
  • 网络ECA;ANZTEC;SPARTECA;economic co-operation treaty
  1. 红三角区域政府间经济合作协议性质的法理分析

    The Jurisprudential Analysis on the Character of Red Triangle Regional Economic Cooperation Agreement

  2. 马英九希望,在此之后能与大陆达成广泛的经济合作协议。

    Mr Ma hopes later to move towards a comprehensive economic co-operation agreement with China .

  3. 海峡两岸《综合性经济合作协议》的法理思考

    Jurisprudential Thoughts about the " Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement " Between the Two Sides of Taiwan Strait

  4. 2002年11月,中国和东盟签署经济合作协议,标志着中国&东盟自由贸易区的正式启动。

    In Dec. 2002 , the signing of economic cooperation agreements between China and ASEAN symbolized the foundation of China-ASEAN Free Trade Area ( CAFTA ) .

  5. 双方政府代表以及来自私营部门的人士随后签署了一系列经济合作协议,总价值为15.4亿美元。

    Representatives from both governments , joined by members of the private sector , then signed a number of economic cooperation agreements valued at $ 1.54 billion .

  6. 踏上前往北京的飞机之前,内塔尼亚胡透露在访问期间将签署经济合作协议,同时其政府期望于7月份同中国达成自由贸易协定。

    his flight to Beijing , Netanyahu implicated on signing economic cooperation deals during his visit , as his government anticipates a Free Trade Agreement with China in July .

  7. 在当前两岸政治关系回暖的大好形势下,协调两岸的投资与贸易政策,签署两岸经济合作协议,建立两岸经济合作机制,是今后一段时间两岸官方要重点协商的议题。

    In the current warming cross-strait political relations , the coordination of cross-strait investment and trade policies , agreement signed by the establishment of cross-strait economic cooperation mechanism will be the future official cross-strait negotiations ' subject .

  8. 他承诺,将推动签定综合性经济合作协议,并表示:“我们愿意就两岸政治、军事问题进行协商,为结束敌对状态创造条件。”

    He pledged to facilitate the signing of a comprehensive agreement on economic co-operation , and said : " we are also ready to hold talks on cross-strait political and military issues and create conditions for ending the state of hostility . "

  9. 星期一双方就海峡两岸经济合作架构协议进行商谈,重点讨论了协议内容。双方定于6月举办高层磋商。

    Monday 's talks on the economic cooperation framework agreement focused on the content of the pact ahead of higher-level negotiations which are set to take place in june .

  10. 两岸自由贸易协定“经济合作框架协议”(ecfa)的签署,也一再遭到拖延。

    Signing of the cross-strait economic co-operation framework agreement , a free trade pact , has suffered repeated delays .

  11. 第二,加快两岸经济合作架构协议(ECFA)的磋商进程,推进海西经济区的建设。

    Second , promote the establishment of cross-strait economic cooperation framework agreement ( ECFA ) and the construction of western economy zone .

  12. 2002年11月4日双方签订《中国与东盟经济合作框架协议》,标志着中国与东盟建设10+1自由贸易区(FTA-FreeTradeArea)的计划进入正式实施阶段。

    The two sides signed the " China-ASEAN Framework Agreement on Economic Cooperation " on November 4 , 2002 , that marks the construction of China and ASEAN " 10 + 1 " Free Trade Area ( FTA-Free Trade Area ) plans to enter the formal implementation stage .

  13. 去年,双方签署了一份具有里程碑意义的贸易协议&两岸经济合作框架协议(ECFA)。根据该协议,两岸将互降关税,并开放市场。

    Last year , they signed a landmark trade deal , the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement ( Ecfa ), which lowers tariffs and opens up markets on both sides of the Strait .

  14. 2001年,中国和东盟十国一致同意在十年内建立中国&东盟自由贸易区(CAFTA),并于2002年11月正式签署了《中国与东盟全面经济合作框架协议》。

    In 2001 , China and ten ASEAN countries agreed to establish China - ASEAN Free Trade Area ( CAFTA ) in ten years , and signed a framework agreement of China - ASEAN overall economic cooperation in November 2002 .

  15. 而最重要的议项允许两岸银行互相参股则转列为将于下月敲定的两岸“经济合作框架协议”(ecfa)的议程。

    The most significant prize allowing banks to take equity stakes in each other has been passed off to a separate economic co-operation framework agreement ( ECFA ) , to be hammered out next month .

  16. 不过,台湾政府最快在明年就与北京方面签署两岸经济合作架构协议(ECFA)的计划,引发了激烈辩论。ECFA将使一部分台湾和大陆企业更容易进入对方的市场。

    However , the government 's plan to sign a proposed economic co - operation framework agreement with Beijing as early as next year , which would make it easier for some Taiwan and mainland businesses to enter each other 's market , has stirred fierce debate .

  17. 今年7月1日正式开始实施的《中国-东盟全面经济合作框架协议货物贸易协议》,则标志着中国-东盟自由贸易区建设的全面启动和进入具体实施阶段。

    On July 1,2005 , began to carry out , which symbolized complete start-up of CAFTA and reaching practical stage .

  18. 第二,两岸贸易以中小企业为主,《两岸经济合作框架协议》的实施将进一步促进两岸中小企业贸易。

    Secondly , the implementation of the " Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement " will promote the role of SMEs in cross-strait trade .

  19. 双方曾达成共识,着力完成四年前签署的两岸经济合作框架协议的后续协议商谈。

    They 've also agreed to try to create more follow-up agreements to the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement signed four years ago .

  20. 2002年11月中国和东盟领导人签署《中国与东盟全面经济合作框架协议》,标志着中国-东盟区域经济合作步入区域经济一体化进程。

    On Nov. , 2002 , the leaders of China and ASEAN assigned , symbolizing the beginning of regional economy integration between China and ASEAN .

  21. 《中华人民共和国与东南亚国家联盟全面经济合作框架协议》致力于中国与东盟之间建立全面的经济合作关系。

    The Agreement of Overall Cooperation between People 's republic of China and ASEAN is aimed to the constructing the overall economic relationship between China and ASEAN .

  22. 我们曾是第一个开始建立自由贸易领域进程的,并且中国和东盟已经签署了全面经济合作框架协议。

    We were the first to start the process of establishing a free trade area and have signed the Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Economic Cooperation between China and ASEAN .

  23. 论《中国&东盟全面经济合作框架协议争端解决机制协议》

    Study on " Agreement on Dispute Settlement Mechanism of the Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Economic Co-operation between the People s Republic of China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations ";

  24. 而2002年11月4日中国与东盟国家《中国与东盟全面经济合作框架协议》的签署,更是标志着中国与东盟之间的经贸合作进入了一个新的阶段。

    On November 4,2002 , the subscription of the Framework Agreement on China-ASEAN Comprehensive Economic Cooperation signed the economic and trade cooperation between China and ASEAN entered into a new stage .

  25. 2002年11月,双方签署《中国-东盟全面经济合作框架协议》,正式启动建立中国-东盟自由贸易区的进程。

    And , in the November of 2002 , the Framework Agreement on China-ASEAN Comprehensive Economic Co-operation was signed between China and ASEAN , indicating the start-up of building the China-ASEAN FTA .

  26. 2002年11月4日,中国和东盟在柬埔寨首都金边正式签署全面经济合作框架协议。

    On November 4 , 2002 , China signed the frame agreement of overall economic cooperation with Association of South-east Asian Nations ( ASEAN ) formally in Phnom Pen , capital of Kampuchea .

  27. 第五,两岸贸易中企业异质性水平低,《两岸经济合作框架协议》的实施将进一步提高两岸贸易中扩展边际的作用。

    Fifthly , compared with other studies , enterprises in the cross-strait trade have low level heterogeneity . The implementation of the " Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement " will further enhance the role of extensive margin .

  28. 2002年11月双方在柬埔寨首都金边签署了《中国东盟全面经济合作框架协议》,勾勒出中国东盟广泛的经济合作领域,从而确定了中国东盟自由贸易区的基本架构。

    In November 2002 , the political leaders of China and ASEAN signed the Framework Agreement on ASEAN-China Comprehensive Economic Cooperation , which outlined the broad area of economic cooperation between them and guaranteed its basic framework .

  29. 根据《中国-东盟全面经济合作框架协议》,中国-东盟五大重点合作领域即农业、信息通信技术、人力资源开发、湄公河开发和相互投资。

    According to the " Framework Agreement on CAFTA Comprehensive Economic Cooperation ", agriculture , human resource development , IT , the development of MeKong River Basin , and mutual investment have been identified as five key cooperation areas .

  30. 2002年11月,中国和东盟领导人正式签署了《中国东盟全面经济合作框架协议》,这标志着中国东盟自由贸易区的建设正式启动。

    On November 2002 , China and ASEAN signed the " Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Economic Cooperation between China and ASEAN " in Kampuchea , which marked that CAFTA ( China and ASEAN Free Trade Area ) was started formally .