
  • 网络statistical data analysis;analyzing statistics
  1. 每次课堂间亦讨论统计资料分析、时序分析与误差估计。

    Statistical data analysis , time series analysis , and error estimation will be discussed in the context of each lab.

  2. 文献研究包括内容分析、现存统计资料分析,分析的对象有国家统计数据、国家义务教育政策、义务教育课程表、义务教育教科书和义务教育学校规范。

    The literature research including content analysis , the existing statistical data analysis , the object of analysis has a national statistical data , national compulsory education policy , compulsory education curriculum and compulsory education school textbooks .

  3. 结果:住院糖尿病病人中DPN的发生率为60.2%,其中1型糖尿病中发生率38.1%,2型糖尿病中发生率62.8%。华西医院1955年~2002年住院糖尿病病人的统计资料分析

    Results The prevalence of DPN in admitted diabetic patients was 60.2 % . Statistics on the Hospitalizations for Diabetes as Any-listed Diagnosis in West China Hospital , 1955-2002

  4. 利用1988和2000年的Landsat-TM数据,在GIS技术支持下,通过一系列空间分析,得到渤海海岸带土地利用/土地覆盖变化,结合社会经济统计资料分析该区域生态环境的动态变化情况及其驱动因素。

    Based on the Landsat-TM data in 1988 and 2000 , by using RS and GIS techniques , and taking reference of related social-economic data , this paper studied the changes of land use and land cover in Bohai coastal area , their driving factors , and effects on eco-environment .

  5. 临床统计资料分析的可比性

    The comparability of the statistical analysis of clinical data

  6. 第三部分根据最新统计资料分析了现阶段我国私募基金的发展状况。

    And the development situation of private-raised fund in China is analyzed in the next Chapter .

  7. 在统计资料分析的基础上,研究了连云港市近岸海域的主要海洋灾害。

    Based on the statistic material , the marine disasters of Lianyungang Coastal area are studied .

  8. 通过对祁东煤矿勘探钻孔统计资料分析,研究了岩浆侵入煤层的主要特征。

    Based on the statistics of exploratory boring data , the main characters are researched on magmatic intrusion in Qidong coalmine .

  9. 中医学名词术语的多义性及其标准化&从一组统计资料分析展开

    Multiple Meanings of the Term of TCM and Its Standardization : An Analysis on the Basis of an Amount of Statistical Data

  10. 本文通过对有关计量器具检定量的统计资料分析,在计算机上开发了用于预测计量器具检定量的数学模型。

    On the basis of analysing of statistical data , we developed a mathematical model to forecast the quantity of examining measurement utensils on the computer .

  11. 根据多年统计资料分析了该区土地利用变化情况,包括土地利用数量变化,空间变化,利用程度及效益变化,质量变化。最后,初步分析了影响该区土地利用的影响因素。

    After introducing the regional natural characteristics related to land use , the land quantity and its change , spatial change and the level and benefit of change are analyzed .

  12. 文章以农业产业化起步较早的山东省龙口市为案例,通过生产调查和统计资料分析,对该问题做了初步研究。

    Based on the agricultural household survey and statistic date in Longkou city of Shandong province , this paper analyzed the effects of agricultural industrialization on farmer 's income and agricultural household behavior .

  13. 据统计资料分析,船舶撞墩毁桥事件已经成为桥梁工程界面临的尖锐问题。

    According to the analysis of the statistical data , the incident of the vessel knocking into the mound and destroying the bridge already becomes the sharp problem that the circle of bridge engineering faced .

  14. 从所有制角度对统计资料分析,说明我国在过去十几年的技改投资中存在的技改投资总量不足、绩效不高等现象。

    From the viewpoint of ownership system , in the past ten several year 's technical transformation investment , statistical analysis is made to explain such phenomena , as gross insufficiency and lower performance of investment .

  15. 方法围绕平、战创伤死亡统计资料分析战伤、平时创伤死亡与时间的关系;针对重点死亡高峰确定急救时间窗。

    Methods To analyse the relationship between time and war wound or trauma death based on the statistical data of those wounds , then to define the time window of first aid aiming at the peak value of death .

  16. 根据兴国县和岳西县三个时相的土壤侵蚀动态监测图和调查统计资料分析表明,建国以来南方山地丘陵区土壤侵蚀的动态变化,基本上呈抛物线形发展态势;

    Analytical results based on the dynamic monitoring maps of soil erosion at three historical periods and the investigation and statistic data from Xingguo and Yuexi counties showed a parabolical type change of soil erosion in the mountainous and hilly areas of south China .

  17. 通过我国甲级男子篮球两年联赛技术统计资料分析表明:联赛的技术水平有明显提高,其发展变化符合现代篮球运动的发展趋势。

    By analysing the technical data from men 's basketball major league in recent two years , the paper indicates that the technical levels of the league have an obvious improvement and the changes are keeping with the developing tendency of the modern basketball .

  18. 本文根据台湾海峡区域常年波浪统计资料分析,提出了适合海峡高速渡船航线的选型基本条件,并据此对高速高耐波性的船型进行了综合比较。

    Based on an analysis of the statistical wave data of the Taiwan Straits , the paper proposed the principal requirements on the high-speed ferries for this Straits and made on this base a comprehensive comparison to various ship types in terms of high speed and high sea keeping performance .

  19. 方法使用EXCEL对2004年4月1~30日甲乙类传染病网络直报统计资料进行分析。

    Methods Excel was used to analyze the filling quality of report cards related to type A and B infectious diseases for patients diagnosed in April of 2004 and network direct report system .

  20. 本文根据由日本NEC引进的NSV-85人集中监视装置,近年来对北京到武汉的PCM数字微波系统监视所获得的统计资料,分析和计算不同CT下丢失信息的概率。

    This paper analyzes and calculates the probability of missing infor - mation with different C_T according to the statistical data obtained from NSV-85A centralized supervisory equipment ( NEC product ) employed in supervising a PCM digital microwave system in china .

  21. 利用19851995和2000年LANDSATTM数据和相关统计资料,分析了长江三角洲近15年来土地利用变化及驱动因子。

    Based on the Landsat TM data ( 1985,1995 and 2000 ) and other correlative statistic data , the paper focuses on the research of the land use change and driving forces in the Yangtze River Delta during the past 15 years .

  22. 利用1971&2000年NCEP再分析资料和中央气象台提供的我国强冷空气过程统计资料,分析了近30年冬半年北极区及中高纬度地区大气环流形势的气候变化以及对中国强冷事件的影响。

    Based on the NCEP reanalysis data and the cold air outburst processes in each year provided by Central Meteorological Observatory ( CMO ) in 1971-2000 , the climate changes of Arctic atmospheric circulation feature and its effect on strong cold events in China are studied .

  23. 本文根据四川航空股份有限公司提供的2006年航线QAR资料以及当年的卫星云图资料,采用数理统计和资料分析的方法,对高原航线飞机颠簸规律以及与云状关系进行了分析。

    This thesis analyzes the law of turbulence on plateau route and its relationship with the shape of clouds , using method of theoretical research and data analysis , according to the QAR data on route and satellite images in 2006 from Sichuan Airlines .

  24. 推求暴雨强度公式的统计资料年限分析

    Analysis of Statistical Data Years for Storm Intensity Calculation Formula

  25. 本文阐述了水资源承载力的概念、特性及影响因素,根据北京市各县区的统计资料,分析了北京市自上个世纪80年代以来水资源承载力变化的总体趋势和驱动因子。

    Firstly , the characteristics and influence factor of water resources bearing capacity are analyzed in this paper .

  26. 本文列举了结构面力学行为中普遍存在的尺寸效应现象,并由实测统计资料的分析,论证了结构面力学行为的尺寸效应具有分形结构。

    After analysis of the statistics obtained from observation , we take mechanical behaviour scale effects as a fractal body .

  27. 在宏观层面上,运用第五次人口普查数据和相关统计资料进行分析,在微观层面上运用问卷调查、访谈等方法对宏观行为进行验证。

    Macro-analysis is based on the 5th census and relation data , and microanalysis is based on questionnaire and interview .

  28. 根据辽宁省海洋渔业资源调查与统计资料,分析了辽宁省近海渔业资源结构。

    Based on marine fishery resources investigation and fishery statistics data in Liaoning province , an analysis of the structure of offshore fishery resources was made .

  29. 根据野外调查和统计资料,分析了上述变化的原因及其对农业生态安全的影响,提出了相应的土壤资源持续利用措施。

    The reasons of changes were analyzed based on the field investigation and statistics , and the countermeasures to sustainable usage of soil resource were also put forward .

  30. 根据西安市1991~2004年建设用地数据的统计资料,分析了西安市14年间土地数量和用地类型扩展的特点与规律。

    Firstly , according to the statistics data of construction land in Xi'an between 1991 and 2004 , the land quantity and the expansion of construction land are analyzed .