
dōng yáng
  • Toyo;orient;Japan
东洋 [dōng yáng]
  • [Japan] 指日本国。如:东洋布;东洋表

东洋[dōng yáng]
  1. 采用以PLC软件取代硬件逻辑控制电路,对东洋电梯给定速度曲线控制方式进行技术改造。

    The technical modification of the control method for the given velocity curve of Dongyang elevator has been successfully carried out by using the PLC software to replace hardware logical control circuits .

  2. 针对颜料、油墨行业生产废水处理的特点和工程实例介绍了天津东洋油墨有限公司污水处理站PLC控制系统。

    In accordance with the features of sewage treatment in pigment and printing ink productions and the practical examples , the PLC control system of sewage treatment station of Tianjin Dongyang Printing ink Company Ltd.

  3. 日本《日经产业新闻》(NikkeiBusinessDaily)和《东洋经济》(ToyoKeizai)杂志网络版都报道说,双方已同意建立合资企业。

    Both Japan 's Nikkei business daily and the online edition of Toyo Keizai magazine reported that the two had agreed a tie-up .

  4. 所以,东洋机电汽车零件制造公司要想在竞争中立于不败之地,就应该尽快的实施JIT采购模式。

    Thus , if Dongyang Automotive Parts Company wants to be in an invincible position in competition , it should implement the mode of JIT purchasing as soon as possible .

  5. 例如,当kkr支持的韩国东洋啤酒公司(orientalbrewery)获得提高啤酒价格的政府审批时,它成为了一场购买国货运动的目标。

    For example , when Oriental brewery , a kkr-backed company based in South Korea , secured government permission to raise beer prices , it became the object of a buy-local campaign .

  6. 这片海域吸引了19世纪伟大的博物学家阿尔弗雷德丠莱士(AlfredRusselWallace),作为华莱士线(WallaceLine)的提出者,他划出了从东洋物种到澳洲物种(Australasianspecies)过渡的分界线。

    These are the waters that drew the great 19th-century naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace , he of the Wallace Line , marking the point where Asian flora and fauna give way to Australasian species .

  7. 日本东洋电机齿轮驱动装置制造技术

    Manufacture Technology for Gear Driving Device on Toyo Motor in Japan

  8. 东洋区的种类相对贫乏,有10种,仅占总数的20%;

    Only 10 species ( 20 % ) to Oriental realm ;

  9. 8种蜱类属于东洋界的种类,占所采蜱类22.86%;

    Species , about 22.86 % , belong to Oriental region ;

  10. 在202种繁殖鸟类中,东洋种为优势类群,共有171种,古北种和广布种分别为4种、27种。

    171 species are Oriental species , 4 species are Palaearctic species .

  11. 东洋公司造粒技术方案设计缺陷刍议

    Disputation of Defect in Prilling Technology Scheme Design of TOYO Engineering Corporation

  12. 我们通常吃手头的东洋水产鸡肉味的方便面。

    We usually have chicken-flavored Maruchan instant ramen on hand .

  13. 东洋界、古北界和新北界共有种为1种,比重为1.23%。

    Species ( 1.23 % ) is the Oriental , Palaearctic and Nearctic .

  14. 东洋界、古北界共有种为11种,比重达13.58%;

    11 species ( 13.58 % ) are both the Oriental and Palaearctic ;

  15. 东洋电梯门机控制系统的技术改造

    Technical Transform of Machine-Door Controlling System of Dongyang Elevators

  16. 主要从东洋医学和西洋医学角度,对脾脏的生理功能进行了比较研究。

    The physiologic function of spleen in Eastern and Western medicine was here compared .

  17. 清季支那史、东洋史教科书介译初探

    An Exploration into the Translation of History Textbooks of China and Asia from Japan

  18. 汉语音韵学在传统汉学与新东洋学理念冲突下,两种学术倾向并存;

    Two research trends coexist under the confliction between traditional Sinology and new Japanology .

  19. 东洋、古北二界共有种36种,占总数的20.93%。

    36 Oriental-Palaearctic species , occupying 20.93 % .

  20. 东洋电梯给定速度曲线控制方式的技术改造研究

    A Study on Technical Modification of Control Method of Velocity Curve for Dongyang Elevator

  21. 东洋界的种类有14种,占10.81%;

    14 species from Oriental region , constituting about 10.81 % of the total ;

  22. 其中,古北种41种,东洋种76种,广布种23种;

    Geographical distribution includes 41 palaearctic species , 76 oriental species and 23 cosmopolitan species ;

  23. 广布种5种,古北界种1种,东洋界19种。

    There were five cosmopolitan species , a palaeoarctic realm species and19 Oriental realm species .

  24. 本文对滇西北昆虫区系特征进行了分析。滇西北昆虫区系具有以下特点:古北区与东洋区种类过渡与交混明显;

    The present paper deals with the characteristics of insect fauna in northwestern Yunnan province .

  25. 东洋纺:新型无锑催化体系

    Toyobo : New Antimony Free Catalyst Systems

  26. 在针叶林群落中,东洋界和古北界的动物区系几乎各占半。

    In the coniferous forests , the oriental and the palearctic almost accounted for a half .

  27. 浈江源地鱼类区系与全北区东洋区分界线的划分

    Studies on Fish Fauna and Dividing Line of Holarctic and Oriental Regions in Upper Zhenjiang River

  28. 干旱河谷灌丛群落只有东洋界的物种分布,且仅有喜马拉雅&横断山型和东洋型两种分布型。

    Arid valley thickets exists the oriental species only , including Himalayan-Hengduan mountains type and oriental type .

  29. 支那史、东洋史教科书在中国近代教育史、史学史上应有一定的地位

    The history textbooks of China and Asia have certain positions in modern Chinese education history and historiography

  30. 从地理型分析,两栖动物和爬行动物均以东洋界种类为主,分别占种数的75.00%和77.78%。

    Both of the classes are abundant in Oriental species with 75.0 % and 77.78 % respectively .