
  • 网络Orientalism;Orientalist
  1. 这样,在芥川的东方主义话语中,中国被他者化了。

    Therefore , China becomes'the other'in Akutagawa 's discourse of orientalism .

  2. 东方主义与西方话语权力&对萨义德东方主义的反思

    Orientalism and Western Rhetorical Power & reflecting upon E.W.Said 's Orientalism

  3. 20世纪五六十年代,毕加索以欧仁·德拉克鲁瓦(EugèneDelacroix)1834年的东方主义杰作《阿尔及尔女人》(WomenofAlgiers)为灵感,创作了《阿尔及尔女人》系列作品,向他钦佩的前辈们致敬。

    Inspired by Eug è ne Delacroix 's 1834 Orientalist masterpiece , " Women of Algiers , " this was one of a number of works Picasso produced in the 1950s and 1960s in response to earlier artists he admired .

  4. 他的文化身份是中国的,儒家的,反东方主义的。

    So His cultural identity is Chinese , Confucian , and anti-Orientalism .

  5. 第二部分概述了赛义德的东方主义理论。

    The second chapter is a survey of the theory of Orientalism .

  6. 李安电影中的东方主义

    Orientalism of Director Lee Ang in His Film EAST WEST

  7. 庞德《神州集》中的东方主义研究

    A Study of the Orientalism in Ezra Pound 's Cathay

  8. 不完全的解构:《蝴蝶君》与东方主义

    An Example of Unfinished Deconstruction : Mr. Butterfly and Orientalism

  9. 消逝的蝴蝶&《蝴蝶君》对东方主义的颠覆

    Disappearing butterfly : subversion of orientalism in Mr. Butterfly

  10. 语言学是东方主义的一个溺子。

    Linguistics is a spoiled son of the Orientalism .

  11. 其《东方主义》和《文化与帝国主义》是后殖民理论的重要文本。

    Both Orientalism and Culture and Imperialism are vital texts of postcolonial theory .

  12. 萨义德的《东方主义》之后&20世纪90年代国内后殖民理论研究综述

    Post-Saids ' Orientalism & Outline of Postcolonial Theory Studies of 1990s in China

  13. 从东方主义角度分析西方对中国电影的选择性接受

    Westerners ' selective reception of Chinese movies & analysis from the perspective of Orientalism

  14. 所以最终赛珍珠还是一个反东方主义者。

    So ultimately Buck is an anti-oriental writer .

  15. 这种东方主义式的偏见出于西方对东方的无知、歧视以及猎奇心理。

    This orientalist bias comes from the westerners ' ignorance , prejudice and curiosity .

  16. 这种思维很容易滑入异国特色这一套路,有时有“东方主义”之称。

    Such thinking can easily slip into exotica , what is sometimes called Orientalism .

  17. 浅析比较法研究中的东方主义视角马克思主义法学与解构主义法学之比较

    On Orientalism in Comparative Jurisprudence A Comparative Study of Marxism Jurisprudence and Deconstruction Jurisprudence

  18. 颠覆的历程&试析东方主义视角对美国华裔作家创作的影响

    The Process of Subversion & Analysis of Orientalism 's Influence on Some Chinese American Writers

  19. 赛义德和赛义德东方主义的共谋

    Conspiring of E.W.Said and Said 's Orientalism

  20. 东方主义乃是西方文明中一个根深蒂固的悠久的思想与话语传统。

    Orientalism is a deeply rooted and long-standing idea and discourse tradition in Western civilization .

  21. 巴巴继承并超越了赛义德在《东方主义》中开创的殖民话语分析。

    Bhabha continues and goes beyond the colonial discourse analysis initiated by Said in Orientalism .

  22. 关于当代文化批评话语的评析&兼论东方主义

    Comments on Discourse in Contemporary Cultural Criticism

  23. 解构东方主义的二元对立模式&赛义德的《东方主义》

    A Deconstruction of the Binary Oppositional Pattern of Orientalism & On Said s Orientalism ;

  24. 黄哲伦通过伽利玛这一艺术形象,有力地颠覆了西方文化中长久积淀的东方主义。

    David Hwang subverts Orientalist in the Western cultures through the artistic image of Gallimard .

  25. 萨义德的东方主义概念对于亚非历史研究有多大用处?

    How useful is Said 's concept of Orientalism to historical research on Asia or Africa ?

  26. 西方学者研究这部作品主要表现在意识形态、东方主义和女性身份等等。

    The western scholars study The Joy Luck Club in ideology , orientalism and female identity .

  27. 首先,谭恩美对东方主义的解构可以从三个方面展开。

    To begin with , three aspects will be presented to illustrate her deconstruction of Orientalism .

  28. 一半像邪魔一半像小孩&论《蝴蝶君》中东方主义者的东方印象

    Half Devil and Half Child & On the Eastern Impression of the Orientalist in Mr. Butterfly

  29. 东方主义是建立赛义德民族文化观的一块基石。

    Orientalism is a foundation stone of setting up the view of national culture of Said .

  30. 因此她的文化身份显示出矛盾性,是东方主义与多元文化主义的结合。

    Therefore , the cultural identity of Amy Tan is an ambivalence of Orientalism and Multiculturalism .