
  1. 面对沿海经济开放区,优惠的政策,良好的环境,难道你不动心吗?

    Seeing the coastal open region with preferential policies and good environment , how can you resist the temptation ?

  2. 山东半岛经济开放区城市目前已成为外商投资的重点地区。

    In recent years , the economic open cities in Shandong Peninsula have become the main areas for foreign investors to invest .

  3. 本文探讨了沿海经济开放区大气环境容量和规划研究的方法。

    The methods for research on the atmospheric environmental capacity and planning in economic opening zone in coastal area are approached and discussed through the case study of Dongguan city .

  4. 苏州工业园区具有十分优越的区位优势,它地处长江三角洲中心腹地,位于中国沿海经济开放区与长江经济发展带的交汇处,距上海仅80公里。

    Strategically located in the heart of the Yangtze River Delta , Suzhou Industrial Park ( SIP ), 80km from Shanghai , is at the forefront of China 's open-up and economic development .

  5. 1988年,被国家列入沿海经济开放区,它是中国沿海经济开放区和长江三角洲地区先行规划和开发的城市之一。

    In 1988 , it was listed as the coastal economic opening area , which is one of the pioneering cities in the Changjiang Delta area . Zhoushan is in possession of three advantages of fishing , port and travel .

  6. 因此,我们应采取战略性调控措施,推进区域经济开放和区际利益的整合。

    Therefore , some strategic measures should be taken to promote the opening of regional economy and the integration of regional interests .

  7. 区域城市化带有古典城市化的特征,“老板进城效应”突出;区域经济二重开放取先区际化后国际化的演进路径。

    The urbanization of the provincial region features with the " effects of urban-biased migration of bosses ", which is quite similar to that of England in18th and early19th century .

  8. 广州经济发展与珠江三角洲经济开放区的关系

    The relation between guangzhou 's economic development and the Zhujiang Delta economic open region