
  1. 论当前中国经济发展战略模式选择

    The Selection of Strategic Model in China 's Economic Growth

  2. 陕西县域经济发展战略模式研究

    Study on the Strategic Model of Economic Development of Shaanxi County Region

  3. 产业结构理论研究表明:不同类型的产业结构状态实质上代表着不同的资源配置状态、不同的战略产业优选格局和不同的区域经济发展战略模式。

    The study of the theory of the industrial structure manifests that different types of industrial structure actually mean different resources distribution , different strategic industries optimization and different modal of regional economical development .

  4. 其次从区域经济发展战略模式出发,进一步分析了区域经济发展战略的制定,讨论了区域经济发展政策目标和手段,并就此分析了沿海地区与内陆地区区域经济政策。

    Next from the developmental strategy pattern of regional economy , it further analyzes the formulation of regional economy developmental strategy , discusses the development policy goals and the methods of regional economy , and analyzes the regional economy policy of coastal area and interior area in light of this .

  5. 制定区域经济发展的战略模式必须从当地实际情况出发。

    Establishing strategic mode of economic growth must accord with actual condition .

  6. 可持续发展作为一种新的发展观,已成为指导各国社会经济发展的战略模式。

    Being a new development conception , sustainable development has become a strategic pattern for the social and economic development of many countries in the world .

  7. 产业集群战略已经成为提升中小企业竞争力和促进区域经济发展的主流战略模式之一。

    Nowadays , industrial cluster strategy has already become one of the leading strategic models to enhance competitive power of the mid-small enterprises , and to accelerate regional economic growth .

  8. 最后从思想观念层面、组织结构层面和体制机制层面三个角度提出我省高等教育与区域经济协调发展的战略模式。

    Finally , the thesis brings forward strategic mode of harmonious development between Jiangxi higher education and regional economy in the points of ideology , organizational structure and institutional mechanism .

  9. 因此我们必须认清形势,采取有力措施来解决这个问题,具体有力措施诸如有政府应继续倡导、实施区域经济非均衡发展战略模式;

    Therefore we must recognize the pure situation , adopting the emollient measure to resolve this problem , concrete should initiate continuously such as the government , not balanced development in field of operation economy strategy mode ;

  10. 经济发展战略与经济体制模式的选择

    Economic Development Strategy and the Choice of Economic System Pattern

  11. 在此基础上,分析了实施循环经济发展战略对企业发展模式的影响,并指出钢铁企业循环经济的实现形式。

    On these bases , the thesis analyzed the impact of circular economy implementation on the enterprise development pattern , and pointed out the forms of circular economy in steel enterprises .