
  1. 经济学视野下的经济违法行为成因探析

    On the Cause of Formation of Economic Illegal Behavior in View of Economy

  2. 司法会计检查原始凭证是打击经济违法犯罪活动的重要手段。

    Judicial accounting examination on original receipt is an essential means for smashing economic offense .

  3. 因此,作者在此基础上提出了经济违法行为犯罪化的原则和路径模式;

    As a conclusion , it proposes the principles and mode of criminalization of economic offences .

  4. 第二层是行政垄断是一种兼具经济违法与行政违法双重违法属性的竞合违法行为;

    The second is the administrative monopoly is one concurrently economy illegal dual illegal attribute competes with the administration gathers the illegal activity ;

  5. 依法查处了一大批经济违法案件,惩治了严重破坏市场秩序的犯罪分子。

    A large number of economic crimes were dealt with in accordance with the law , and criminals found to have seriously undermined the market order were punished .

  6. 近年来高校财会人员涉及的经济违法案件显著增加,会计职业成为相对高风险的职业。

    In recent years there is an increased cases of financial crimes related to accountants who work in colleges and universities , making accountant a profession of high risk .

  7. 经济犯罪违法性问题研究

    Research on the Illegitimacy of Economic Crimes

  8. 首先,我想一般性地探讨市场经济与违法犯罪现象的关系。

    First , the relationship between market economy and illegalities and crimes is discussed in the general sense .

  9. 大部分经济领域的违法犯罪活动是从原始凭证开始的。

    Most criminal offenses in economic field begin with original receipt .

  10. 世界经济充满了违法和草率的行为,众多避税天堂和不受监管的地区迎合了全球流动资本的贪欲。

    The world economy is rife with lawlessness and recklessness , with tax havens and regulation-free zones catering to the avarice of globally mobile capital .

  11. 保险欺诈是经济欺诈这种违法现象中的一类,它既具有经济欺诈的共性,又具有保险关系的射幸性,且涉及到信息经济学原理,因而保险欺诈也具有相当的特殊性。

    Insurance fraud is only one of these economical frauds , and it has quite a lot of peculiarity on account of its similarity to other economical frauds , and it is related with informational knowledge .

  12. 行政性垄断是指行政机关以及其他受权行使行政管理权的社会组织滥用行政权力排斥、限制竞争,破坏市场经济秩序的违法行为。

    The administrative monopolization means that the administrations and other social organizations which are authorized by the administrative departments abuse the executive power to ostracize and limit the competition and to destroy the market economy system .

  13. 笔者将会计舞弊这一古老而深刻的论题再次提出,研究的立足点是将这一经济行为界定在违法的层面上。

    The author 's talking about the ancient and profound subject of accounting fraud again , is to define such economic behavior to be illegal .

  14. 我国经济、立法、违法犯罪都在高速增长,说明我国法治存在重大偏差。

    Our country economic legislation , law-violations and crime increase by all in high speed , explain that our country there exists significant deviation in rule by law .

  15. 经济刑法作为规制、打击经济违法犯罪行为的最后手段,需要而且必须完成其使命。

    Regulation of the Penal Code as the economy and crack down on economic crimes of last resort need to be and must complete its mission .

  16. 经济法律责任在性质上应当与经济违法行为相适应,是制裁性与补偿性的有机统一。

    Economic legal liability should be suitable for the economic illegal activities on nature , it is the combination of punishment and compensation .

  17. 在经济领域,传销是一种带有欺骗性的经济违法行为,严重侵害了公民的财产权利。

    In the economic sphere , pyramid selling is a deceptive economic illegal behavior , serious infringement of the property rights of citizens .

  18. 会计监督是加强经济管理,严肃财经纪律,预防和惩治经济违法犯罪,遏制腐败滋生蔓延的重要手段。

    Accounting supervision is a chief means of strengthening the economic management , enforcing the economic discipline , preventing and punishing the crimes and arresting the spread of corruption .

  19. 当前,我国经济法存在着较大的可诉性缺陷,导致经济违法行难以受到制裁,社会公共利益难以得到保护。

    Currently , there are some deficiencies in the law of economics in our country , which makes it hard to punish the economical illegal behaviors and to protect the social public interests .

  20. 行政执法作为工商行政管理机关一项重要职能在保障经济秩序稳定、经济健康发展,打击损害、扰乱经济秩序违法行为方面起到了重要作用。

    The administrative law enforcement is a major function of the industry and commerce administration authorities . It plays an important role in maintaining a sustained , rapid and sound development of the economic and straightening out the economic order .

  21. 同时,经济犯罪与财产犯罪不可混为一谈,并要注意对经济犯罪违法结构的分析。

    In the meanwhile , economic crime can 't be mixed with crime against property , so great efforts should be made into analyzing the structure of economic crime .

  22. 经济法律关系的主体分为国家和具有一定经济功能的个体,参与经济活动的任何主体的经济违法行为,都同时损害了社会整体利益与某一个体的经济利益。

    Subject of economic legal relation is composed of state and individuals with certain economic functions . The illegal economic acts committed by any subjects who participate in economic activities may invade the interests of the whole society and some individual 's economic interests at the same time .