- 名statistician

(1) [statist]∶收集统计资料的人
(2) [statistician] ∶从事汇编统计学的人员
Basketball Statistician Help Wanted
Bassett , a New York City statistician , had just finished answering a few character questions when the interviewer turned to her computer to search for his Facebook page . But she couldn 't see his private profile .
Postcodes will be entered into the statisticians ' computers
Now James advises the club on baseball matters : " Should we sign this player ? Should we use this player in this way ? " James has also helped statisticians from Henry 's English football club , Liverpool ..
James says , " The analytic revolution hit in baseball before it did in finance , for example , and that made baseball sort of a paradigm of how this works . " It 's no accident that today 's leading political number-cruncher , Nate Silver , began as a baseball statistician .
I have been an actuary with Guangzhou People 's insurance .
Meet Sir Cecil Thistlethwaite , the celebrated theological statistician .
For example , statisticians have a math importance rating of 97 .
Conference of Asian Statisticians of ECAFE Financial Accounting Standards Board
The premium is worked out according to actuarial calculation .
European Training Centre for Developing Country Economic Statisticians
Sarah used to teach psychology , but now she is a corporate statistician .
The following day , an epidemiological survey was carried out by trained survey statisticians .
This " bad statistician " is arguably the father of today 's analytics revolution .
Knowing how rapidly your insurance business is growing , I beg to ask if you are wanting an actuary .
Statisticians who understand data and can use it to forecast trends and behavior will do especially well , she says .
Washington 's official number-crunchers , such as the Congressional Budget Office , predict that labour-force growth will slow down , but not that dramatically .
Government statisticians also revised data for the previous year and found that at year-end there were 266000 more jobs than had previously been thought .
I have been an actuary with Zhuhai People 's Insurance for over three years . I have had three years of varied experience in insurance .
It 's clear that the bean counters and the number crunchers don 't have a clue about what 's going on in the real world .
Sept.1996 , Statistician Zhang Lijun , Food Company of the Ling Yuan City of Liaoning Province , cut the wrist when practicing but failed to die.On17 Sept.
The Statistics Institute in charge at the subordinate agencies of all levels of the government is the statistics department , statistics office or the statistics personnel in charge .
If there is a vacancy in your agency and you feel that I am suited for the job , please inform me of the time convenient for an interview .
Wang Jiaowei collects rural economic data for the local statistics station in Maidian , a town on China 's eastern seaboard famed for its giant cabbages and black pigs .
He says , " My skill was seeing new things that people weren 't measuring but that we could measure . " In short , the bad statistician had imagination .
He adds , " I 'm also a very bad statistician . I 'm sloppy , I 'm impatient , I make mistakes and I don 't care about them . "
The administrative structure with regard to statistics institutions of local people 's governments at or above the county level and statisticians of townships and towns shall be specifically prescribed by the state council .
The criticism has prompted the NBS to launch a campaign last week , entitled " statistical feelings : we have walked together celebrating the 60th anniversary of the founding of new China , " to boost confidence among statisticians .
When the agency used statistics derived from this survey in a formal rulemaking to set minimum wages for government contractors in the industry , it made available for cross-examination the statistician who had tabulated the figures from the questionnaires .