network was , in fact , the shaping of Donglin school , and the process of Gu Xian-cheng 's philosophy being accepted by more and more scholars .