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  • 网络east market;Eastern Market;Eatern Market;Cubatao;Taitung City
东市 [dōng shì]
  • (1) [eastern sales market]∶东面的市场

  • 东市买骏马,西市买鞍鞯。--《乐府诗集.木兰诗》

  • (2) [execution ground] ∶刑场。汉代在长安东市处决死刑犯,后来泛称刑场为东市

  • 身送东市。--南朝齐. 丘迟《与陈伯之书》

  1. 这些都使东市的市场氛围似乎带有几分官味。

    It seems that the east market atmosphere with a few " official " taste .

  2. 前不久,我在伊利诺斯州东莫林市的外战老兵俱乐部里遇到一个叫沙莫斯的年轻人。

    A while back , I met a young man named Shamus at the VFW Hall in East Moline , Illinois .

  3. 这场盛大的闭幕式晚会共有超过4100名表演嘉宾,包括3500名成年志愿者和380名来自6个东伦敦市镇的学生。

    The performance features more than 41-hundred performers , including 3500 adult volunteers and 380 school children from the six east London Host Boroughs .

  4. 施罗尔的冷淡态度可能源于他作为一名汽车测试及开发车手已经26年了,或者是由于他本身的业余爱好就是赛车。他一直在俄亥俄州东自由市的交通研究中心工作。

    Schroer 's nonchalant attitude might come from his26-year career as a test and development driver at the in East Liberty , Ohio , or his hobby of racing cars .

  5. 前不久,在伊利诺伊州东莫林市的外战老兵俱乐部里,我偶遇一个年轻人,他叫沙莫斯,身高足有2米,相貌英俊,目光清澈,笑容可掬。

    A while back , I met a young man named Shamus at the VFW Hall in East Moline , Illinois . He was a good-looking kid , six-two or six-three , clear-eyed , with an easy smile .

  6. 在东圣路易斯市,有这样一个年轻女孩,她品学兼优,成绩出色,却因为没有钱,无法完成学业,与大学无缘,而像她这样的孩子还有千千万万,我们应该为他们做点什么。

    More to do for the young woman in East St. Louis , and thousands more like her , who has the grades , has the drive , has the will , but doesn 't have the money to go to college .

  7. 他们继续向东朝该市的小机场推进。

    They were pressing on eastwards towards the city 's small airfield .

  8. 西安灿烂阳光地址:西安东大街骡马市文商大厦一楼。

    Xi'an brilliant sunshine Address : East Street , Xi'an Luomashi first floor commercial paper .

  9. 一名38岁妇女的致命病例发生于东爪哇泗水市。

    One fatal case , in a38-year-old woman , occurred in the city of Surabaya , in East Java .

  10. 东邻扬中市、西靠大港外贸港口、环境优美、交通便利。

    It has beautiful environment and convenient transportation , with Yangzhong City to the east and Dagang Port to the west .

  11. 辽东边墙东起丹东市宽甸县鸭绿江畔的虎山南麓,西至绥中县境内。

    The Liaodong Side Walls east from Tiger Mountain in the side of Yalu River in Kuandian County of Dandong and west to Suizhong County .

  12. 为大力推行该项目,东近江市携手当地民间组织、加油站、社区委员会以及一些公司。

    To carry out the project , the city began cooperating with the local residents ` association , gas stations , community councils , and companies .

  13. 在英国还有其他子女众多的家庭,包括东基尔布莱德市的德雷克辛普森和黛比辛普森一家有13个孩子,邓迪市的汉斯一家也有12个孩子。

    Other large British broods include Derek and Debbie Simpson , from East Kilbride , who have 13 children , and the Hanns from Dundee , who have 12 .

  14. 到东海岸纽约市华盛顿特区迈阿密还去了加勒比我一回到俄勒冈的家中

    To the east coast , NYC , Washington , D.C. , Miami , and down through the Caribbean It was when I returned home to Oregon , immediately after I returned home .

  15. 东起乌鲁木齐市、西至博乐阿拉山口的新疆天山北坡综合经济带是我国重点国土整治开发区之一。

    Located to the east of Urumchi and to the west of Ala mountain pass in Bole , the comprehensive economic belt on north slope of Tianshan mountain in Xinjiang is one of the key zones for land exploitation and cultivation in China .

  16. 长沙、株洲、湘潭三市位于湖南中部偏东,三市地域互相紧邻,市中心彼此相距数十公里,其间有铁路、公路和湘江联系,是全省社会经济发展的核心地域。

    Changsha , Zhuzhou and Xiangtan city , which located in the middle of Hunan province and is only ten kilometers apart between them , are connected by railway , roads and Xiangjiang River and between the core district to the province economic and social development .

  17. 长安东、西两市作为唐代市场体制的典型代表,同时也承担着区域经济中心的职能。

    The east and west markets in Chang ' an were the typical representatives of the market system in Tang Dynasty and also undertook the function of the center of the district economy .